Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 607 You are right!

Chapter 607 You are right!

After Qi Rui left, the Twelve Mountain Kings finally had something to say, what would these bandits do in the mountains, apart from practicing their guns and drawing circles on the ground every day, they just fell asleep.

"I don't know who this person is, but he brazenly said that he could kill Zhang Xinglin and Peng Yulin." Meng Binyu said,

"Looking at his confident appearance, maybe there is a solution. Whatever he is, it's best to kill him. If he can't kill us, there is no loss." Fan Yuxin said,

"Brother, do you want to send someone to follow?" Old Liu Hua Wenmao asked,

"Isn't Old Ten at the foot of the mountain? Just send someone to tell him to keep an eye on the news, but don't talk nonsense, so as not to delay that person's action." Long Jingwei instructed,
"I said don't notify. If Zhang Xinglin and Peng Yulin die, it will be a big event. It's hard for us to know." Fan Yuxin said,

"That's right, then don't notify them. In addition, fifth and sixth, you have been keeping a close eye on the people who entered the mountain these days to prevent fraud."

Because he was worried that he was here to explore the way, Long Jingwei sent people to guard the mountain pass and the final road cautiously.

Qi Rui returned to everyone and said, "Let's go, let's go to Fulin County to kill Zhang Xinglin."

"Kill Zhang Xinglin! How?" Fu Yingxue asked.
"Find him directly and execute him. I am a colonel of the Military Command Bureau. Even if Zhang Xinglin is a general, he has to be polite in front of the special commissioner of the Military Command, so it is very easy to get close to him."

"Then he is also an officer of the national army, is it appropriate for you to kill him so directly?" Fu Yingxue asked,
"What a pity he is a traitor who defected to the enemy and treason." Qi Rui said,
"Treason to the enemy? Really?"

"In order to kill justifiably, we had no choice but to plant and frame him. To punish such a villain, we must use extreme means. For a scum like him, he has never encountered a devil. He will definitely be the first to surrender and rebel." Qi Rui imitated the notes. The recruiting is relatively familiar, and it is very easy to use, otherwise how can he be so confident.

"Are you going by yourself?"

"It's fine for you two beauties to put on military uniforms and come with me, so that it's more of a thing."

Arriving in Fulin County, Qi Rui, Fu Yingxue, and Yu Manli came directly to Zhang Xinglin's headquarters wearing the military uniforms they had prepared long ago.

Hearing that it was a visit from a colonel from the Military Control Bureau, Zhang Xinglin rushed to greet him without knowing what was going on. Qi Rui asked Yu Manli and Fu Yingxue to guard the door, and he followed Zhang Xinglin into Zhang's office.

"Colonel Qi, I don't know what you can do for a sudden visit?" Zhang Xinglin thought he was just passing by and asked,

"Brigade Commander Zhang, our boss heard in Chongqing that you are domineering and oppressing the people here, and even let soldiers pretend to be bandits to rob caravans and some local businessmen. Is there such a thing?" Qi Rui asked as he visited the place. I found an office and found that it was a suite with a bed in the back room and a vanity mirror beside the bed.

From this, Qi Rui could see that this was the place where Zhang Xinglin cheated or bullied women. This was the office of the supreme officer, and it turned out to be the place where he did bad things.

"This is simply nonsense, who the hell is slandering me!" Zhang Xinglin blew his beard and stared.
"Brigade Commander Zhang, we also learned that the Japanese have been looking for you in private!" Qi Rui deceitfully said,
The one in front of him was a special agent from the Military Control Bureau, and he would not have asked directly if the evidence was not solid. Zhang Xinglin admitted: "The Japanese did look for me, but I didn't agree to them."

"What about the Japanese?"

"He was just a messenger, and I let him go."

"Hmph, you don't dare to kill, you're afraid that one day the Japanese will call and settle accounts with you, right?"

"Wrong! I didn't think so!"

Even if Qi Rui kills Zhang Xinglin right now, nothing will happen, because Boss Dai must believe what he said, but he still needs evidence to kill him, so that he will not be convinced.

Qi Rui went over and knocked Zhang Xinglin unconscious first, and then searched through his safe, bookcase and drawers. To Qi Rui's surprise, he really hid three letters contacting the Japanese, all of which were threatened by devils. A letter of persuasion to lure.

Qi Rui immediately called the local military command liaison team, asked them to bring people over, and then drew a gun and shot Zhang Xinglin to death. Since he kept the letter of persuasion to surrender, he had this idea. He originally planned to imitate his handwriting to frame Zhang Xinglin, but now he doesn't need it at all.

Qi Rui threw Zhang Xinglin's gun on the ground, and when Zhang Xinglin's subordinates heard the gunshot coming in, Qi Rui sat on the table with a gun in his hand and said to them: "Those who don't want to die put down their guns! Zhang Xinglin secretly colluded with the devils to defect to the enemy and treason , and still want to resist stubbornly, I have already executed him!"

"Collude with devils!?" Adjutant Chen You asked in disbelief.

Qi Rui pointed to the three letters found on the table and said: "Here is the correspondence between him and the devil! You can read it, and I will report this to Shangfeng later, and say that you have made meritorious prosecution, brother! You are waiting for promotion Bar."

"Yes! Thank you, Commander, for cultivating!" To the adjutant Chen You, this was simply a piece of pie in the sky, so he quickly stood at attention and thanked him.
"I will hang his head on the top of the city later, and list all his crimes, not one less!"


Qi Rui is so ruthless, this is the benefit of being favored, as long as he doesn't directly kill Lao Jiang, Boss Dai will probably settle it, not to mention that this person really has problems.

After the military command team arrived, Qi Rui took out his ID and said to them: "Immediately send a report to Boss Dai, inform Zhang Xinglin of these criminal evidences, and tell the boss that Zhang Xinglin wanted to resist when he saw the incident was exposed, and I shot him dead on the spot."

"Excuse me, sir's name?"

"Tell the boss, I am number nine!"

"Number Nine!?"

"The boss knows who I am."


"Here is up to you! Remember, hang the head of this traitor on the top of the city for public display!" Qi Rui ordered,

Qi Rui drove away with Fu Yingxue and Yu Manli, and a scum who was a disaster for the country and the people was simply killed.

"Rui, are you still going to kill Peng Yulin?"

"Yes, to kill him still needs the help of people from Twelve Mountain King Village."

"Isn't he easy to kill?"

"It's easy to kill, but he is the biggest rich man in the area. We have more and more people. Before killing him, let him bleed some blood to give us some military expenses." Qi Rui said,
"Hey, Manli, you are a very bad officer!" Fu Yingxue laughed,

"Officer Qi will only relieve his hatred by doing this!"

"That's right, we have a lot of places to spend money in the future, and I, the head of the family, have to make good calculations." Qi Rui laughed,
After picking up the others, Qi Rui first went to Peng Yulin's house to have a look. Peng Yulin's house occupied more than half of the village. There were two huge stone lions in front of the gate, and sixteen men with guns lined up keep watch.

"We have inquired about this man before. He is the largest landowner in the area. He has more than a dozen nicknames. Peng Papi is the best. This man is indeed to be damned, but he is not easy to kill. It is said that his house was built in the same It's like a maze." Song Jian said,
"We are not here to kill, from now on we will also be thugs." Qi Rui laughed,
"Brother, are you planning to tie Peng Yulin?"

"I don't think it's easy to tie him up, but it's not difficult for us to snatch his goods!"

(End of this chapter)

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