Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 478 How Do You Know Everything! ?

Chapter 478 How Do You Know Everything! ?
Wang Wenyuan took a closer look at Jing Yun and didn't recognize him, and asked in surprise, "You know me?"

"It's also the first time I see you, but I know you must be the one who followed Fang Tianyi, am I right?" Jing Yun asked with a smile,

"He said he was Jing Yun, captain of Dingshan Lake martial arts team, have you heard of it?" Fang Tianyi asked Wang Wenyuan,

Wang Wenyuan shook his head: "Dingshan Lake Martial Arts Team! I haven't heard of it?"

"I've heard of you! Southern Anhui Detachment Black Fox Commando, captain Fang Tianyi, staff officer Wang Wenyuan."

Fang Tianyi and Wang Wenyuan looked at each other, what Jing Yun said was not bad at all, but the Southern Anhui Detachment of his Black Fox Commando didn't know the current situation, how did this person know, Fang Tianyi and Wang Wenyuan who were full of suspicion wanted to know more. Some followed Jing Yun to the French Concession.

"Tianyi!" Oshima Yumi exclaimed when she saw Fang Tianyi,
"Sister-in-law!" Fang Tianyi looked at Zhou Daliang, Li Nancheng, Cao Meng and others vigilantly when he saw the safe and sound Oshima Yumi.

Jing Yun smiled and said: "Don't worry, here are all comrades of my martial arts team. You bombed Hongkou Airport early this morning, and our chief praised you!" Jing Yun praised,
"How do you know this?" Fang Tianyi asked even more strangely,
"You don't need to worry about how we know, anyway, you just need to remember that we are our own people."

"It turned out to be the Black Fox Commando. I've heard of you! Captain Fang really deserves his reputation!" Zhou Daliang and the others said after staying in the Wannan Detachment for a while,
Fang Tianyi basically has no doubts about Jing Yun and the others now, he glanced at Oshima Yumi and asked: "Captain Jing, you said there was a traitor before, who is it?"

"This man's name is Tieli. He used to be Comrade Oshima Yumi's superior. After the rebellion, he first defected to the Central Committee and now he defected to the devils. Comrade Oshima should be very clear." Jing Yun said,
Oshima Yumi nodded to Fang Tianyi and said: "This Tieli was indeed my superior before, but later he became a traitor and joined the Central Command. I didn't expect him to be a traitor again! Damn it!"

After hearing this, Fang Tianyi said angrily: "Is this bastard in the Sakata Secret Service? I'll kill him!"

"Comrade Black Fox, this traitor's superior asked us to come to the martial arts team to execute. The chief has given you a task. Tomorrow, you go to the Sakata Office for a careful stroll, and then immediately go to the Chinese Communist Party. The leader there is now a devil spy. Ye Shan, the chief wants you to get rid of him, because he is motivating members of the Gongjinhui to attack the guerrillas, military commanders, central commanders and other anti-Japanese armed forces."

"Ye Shan!?" Fang Tianyi is really familiar with this name, and has long felt that there is something wrong with this person.
Qi Rui told Jing Yun all the story of the black fox, Ye Shan must be killed, and the medicine will be prepared for Fang Tianyi, so that Luo Bin will escort Oshima Yumi to leave Shanghai according to the plot, but kill Tieli and Matsumoto Masako by the martial arts team To be done.

"Yes! You should know about this Japanese spy. He must be dealt with. He is not the only spy of the Gongjinhui. Whoever sneaks away will be suspected. Let the Gongjinhui definitely keep an eye on it. There is a secret room in the hall master's bedroom. The second child and the seventh child of the Co-Progression Association are all locked in there. It is very likely that you will meet Luo Bin at that time. He is one of your own. You tell him to hand over the anti-rape operation to our martial arts team and ask him to come here to escort Oshima Yumi Comrade, leave Shanghai."

"How do you know all this?" Fang Tianyi asked strangely,
Jing Yun didn't know how his eldest brother Qi Rui knew this, and said, "This is what our chief asked me to tell you."

"Chief! May I know who he is?"

"That's definitely not possible, our chief said, maybe he will appear in front of you soon." Jing Yun laughed,
"Can your martial arts team get me some medicine for the red wound? It's best to be penicillin." Fang Tianyi asked,
"It's ready for you!" Qi Rui called and asked Tang Ling to come over in person to deliver the medicine. Jing Yun gave Fang Tianyi a box of medicine, gauze, penicillin, Yunnan Baiyao and so on.

"Is this what your chief ordered you to prepare?" Fang Tianyi and Wang Wenyuan asked in shock,
"Of course, you went to Comrade Oshima for medicine!"

"You all know this!?"

"Our chief should be clever! Hahaha... just kidding." After Jing Yun finished speaking, he laughed again.
"Comrade Jing Yun, can we go to the meeting now?" Fang Tianyi asked,
"It's best not to go now. If the chief tells you to go tomorrow, you can go tomorrow, because you want to expose Ye Shan's true face in front of all the brothers of the Gongjinhui. He will definitely have a certificate on him. It is very easy to prove his identity."

"Okay! I'll listen to the chief!" Fang Tianyi said,

At this time, Qi Rui had already met Matsushita Jian, and learned about the situation of the Black Fox Commando from him, and asked, "Master Matsushita came to Shanghai to track down Fang Tianyi?"

"I heard that he has some relationship in Shanghai. I wanted to see if I could find his relatives, but it's a pity." Matsushita Ken said,

"Master Matsushita, the black fox commandos usually appear in those places. I will disguise myself as a resistance force and approach them! Then wait for the opportunity to catch them all."

"Oh! Did General Kagezuo agree?" Ken Matsushita asked in surprise.

"Yes, the general said that Hongkou Airport was bombed by them."

"Baga, Fang Tianyi, they still came to Shanghai!" Jian Matsushita said angrily,

"Master Matsushita, you said they are in Shanghai now?"

"I'm not sure about this yet. I'll ask Captain Asada immediately. Nakasa Hisaike, please wait for my news." Ken Matsushita hurriedly put on his coat,
"Okay, I need definite information, please, Colonel Matsushita!"

Before Qi Rui went home, he called Jing Yun. He was relieved when he heard that everything was going well. He went home and explained the situation to Fu Yingxue.

"You take Song Jian and Tang Rui with them? Then what do you do!"

"It was Ying Zuo Zhenzhao who asked them to act with me by name. I won't be able to explain it if I don't take them with me."

"Qi Rui, I'm very surprised. Since they are such a big threat, why don't they get rid of them?" Fu Yingxue asked,
"Xue'er, I seem to have explained to you before that they are all Chinese, but they were taken away by the devils for training since they were young. In fact, they hate the Japanese in their hearts. If the two of them can be transformed into us People, that would be of great help to us."

Qi Rui now finds that transforming Song Jian and Tang Rui is the most difficult S-level task he has received so far. He intends to find a way to test them this time, because these two people really can't delay any longer.

"I know this, but it's been almost two years, have they changed?" Fu Yingxue asked,
"There must be changes. What we need to do next is to make them only loyal to me. I think this is almost done." Qi Rui said,
"What is my mission this time?"

"Xue'er, stay here and wait for my message this time. We have stored some weapons and equipment, and we may need you to contact and send them to the designated place."

(End of this chapter)

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