Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 480 Jingyun's girlfriend?

Chapter 480 Jingyun's girlfriend?
After running for more than 30 minutes, Qi Rui and the others brought four lake bandits to the lake to find the boat hidden in the reeds.

"Three heroes, who are you?"

"We are guerrillas of the New Fourth Army. Who are you and why were you caught by devils?"

"The devils have been raiding this area for the past few days. I heard that they are looking for the New Fourth Army. Are they looking for you?"

"No, we are guerrillas nearby, and we really came here to find our comrades, can you help us find them?" Qi Rui asked,

"No problem. We are very familiar with this Dingshan Lake. We probably know where they are hiding. Shall we paddle this boat?"

"Okay! Thank you so much." Qi Rui hurriedly asked Song Jian to hand over the oars to them.
Qi Rui let the four lake bandits take them to shuttle in the lake. Under the moonlight, from the Dingshan Lake, there was no gap in the reeds, but they drilled the boat into it without thinking.

Qi Rui found that the narrow waterways among the reeds they walked were like closed passages, most of which could only accommodate a small boat to pass through, and I am afraid that only those who are familiar with Dingshan Lake will remember these secret waterways, devil The ships of the ship must not dare to mess around.

The boat shuttled through the reeds, and most people would have been confused for a long time, but Qi Rui clearly memorized all the waterways, and drew a rough map of this water area in his mind.

"May I ask the names of the three heroes?"

"My name is Song Hu, and these two are my brothers Song Jian and Tang Rui." Qi Rui introduced,

"My name is Wei Dabiao, and I am the third master of the water race. The three of them are my brothers, Da Niu, Er Niu, and San Niu!" Wei Dabiao said honestly,
"These three are brothers at first glance."

"That's right, the three of them are very good at water, and I'll treat you to the fattest carp in Dingshan Lake later!"


As the boat was rowing, suddenly everyone's eyes lit up, and there was an open space in front of them, and there was a faint light in front of them. Wei Dabiao pointed to the front and said, "Here we are! This is our water village."

The so-called water village is a group of boats connected together, each boat is a home, Qi Rui found that this place is like a small village, because he saw a smoke rising from a boat and drifting into the sky, it must be during the daytime that they dare not To light a fire, one can only dare to cook after dark under the cover of the reeds.

"Brother, we're back!" Wei Dabiao jumped on a slightly larger boat and shouted.
Two shirtless big men came out from the cabin, and by the gas lamp on board, Qi Rui saw that they all had a twenty-gun original German shell gun pinned to their waist, and none of their guns had a front sight.

"A master with a gun?"

Under normal circumstances, only master gunners will wear off the front sight of the shell gun. The purpose is simply to facilitate the drawing of the gun, because the front sight of the shell gun is relatively large, like a hook. At that time, most people would put the shell gun on their waist. It will prevent jamming when drawing the gun.

Most people will definitely not wear out the front sight, and those who do so are basically master pistol operators who don't use the front sight to aim at all.

"Third brother, who are they?" A 26-year-old man asked,

"Brother, let me introduce you!" Wei Dabiao said, winking at the two big men,

Qi Rui saw it clearly, he jumped into the boat with a smile on his face, Song Jian and Tang Rui jumped onto the big boat after him.

Seeing that all three people got on the big boat, Wei Dabiao flashed to the side of the two big men and said, "Brother, they are Japanese!"

Hearing this, the two big men stretched out their hands to draw their guns, but their guns were snatched away when they were half drawn. When they realized that the guns were already in the hands of Song Jian and Tang Rui, and the two guns were already pointed at their heads.

Qi Rui asked with a smile: "The three masters, this is how you treat guests? Brother Dabiao, why do I become a Japanese?"

"Crap, do you think I'll believe that the three of you can rescue us from so many devils!" Wei Dabiao said,

"Did you four not be rescued by us?" Qi Rui asked,

"Come on! I know this is all a trick of you little devils. Isn't the purpose just to find our water village and the New Fourth Army!"

Qi Rui scratched his head and asked, "You are very vigilant, so what should you do now?"

"Put down the gun!" A girl rushed out from the cabin, she pointed at Song Jian and Tang Rui with two guns and shouted,
At this time, the surrounding lake bandits were startled, and they all pointed their guns at Qi Rui and the three of them, raising their eyebrows and looking fiercely, Qi Rui counted about 20 people.

Qi Rui still smiled and said: "The gun must be put down, let me make it clear first, we have no malicious intentions, and we are really not little devils."

After Qi Rui finished speaking, he signaled Song Jian and Tang Rui to return the guns to the two big men.

As a result, the two big men took the guns and aimed at Qi Rui and the others. One of them asked, "Who are you?"

Qi Rui sighed softly and said: "The three of us have already boarded your thief ship, and now we can't run away even if we want to, so why are you so nervous, we are really here to find someone."

"Who are you looking for?"

"You should know that the devil's Hongkou Airport was bombed, right?"

"I know. I heard that they were bombed by the New Fourth Army. The devils have been raiding so frequently recently because they are looking for them."

"Yes, the devils are indeed looking for the heroes who bombed the airport, and these heroes are indeed hiding in the reeds of Dingshan Lake. There are many wounded among them, and there is no food. We are here to give them Food is here." Qi Rui said,
"Brother! The food is on the boat!" Wei Dabiao said,

"Third, you said that the three of them rescued you from the devil army?"

"Yes, so I suspect that they are in collusion with the devils, give us a play hard to get!"

"Okay! Third child, you still know how to play hard to get!"

"That's right, it's all taught by Master Jing." Wei Dabiao smirked,
Qi Rui's heart moved when he heard this, and he asked, "Is the Boss Jing you're talking about called Jing Yun?"

Jing Yun often said that the team is the Dingshan Lake martial arts team, because they hid here before, and Qi Rui guessed that the martial arts team should know these lake bandits.

"Do you know Brother Jingyun?" a big man asked,

Qi Rui laughed loudly after hearing this: "I also know Cao Meng, Jiang Tong, Jiang Xing, Zhou Daliang, Li Nancheng, Lu Zhengnian, Huo Qizhong and Tan Zhuohui."

The girl cheered first, but immediately asked suspiciously: "Why didn't I hear Brother Jingyun mention you!"

"We have just arrived. Captain Jing Yun is currently on a mission in Shanghai. I believe he will be here soon."

"Did you say Brother Jingyun will be back soon?" the girl asked excitedly,
Qi Rui smiled and said: "Yes, it seems that you like our Captain Jing Yun very much!"

The girl blushed instantly, and stammered, "Don't... think that I will trust you guys just like that!"

(End of this chapter)

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