Chapter 471
Accompanied by Bi Zhongliang and Wang Manchun, Qi Rui interrogated Wang Guixiang again and drew a portrait. Sister Xia had already told Qi Rui with her lips that the person in the painting was a traitor lurking in the underground party in Wuhan. An important person in charge of the area just took advantage of this opportunity to get rid of him.

Leaving the Secret Service Headquarters, Qi Rui drove straight to the outskirts of the city. After searching all night, he found an underground printing factory at a known location. He didn't see anyone here, but only found a manual printing machine and some waste publications.

Qi Rui asked Song Jian and Tang Rui to lie in ambush for a day and a night, but no one was found, so he reported the matter to Yingzuo Zhenzhao.

Kagezuo Shousaki asked Kuaike Shunsuke to continue sending people to ambush near the printing factory, and asked, "Kaike, what are your plans next?"

"General, I plan to go to Wuhan and Hefei to hunt down the prime minister!" After Qi Rui finished speaking, he took out the portrait,
Yingzuo Zhenzhao saw the portrait and said, "Are you really planning to go to Wuhan?"

"Yes, since we have clues about the prime minister, we must investigate to the end! General! I will definitely get rid of this important figure, the Communist Party!"

"Jiuchi, it's best to capture him alive!"


"How are you going to go?"

"General! I will go secretly. I asked Wang Guixiang for the contact code of the Communist Party. I just don't know if this code can be used in Wuhan. I plan to try it."

"Jiuchi, I believe in your ability, this time you must succeed!"

"I will definitely live up to the general's expectations!"

Qi Rui told Fu Yingxue what had happened in the past two days after returning home. Fu Yingxue was also deeply saddened to learn that Comrade Chancellor was arrested and six comrades died, but she wiped away her tears and asked: "Are you going to Wuhan to fight rape? "

"This is a mission given to me by Sister Xia, just to send Liang Botao and Chen Zhenru away." Qi Rui said,
"Are you sending them away in person?" Sending them off in person is tantamount to revealing their identities. Fu Yingxue asked 1 people who disagreed.

"Xue'er, now we have to send them away in person, otherwise they will be unable to move a single step, but don't worry, I have already figured out a way, we will not expose it."

"Then I'll go with you too."

"You still have to come with me this time."

"when are we leaving?"

"I have asked Zhuang Xiaoman to hire a transport plane with a lot of money, and we will fly directly to Wuhan with people, and let Song Jian lead the team to Wuhan by boat." Qi Rui said,
"It's good to be a transport plane. You won't encounter various checkpoints along the way, which saves a lot of trouble." Fu Yingxue agreed,
"Because Ken Matsushita personally led the team to find Liang and Chen. This is the safest method I can think of."

"Then Zhuang Xiaoman is going too?"

"I asked her to open a branch office in Wuhan, she must go with me, Xueer, I'm sorry." Qi Rui actually wanted to apologize to Fu Yingxue about Zhuang Xiaoman, but he couldn't open his mouth.

"Qi Rui, you don't have to say I'm sorry. I didn't mean to blame you. You can't go to Zhuang Xiaoman's place once or twice a month. I understand her difficulties better. People like us can't care about these things, but on the surface We still need to act, women, it's normal to be jealous because of men." Fu Yingxue said with a smile,
"Thank you, Cher, I really can't help myself."

"How can we who work underground don't understand these things?"

"Thank you!"

Zhuang Xiaoman is now the big boss, and this time he packed a transport plane with some samples of goods. Liang Botao and Chen Zhenru pretended to be Zhuang Xiaoman's attendants, and Qi Rui was only surrounded by Aoyama Masami and Tozawa Yuta (Tan Lin).

"Mr. Jiuchi, if I open another branch in Wuhan, I'm afraid I'll be too busy!" Zhuang Xiaoman said to Qi Rui, who was deliberately flamboyant on the plane,
"Hire people if you're too busy! I think you brought two people there, or are you looking for candidates?" Qi Rui asked,

"Jiuchi-kun is still smart, but this time I am testing them to see if they are competent for the management of the branch."

"You recruited them?"

"It was introduced by a friend. Let's take a look when the time comes, Mr. Jiuchi, I found that you are really greedy."

"Haha, Ms. Zhuang has worked hard, who would think that there is too much money?"

"Xiaoman, I am willing to serve Jiuchi-kun!"

"Hmph!" Fu Yingxue hummed softly.
"This is Ms. Masami, she's so beautiful! Mr. Jiuchi is really blessed!" Zhuang Xiaoman always thought that Masami Aoyama was Japanese, and she was always sticking to brother Jiu like a dog's skin plaster, so what she said was yin and yang,

"She wants to visit Wuhan, Miss Zhuang, don't mind."

Tan Lin carefully observed Liang Botao and Chen Zhenru, because he had learned makeup skills and could tell at a glance that they were wearing makeup, and the makeup skills were not bad.

"Curator, there is a problem with those two people." Tan Lin pulled Qi Rui aside and said in a low voice,
"Miss Zhuang is our own, we don't care about the people she brings." Qi Rui said,
The plane was very fast, and arrived at Hankou Airport in Wuhan in a few hours. Liang Botao and Chen Zhenru were relatively safe when they arrived here, because they were already out of the No.13 military area, and their photos would not be everywhere.

Zhuang Xiaoman took the two of them to attend to her affairs first, while Qi Rui took Fu Yingxue and Tan Lin to Wuhan Special High School, first greeted the special high school head here, and then found a hotel to stay. Down.

"Brother Jiu, what are we doing in Wuhan this time?" Tan Lin asked,

"There seems to be a Communist Party code-named prime minister in Wuhan. Let's look for it. This is the task given by Mei's agency."

"Do you need me to do anything?"

"Just get ready to go to the pier and pick up Song Jian, and we'll talk about other things after they arrive." Qi Rui still needs to make some arrangements. Tan Lin is from Chongqing, and he has nothing to do with the Communist Party. Good impression.

The boat ride must be slow, and it will take at least two days to arrive. Tan Lin went to his room to wait for orders. Qi Rui said to Fu Yingxue: "Contact the organization, report our mission this time, and tell Liang and Chen that they are already in Wuhan. Let reliable comrades Take them away."

"I'll go now."

"Xue'er, Huang Bolun has secretly colluded with the devils now, saying that he is the prime minister, it is impossible for the devils to believe him, so the organization must make a plan, otherwise the comrades of the prime minister will hang up." Qi Rui urged,

"I know!"

"I'll go to Zhuang Xiaoman and see how the military commander arranges it."

"Qi Rui, does the military commander know about Liang and Chen?"

"Shouldn't know, Xiaoman doesn't know who they are, just follow my orders, she won't report this to the military command, but the military command will send two people to manage the Jiuchi foreign branch according to her request."

"Isn't this a bit dangerous?"

"Don't worry, this is related to Dai's interests, he will definitely send the most trusted person over, otherwise we will not participate in foreign affairs."

(End of this chapter)

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