Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 569 Acting Simultaneously!

Chapter 569 Acting Simultaneously!

After Qi Rui went back, he immediately launched an investigation, because it was under the direct command of the Nanjing Tama Army Headquarters, and the Shanghai Detachment was not in the garrison number, which made Qi Rui work hard to find it.

It was three days later that I met Qi Lianna and Xue Min again, and it was still in the same house before. When I saw the killing god Qi Lianna asked, "Did you find it?"

"Well, they are here." Qi Rui spread out a floor plan on the table,
"Donglin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.! I know this pharmaceutical factory." Qi Lianna said,


"Indeed, we have investigated. This pharmaceutical factory is heavily guarded and cannot enter at all. We have observed it for two days, and every three days there will be two large truckloads of medicines shipped out of the factory. We have checked that they are all for diarrhea, flu, Western medicine for common diseases such as inflammation and fever.”

"This row of houses in the backyard is the laboratory of the Tama Shanghai Detachment. Major Kobayashi Kenji, the deputy commander of the Tama Army's research section, is here." Qi Rui found this secret research institute through Kobayashi Kenji, the Major.

"Killing God, how do we get in here because of the heavy security?" Qi Lianna wanted to go in and investigate before, but this pharmaceutical factory has never used Chinese people, and she has no good way if she can't scare the snake.

"We can only enter through the wall." Qi Rui pointed to the connection between the backyard and the high wall.
"However, the courtyard wall of this pharmaceutical factory is covered with barbed wire grids. The grids are about one meter high, and the barbed wire grids are energized during the day and night." Qi Lianna said,

"It's hard for me, I just want to ask if you can do it? Because this high wall is more than four meters high, can you climb it?" Qi Rui asked,

"As long as Killing God can go up, we will do! Please Killing God lead us to act, and we will obey your orders." Xue Min said,
"I need to know your real strength now. In this way, Captain Xue will take your team members to the suburbs tomorrow. I want to see if you are up to the task." Qi Rui said,
"Does Killing God want to act?" Qi Lianna asked,
"Forget it, Station Master Qi, just follow along yourself, don't bring other people along."

After Qi Rui separated from them, he went to the secret modification workshop, where he made ten powerful time bombs and five incendiary bombs. The bacteria and viruses in the laboratory must not be leaked. Qi Rui used incendiary bombs because he knew that high temperature would destroy them. best way.

On the outskirts of Shanghai the next day, Qi Rui met Leng Yue, Liu Ruyan, Ouyang Lan and Tong Lingling at the appointed time.

"Good to kill God!" All the girls shouted with admiration.

"Hi everyone, I've heard about your abilities, and they are all great. I'm just doing a small test today. If you can't achieve it, I will immediately transfer other people to carry out this operation."

"How does Shashen want to test?" Tong Lingling asked.
Qi Rui pointed to a towering tree not far away and asked: "It's very simple, have you seen that big tree?"

"I see!"

"I want you to climb to the first tree branch within 1 minute without using any tools. The height is about four meters. Let me give you a demonstration first."

Qi Rui came under the tree and used his hands and feet to climb up the tree. This big tree was so tall and straight that he couldn't hug it by himself. It really required some skills and physical strength to climb up.

Qi Lianna, Xue Min, and Leng Yue followed suit. Liu Ruyan, Ouyang Lan, and Tong Lingling struggled for a long time but failed to climb up. It was indeed not easy without the help of things.

"Killing God, what kind of test is this? Is this operation going to climb a tree?" Liu Ruyan asked,
"This operation will not climb a tree, but will climb over a wall, and that wall is much higher than this tree trunk." Qi Rui said,
"Killing God, if I don't have tools, I can't climb that wall." Qilianna said,

If Qi Rui finds someone else to carry out this task, he can only find jellyfish assassination team or Hurricane team in Shanghai, but this task is given to Xue Min's team by the military command, so he doesn't want to find anyone else. Qi Rui has already notified Song Mian that Chi Rui Tiecheng and Su Wenqian performed the supporting task this time.

"Well, it's fine if you can climb up along the rope." You can't take a ladder with you, you have to use a rope to climb a high wall, and Qi Rui is ready.

Qi Rui took out the flying claw chain from his backpack and threw it up to grab the branches. This time Ouyang Lan, Liu Ruyan and Tong Lingling climbed up very easily.

"This counts as a pass!" Qi Rui took out the time bomb and incendiary bomb from his backpack and said, "This is the time bomb we will use in this operation. We will first sneak into the research institute and place it in every room. You must remember not to touch anything in the laboratory."


Xue Min's team is proficient in bomb disposal and blasting, so Qi Rui talked a little about the power and explosion range of the bombs he made. The incendiary bombs do not have a timing device. A powerful explosion was enough to level the laboratory to the ground.

Qi Rui explained the action plan to them again, and after that, let Leng Yue familiarize himself with the crossbow, and returned to Shanghai to personally send a report to the sixth brother Zheng Yaoxian, telling himself that he could act at any time here.

Zheng Yaoxian and Jing Yun have already obtained the weapons and equipment sent by Qi Rui. The Japanese Army Central Hospital also made a clear investigation and formulated three sets of action plans. Zheng Yaoxian called back and told Qi Rui that the next night would be May [-] At two o'clock in the evening, Qi Rui called back to confirm.

"Xue'er, Yunzi Zhuuchi may come over at night, so don't participate in this operation." Qi Rui is often not at home during this time, Yunzi Zhuuchi usually lives here, and Fu Yingxue's actions are affected now.

"Be careful." Fu Yingxue said knowing that she would not be able to participate in this operation.

"I'll let the jellyfish assassination team come to help, don't worry."

On the second night, Qi Rui personally brought Qi Lianna and Xue Min's team to the back of Donglin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. The four-meter-high courtyard wall was not only covered with power grids, but also filled with broken glass.

Qi Rui first listened to the movement in the yard, then took out the crossbow from his backpack, shot the special flying claw chain and nailed it into the wall. He first climbed up the chain, and when he reached the top of the wall, Qi Rui took out the pliers from his backpack and put the barbed wire on it. Break it, and then put the prepared black quilt on the wall to cover the broken glass.

Qi Rui pulled his body up and looked into the yard. The Duomo Detachment is an independent yard. The gate will be locked at night. Qi Rui didn't see any devils on patrol, but there were two devils carrying Gun stands guard.

Qi Rui returned to the ground and said to everyone: "There is a light at the gate of the courtyard, and there is a light at the entrance of the research institute. If there is any movement on our side, it will be discovered by two sentries. If we want to enter the research room, we must first get rid of them." .”

"Let me do it!" Qilianna said confidently,
"Let me come with Leng Yue!" Qi Rui shook the crossbow in his hand and gave it to Leng Yue,
Leng Yue is a sharpshooter, and she is also very powerful with bows and arrows. Naturally, this powerful crossbow is no problem.

(End of this chapter)

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