Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 587 Double S Difficulty Task

Chapter 587 Double S Difficulty Task
The Jiuchi mansion has all the equipment that one expects to find. After arriving, Qi Rui really handed over the entire telecommunications room to them, and asked Gu Junru to take care of their food and lodging. This surprised Gu Xiaomeng and Li Ningyu.

Because they thought that Shunfu Jiuchi would send his people to watch, and Gu Xiaomeng knew Gu Junru's level very well, so it could be ruled out that she was here to watch.

"Jun Ru, is your curator treating you well?" Gu Xiaomeng asked,
"I'm the only girl in the entire Jiuchi mansion now, and everyone treats me very well."

"With so many Japanese, they didn't bully you?" Gu Xiaomeng asked,
"Sister Xiaomeng, the people in the Jiuchi mansion are very well-behaved. If they don't obey the rules, the curator will punish them severely. Don't say they dare not bully me, even if they catch female students and prisoners, they dare not do anything wrong."

Seeing Gu Xiaomeng and Li Ningyu coming to the mansion made Gu Junru very happy, and finally saw a girl like himself in the mansion, she was busy and enthusiastic.

Gu Xiaomeng and Li Ningyu checked the equipment and started working without any problems under Jin Shenghuo's command.

Jin Shenghuo was uneasy at first, but when he got there, he found that the environment here was much stronger than that of the Special Committee. The only thing that made him a little regretful was that he could no longer be lazy. He needed to keep working at all times to show to Shunsuke Kuchi and Yunko Takeuchi. .

Qi Rui seems to be helping Minglou. In fact, he wants to get acquainted with Gu Xiaomeng and Li Ningyu, the two masters of telecommunications deciphering, especially Comrade Gu Xiaomeng, who is like an elf. Qi Rui is also looking for opportunities and solutions Don't let her sacrifice.

"Jiuchi-kun, it's better for you, no matter what messages they intercept and decipher, we will see them immediately." Takeuchi Yunko said,
"Yunzi, I just want to see what kind of strength the new government's Military Aircraft Department is. I heard that both of them came back from studying abroad. If they are really that strong, then we will cooperate more with them in the future." Qi Rui said,
"Jiuchi-kun, it seems that the press conference is basically foolproof..."

"In our opinion, it's not foolproof. If they want to destroy it, they still have a way." Qi Rui said,
"Make up as participants and enter the venue." Yunko Takeuchi always knew what Shunsuke Kuike was worried about and said,
"That's right, because their make-up skills really make me afraid."

"So you plan to bring someone to verify your identity yourself?"

"That's right, we'll just follow the plan."

At this time, Song Jian had already met Qi Lianna, and brought all the words of Killing God to her, and said, "Killing God told me to tell you that this task must never be carried out, because as long as you perform it, no matter how many people you go to, you will die. , and it will never succeed.”

"We also feel that it is impossible to complete, but the order we received is to destroy this press conference at all costs. Is there really no way?" Qilianna asked,
"There is no way at all. Anyone who enters the venue will be strictly checked. It is impossible to get in. In order to prevent the jellyfish assassination team from sniping, people around 500 meters away have arranged manpower. Someone is guarding it, so there is no chance of sabotaging the press conference this time."

"I will listen to the God of Death." Qi Lianna is not a fool, and she doesn't want to die in vain.

When Qi Lianna went back, she didn't tell the others about the intention of killing God, but continued to send people to investigate and study the action plan with everyone. Only she knew that she was pretending to be perfunctory to Boss Dai, and it would be useless if she couldn't enter the venue to design any plan. .

But what Qi Rui never expected was that the day before the press conference, he suddenly received very unexpected news.

"General Itagaki and Chen Mubo will also participate in this meeting! Are you sure?" Qi Rui asked Takeuchi Yunzi in surprise,
"It's been confirmed. General Itagaki also came with several senior military officers from our side. Chen Mubo also brought over a dozen important officials from the new government. It turns out that they are the highlight of this press conference. Mr. Jiuchi and I have just Only then did I know." Takeuchi Yunzi said.

"Fortunately, our security plan this time is not sloppy!" Qi Rui is now thinking that Boss Dai will definitely order Qi Lianna to die when he gets the news. No matter what order is given, this operation is impossible to succeed.

Just as Qi Rui was thinking, the long-lost system voice suddenly sounded again: the system generates an SS-level difficulty task, kill Itagaki Seishiro and the accompanying senior officer!
"Pfft!..." Qi Rui almost spurted out a mouthful of old blood. This is the first time that he has taken on such a difficult double S-level mission. This is going to be fatal, because it is impossible to carry out an assassination at the venue. This plan I did it myself, and I didn't leave any flaws in the design.

"Kuichi-kun! What's the matter with you?" Yunko Takeuchi asked seeing Shunsuke Kuike's ugly face,

"Nothing, just wondering if there is anything missing."

"Jiuchi-kun is so charming when he is serious!" Takeuchi Yunko said with eyes full of stars,

"Yunzi, tomorrow is the press conference, have General Itagaki arrived in Shanghai?" Qi Rui asked,

"Here we are, Mieko and the Sakai advance team are also here."

"It was said before that they have another mission to protect General Itagaki and the others?" Qi Rui asked,

"I don't know. It seems that it should be. Once the jellyfish assassination team knows the news, they should take action. The Sakai advance team has so many snipers to deal with them."

"It turned out that this was planned a long time ago, but we didn't notify in advance because we didn't trust us. If something happened to us, wouldn't we be able to escape the guilt." Qi Rui complained,

"Hiuchi-kun, don't worry, even if General Itagaki and the others have an accident, it's not our fault, because we only know now, and our focus is on the smooth progress of the press conference. If something goes wrong, it's Mieko and the others' responsibility. Because until now we have not received the task of protecting the general."

"Yunzi, you are right. Now you go to mobilize some people to assist the security of the press conference. I want to go back to the mansion to see if Gu Xiaomeng and Li Ningyu have intercepted the military command's telegram. They must have got the news at this time. Only Inform the Shanghai Naval Control Station by telegram." Qi Rui said,
"Mr. Jiuchi, I think so too. They will definitely react when they hear the news. If Gu Xiaomeng and Li Ningyu are really masters, they will definitely intercept the military command's telegram!"

Time is too tight, there is only one possibility to carry out the assassination operation, and that is to kill Itagaki and the accompanying officers outside the conference venue, so Qi Rui has two options before him, one is to find out their whereabouts tonight The second is to attack at night, the second is to do it after the press conference, because there is absolutely no chance at the venue.

(End of this chapter)

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