Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 522 Fang Rui Was Killed!

Chapter 522 Fang Rui Was Killed!

Qi Rui already had intermediate gambling skills, coupled with micro-expression management and recognition skills, no matter what Li Dingchuan bet with him, he would lose, so many people came, but the game between the two ended in less than 10 minutes.

People who thought they could see a wonderful game of gambling were very disappointed, and what made them even more disappointed was that they did not see a mountain of banknotes.

Because the two people have the same amount of chips, Li Dingchuan didn't want to bother, so he directly asked to shake the dice to guess the size. Three wins out of five games. Each person rolls two hands to guess the other side. Originally, the fifth hand was decided to be played by the croupier and the two guess together. , but after three hands, Fang Rui won three wins and won the bet.

Qi Rui's intermediate betting skills were very simple, he guessed correctly two of Li Dingchuan's bets, Qi Rui made a wrong bet on Li Dingchuan and directly lost the bet, Fang Rui was quite embarrassing after winning in front of the audience, pumping his fists and shouting, and pretending to be The grimace taunted Li Dingchuan.

In front of everyone, he donated all the checks of [-] million French currency to the Chongqing government, and the bank staff transferred all the funds from both parties to the official account, and the game ended so simply.

In less than 10 minutes, Li Dingchuan lost [-] million yuan. This had no effect at all, but the donor could only write Fang Rui's name, but this kid was really annoying, and Li Dingchuan, who had always been a writer, wanted to kick Fang Rui twice.

Both left and right made a steady profit of [-] million. Naturally, someone gave the money happily. Qi Rui didn't give out a penny, which was equivalent to encircling Li Dingchuan's [-] million. However, Mr. Li didn't know that Fang Rui was behind Chongqing officials.

Li Dingchuan left with a livid face, and the bet that the whole Chongqing was concerned about was over. On the afternoon of the same day, one hour after Li Dingchuan drove away from the company with two bodyguards, Mr. Li received a call. Li Dingchuan's terrified voice: "Grandpa save me, I'm Xiaochuan, I've been kidnapped!"

Li Lao almost knelt on the ground when he heard a stagger, and hurriedly asked nervously: "Xiao Chuan, who kidnapped you? Where are you?"

The voice on the phone changed: "Hello! Mr. Li, hello! Your grandson is in our hands now, and we want him to answer my questions obediently and truthfully."

"Don't hurt Xiao Chuan, if you have any questions, please ask."

"If you tell half a lie, we will kill your grandson immediately, and you will receive his head tomorrow!"

"No, you can ask, as long as I know, I will tell you, as long as you don't kill Xiao Chuan."

"Chairman Wang has been looking forward to your going to Nanjing, why haven't you left yet!?"

"It turns out that you are Chairman Wang's people. Didn't I tell him before that Chongqing is being stared at very hard now. It may take me a while to get there. Besides, my grandson is managing the assets of my Li family. I want to transfer the assets. It also takes time!"

"Don't lie to me, your grandson lost [-] million in a bet with a man named Fang Rui today, and all the money was donated to Chongqing!"

"That should only be for the military spies to see! Our Li family has tens of billions of assets, and a mere [-] million is nothing."

"There are so many liquid funds in such a casual bank. According to our investigation, there are at least four billion yuan in his account. Are you planning to donate all this money?"

"He used the money to buy a private jet. He bought the plane just to find an opportunity for us to fly directly to Wuhan. You should also know that my old arms and legs can't stand the toss."

"Are you telling the truth?"

"I'm absolutely telling the truth."

"Does Elder Liu think so too?"

"He is ready and has been waiting for my news. As long as we have the opportunity, we will rush to Nanjing immediately! Because most of our Li family's industry has been transferred there, even if the industry here does not want us It will pass too!"

"Yoxi! Let me trust you once. If you tell a lie, your grandson will die a miserable death!"

"It turns out that you are Japanese, but we are a cooperative relationship. You should let Xiao Chuan go!"

"Don't worry, since we are our own people, we won't embarrass him, he will go back soon!" Qi Rui hung up the phone and said to Zheng Yaoxian who was listening next to him: "Sixth brother, erase the part where I pretended to be Li Dingchuan. , don’t let people know that I still have this technology.”

"Don't worry, I didn't record it at all!"

"Sixth brother still understands me!"

Li Dingchuan was not kidnapped at all, but was invited out by Ouyang He. She was the one who gave the idea. During this period, Qi Rui pretended that Li Dingchuan and the Japanese got out of Li's truth. It seems that they really planned to be traitors go.

Ouyang He came to join Qi Rui and Zheng Yaoxian. Only the three of them and Boss Dai knew about this operation.

"I just received a call from the boss, saying that it has been verified that the Li family's property has indeed been secretly transferred to the enemy-occupied area, and it has basically been confirmed. It seems that Seishiro Itagaki and the others did not lie to you. These two people really want to join the puppet Wang. "Zheng Yaoxian said,
"But there is one thing I don't understand, and since Li Dingchuan is so important, why didn't the Japanese mention him to me?" Qi Rui said,
"Perhaps this is the main reason why the Japanese must let these two die in our hands, because according to my investigation, Li Dingchuan is patriotic, and the main reason why Mr. Li has not gone to Nanjing is probably because of him. Do you think so? Li Dingchuan didn't even know about the possible transfer of assets?" Ouyang He asked,

"What you said is indeed possible, because Li Dingchuan will willingly go to Nanjing only if Mr. Li is killed by Chongqing, which means that the death of Mr. Li will allow the Japanese to obtain the greatest benefits!" Qi Rui said,
"It should be right! Then what do you plan to do next, Xiaojiu?" Zheng Yaoxian asked,

Qi Rui smirked twice and said, "This is how we do it..."

That night, the Military Control Bureau suddenly received a report from Ouyang He, saying that he heard gunshots in Fang Rui's room. Within 5 minutes, Zheng Yaoxian rushed to Room [-] of the Jialing Hotel with his men, and found a waiter Colonel Chu Guan Rui was shot several times and fell in a pool of blood.

Song Xiaoan and Zhao Jianzhi led people to capture two people, the barrels in their hands were still hot, after interrogation, these two people were Li Dingchuan's subordinates.

Zheng Yao first took pictures himself, and then asked people to bring the body and the two suspects back to the Military Command Bureau, and Ouyang He went back with him to make notes.


Qi Rui is dead?Of course not, we went back a few hours ago, Zheng Yao first asked Qi Rui what to do next.

Qi Rui thought for a while and said: "Then it seems that I must die!"

"You mean Fang Rui was assassinated to death?" Ouyang He asked.
Zheng Yaoxian immediately agreed: "This method is good! First of all, the Japanese suspect that Fang Rui is Shunsuke Kuike! In this way, most people suspect that Li Dingchuan sent someone to kill him in this case. With such a big publicity, even if the Li family was attacked Attack, that is also Fang Rui's people behind to retaliate."

"Because the people from the Li family have been following me, if the arrangements are made, they can be arrested immediately. In this way, Li Dingchuan is completely indisputable, and then you have a reason to arrest him directly."

(End of this chapter)

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