Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 496: Pigs and Dogs Are Worse!

Chapter 496: Pigs and Dogs Are Worse!
Qi Rui didn't stay in the base area, and took Song Jian and Tang Rui to Wuhu overnight.

"Chief, Comrade Song Hu should be an underground worker?" asked the detachment leader,
"Is it obvious?"

"Obviously, there were three of them, but I asked some of the three commanders who had seen Song Hu, and it was strange that they only saw the commander-in-chief, and the two people around him always saw their backs. , I have never seen her face."

"That's right, Chief, I don't think this Song Hu is what he looks like at all, is he?"

"It's enough for the two of you to know this well. They are indeed our excellent underground workers. I just didn't expect him to be such an excellent commander. I really want to split him into two people! Haha..." Number five The chief laughed,
"He is indeed an excellent commander. He also left us a set of training methods, and repeatedly emphasized that commanders and political commissars above the platoon level must work hard to learn culture."

"Xiao Song is right, how can you command a battle without culture, and how can you understand our combat intentions, just take this opportunity to train your troops well!"

"Don't worry, Chief, we've already made plans!"

"Well, Xiao Song is gone, and I should go back. We will vigorously publicize this victory. You must be careful to deal with the next Japanese raid. Just follow Xiao Song's words, don't confront them head-on, and avoid their edge !ready."


As Qi Rui expected, No. 13 Army Commander Shigeru Sawada had already received the news of Otake's death in battle. The 67th Regiment stationed near Wuhu lost half of its troops this time, and the [-]th Division could not spare any troops to support Wuhu.

Commander-in-Chief Shigeru Sawada immediately transferred the No.17 Division to Wuhu. When Qi Rui arrived at the headquarters, he met Lieutenant General Hirono Taikichi, the commander of the [-]th Division. This shows that Shigeru Sawada attached great importance to the failure of Wuhu. A division was sent directly.

After hearing Shunsuke Kuike's report, Hirono Taikichi asked in surprise, "You said you just came back from the base of the New Fourth Army?"

Qi Rui took out the map of the base area given by the Wannan Detachment and put it on the desk, and said: "Yes, General, I was ordered by General Yingzuo to find the base of the Wannan Detachment. This is what I have scouted during this period. I think It will definitely be useful to the general, please take a look at it.”

Taiji Hirono looked at the map and said pleasantly: "Nakazuo Kuike! This information is so timely. The task given to me by Commander-in-Chief Zetian is to wipe out the New Fourth Army around Wuhu and completely eradicate their bases! You saved me a lot time!"

"General, according to my investigation in the past few days, there may be more than one base of the Wannan detachment, because I have never seen their top commander in these places." Qi Rui said,
"Zhongzuo Jiuchi, you've done a good job. Let's clear out the base areas on the map first, and try to get news about other base areas from the prisoners. I will directly notify Major General Kagezuo Shaki for your credit."

"General Hirono, for the convenience of my actions in the future, I won't go with you. If you encounter any difficulties, just call the Jiuchi Mansion and I will do my best to assist you." Qi Rui said,
"Nakasa Hisaike, thank you!"

Two days later, on September [-]th, Qi Rui, Song Jian, and Tang Rui returned to Shanghai. The Hunan-Jiangxi battle was still in full swing. The National Army's various theaters and units all showed tenacity, and the atmosphere in Shanghai was also very tense. .

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"Jiuchi, General Hirono called, thank you very much, according to the map you provided, he took the [-]th Division to sweep the three bases of the Anhui South Detachment of the New Fourth Army, but it's a pity that the New Fourth Army ran away long ago when they heard the news. "King Zuo Zhen Zhao said,
"General, it is impossible for our army to mop up the noise. The Anhui Detachment must have eyeliners in the Wuhu area. If there is any good way to suddenly attack the base of the New Fourth Army." Qi Rui said,
"You're right, it's not impossible. If you want to do this, you must have a team with strong combat effectiveness to go deep into the sneak attack, just like the Nakano Continent Advance Team, Commander Shigeru Sawada is already preparing to build such a team. "

Qi Rui is very familiar with the Nakano advance team, because it is formed by graduates of the Nakano school. This team often disguises itself as Chinese soldiers and civilians and goes deep into our positions. To put it bluntly, they are a special warfare force. Shigeru Sawada also wants to Build a team.

"That would be great, if I knew it earlier, I wouldn't let General Guangye go in a hurry." Qi Rui said,
"It doesn't matter, that is their base area and they will go back sooner or later. Isn't that the guerrilla tactics of the New Fourth Army? We already know the exact location of their base area and you have completed the mission this time."

"But I didn't find Fang Tianyi."

"I want to ask you about Fang Tianyi when you talk about it. Did you see that group of people clearly at that time?"

"At that time, I was leading the fleet of the Asada Regiment to wipe out the Black Fox Commando and the Lake Bandits, but I didn't want to be plotted against as soon as I arrived. I fell into the water before people could see clearly. When I woke up The gang has already left with Fang Tianyi, I asked, there are more than 200 people in this group, and they all use Thompson submachine guns and American MK grenades, I am sure they are the special operations team from Chongqing, have you not found them?"

"No, there has been no news from them since that time."

"What's going on here?" Qi Rui asked strangely,
"How is your injury?"

"It's almost ready! Thankfully, the pocket watch Yami gave me blocked the bullets, otherwise I wouldn't be able to come back."

"Chinese people often say that if you survive a catastrophe, you will have good fortune. Jiuchi, your future is boundless!"

"It's just a pity that I couldn't help Dazhu Xiu. At that time, I really didn't know that the New Fourth Army suddenly had such an action."

"How did the New Fourth Army deal with the opium taken back?"

"General, I didn't see any opium. I always suspected that they didn't transport the opium back at all, but destroyed it directly. They just took some and sprinkled it on the road to lure Dazhu Dazuo to die."

"Will the New Fourth Army engage in the opium business?"

"This is absolutely not. On the contrary, they hate these harmful drugs very much, and they hate drug dealers even more."

"I feel the same way. It seems that this batch of opium can no longer be recovered."

"I even inquired specifically, and none of the people in the base area knew about it."

"Can you go back?"

"It's definitely possible, but I need to bring some information to the New Fourth Army to gain their trust when I go back."

"That's no problem, just give them some irrelevant information when the time comes."


"Jiuchi, you've worked hard too, go back and rest quickly."

Qi Rui returned to the Jiuchi mansion, and Yi and Xianren reported: "Curator, a murder case happened just three days ago. A Chinese man named Tieli was brutally killed with a knife in the Bantian mansion. The person who killed him stayed behind." I wrote a note, a shameful traitor, a scum of the nation, a traitor who is not as good as a pig or a dog, he deserves to die!"

(End of this chapter)

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