Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 566 Iron Blood Mission

Chapter 566 Iron Blood Mission
Tielin has already followed Xu Tian's instructions and asked his brothers to go to Moganshan to find a team. The two of them will not plan accidents to kill traitors and lackeys in the near future. Shunsuke Jiuchi said that waiting for the killer to take action before Xu Tian knew it would be perfunctory Takeuchi Yunzi.

Xu Tian is now 100% sure that Shunsuke Kuchi is one of his own, because whenever he encounters danger on his side, he will always appear to protect and remind him. If he hadn't appeared at the police station of the Ministry of Industry in time last time, he and Tielin might have met Being tortured, Akagi Osamu may find out something.

This time too, if he hadn't brought Yunko Takeuchi over, he wouldn't have known that the devils took this case so seriously, Shunsuke Kuike was clearly warning again.

After Jiuchi Shunsuke and Takeuchi Yunzi left, Xu Tian said to Tielin: "Stop cursing Jiuchi Shunsuke, if it wasn't for his repeated shots, you and I wouldn't be here today."

"Brother Tian, ​​if you say that, I still have to thank a devil?"

"Tie Lin, the Japanese are not all bad people, there are also people who are anti-war. Besides, how do you know that he is a real devil?"

"You mean Shunsuke Kuike is an anti-war person?"

"I don't know about this. Anyway, I know that without him, you and Ms. Liu would not be able to get together so smoothly. Without him, Tian Dan and I might have died in the hands of the devil." Xu Tian said,
"Brother Tian, ​​that's why you told me not to kill Shunsuke Kuchi a long time ago."

"Tie Lin, we are also organized people now, don't act recklessly in the future, if I hadn't come back in time this time, you might have been discovered."

As soon as he talked about the organization, Tielin immediately said sensiblely: "I remember, I will listen to you in everything from now on."

"It's according to the arrangement of the organization!"

After Xu Tian finished speaking, he thought to himself: "You always help us, what can I do for you?"

Office of the Director of the Special Committee
Ming Lou arranged a series of tasks for his subordinates. Today he seems to be in a good mood. Red Rose's word is right. Lone Wolf and Wang Manchun were indeed eliminated, especially when Wang Manchun's death was very timely. Even if she is a lunatic, she is also Minglou's regret, maybe she is also responsible for becoming like this.

"Brother, it should be Mingtai who killed Wang Manchun." Mingcheng said now that he has figured out what happened,
"Have you noticed that Mingtai's eyes are not so sharp this time around?" Minglou asked with a smile,
"Going out for a few days seems to have really changed."

"He went to the task force for a few days, and it seems he was hit." Minglou smiled gratifiedly after speaking, he really hoped to see Mingtai mature.

"Can he still be hit?"

"Only meeting someone who is much stronger than him can make him honest."

"This task force is really powerful. They killed so many fake officers around Qingming Festival, and Blackberry killed the new mayor of Shanghai. Wang Jingwei, Zhou Mohai and others should not be able to sleep."

"This Qi Lianna is very calm, if she doesn't move, she will kill the mayor." Ming Lou admired,

"Qilianna didn't know about our existence, and I think she should be wondering now."


"So many things have happened in Shanghai recently, she should know that there are other people active besides Shanghai Station, so she will act cautiously, not wanting to disrupt and affect others."

"Find an opportunity to inform her and let her do it freely. She is the boss's number one female killer. She must continue to put pressure on the Japanese and the Wang puppet government while ensuring her own safety."

Shanghai Railway Station Secret Base

"Station Master, Wang Manchun, the head of No. 76 intelligence department, should have been killed." Qi Lianna's female military commander Liangzi said,

"No matter how she died, she died well. If she survives, she will be our next assassination target." Qi Lianna said,

"Station Master, the people sent from above have arrived, and they are all women!" Liangzi said,
"What's wrong with women? Aren't we women!"

"Station Master, I don't have any other intentions, but I have some doubts about whether they can be competent for this operation."

"Take me to see them!"

Qi Lianna's mission this time is to cooperate with the military command to find and assist in blowing up a secret bacterial weapons research institute of the devils in the suburbs of Shanghai.

Seeing five beauties, Qi Lianna introduced herself: "Hello, I am Qi Lianna, the person in charge of the Military Command Shanghai Station."

The shrewd and capable beauty stepped forward and said, "Hi, I'm Captain Xue Min!"

"Hello Captain Xue, is your mission clear this time?"

"Of course!"

"Do you have any information about this devil's Bacterial Weapons Research Institute?"

"No, we only know that there is such a bacterial weapons research and manufacturing institute near Shanghai. Our army has repeatedly encountered bacterial and gas bomb attacks and suffered heavy casualties. We must find and destroy it!" Xue Min said,
"But we haven't found it after searching for more than a month. Are you sure the information is correct?" Qilianna asked,
"This is an order given to us by the Military Command, and we have repeatedly emphasized that various signs indicate that this research institute is in Shanghai." Xue Min said,
"Since I'm so sure, then I'll try to find a way." Qi Lianna said worriedly. She gave the mission and didn't have any clues. Shanghai is so big, and the devils have set up many restricted areas, so they can't investigate at all.

"We'll look for it too."

"Have you ever been to Shanghai?" Qi Lianna asked,
"I've been here, but I'm not very familiar."

"Then you should wait for the news."

After Qi Lianna left, Leng Yue asked, "Is this Blackberry, the female killer of the Army Unity?"

"It's her."

"Is she as good as my Brother Leng?" Team member Liu Ruyan asked, (Leng Yue's nickname is Brother Leng)

"They just killed the new mayor of the puppet government of Shanghai, and their ability to act is quite strong."

"Big Sister, who bombed the Sakura before?" Ouyang Lan, an expert on team blasting, asked with great interest.

"I don't know, many things have happened in Shanghai, and it's a place where crouching tigers hide dragons. No matter who does it, it's our own!"

"Sister, I heard that the military's number one jellyfish assassination team is here, and there is also the legendary mysterious and unpredictable God-killing action team. The Sakura may have something to do with them." Team member Tong Lingling said.

"I've heard of them too, and it would be nice if they were the ones working together."

"Don't dream, they are all top action masters, we are far behind them."

"Don't underestimate yourself, the few of us are definitely not bad." The bomb disposal expert Xue Min said unconvinced,
After Blackberry went back, she reported the current situation to the Military Command Bureau, because the Military Command guessed that the Institute of Bacterial Weapons was in Shanghai, and she hoped to give some more accurate clues.

After Dai knew about it, he decided to ask Qi Rui to investigate the devil's bacterial research institute, but because Zhuang Xiaoman was not in Shanghai, Qi Rui didn't receive the telegram from the military commander.

(End of this chapter)

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