Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 612 Hidden Dragon Crouching Tiger

Chapter 612 Hidden Dragon Crouching Tiger
Qin Jian, who had the best sword skills, lost, and he lost very thoroughly. It was obvious that the visitor's sword skills were much better than his, and now everyone in the cottage was dumbfounded.

"Third brother! Why do you thank him when you lose!?" The blood tooth ghost riding the fifth Zhu Xing asked,
"With his saber technique, I don't need [-] rallies to win. He has the intention to teach me, and I really learned something." Qin Jian said,
Tang Fu, the boss of Bloodfang Ghost Rider, already felt that something was wrong, and told the other two: "You all play well! Especially the fourth child, the marksmanship must be at least on par with him!"

With such a strong sword technique, the force will definitely not be inferior, so the boss of the blood tooth ghost rider puts all his hopes on the spear technique.

"I'll fight with you!" Zhu Xing, the big man who yelled the loudest just now, stood opposite Qi Rui and said in a low voice,
"I can hit ten at a time like you, let's make a move!" Qi Rui imitated Qin Jian this time and said with his left hand behind his back,

Zhu Xing stopped talking nonsense and smashed his fist the size of a sandbag. Qi Rui's eyes lit up with such a move. Although this big man with big arms and round waist looked clumsy, he moved very cleanly and neatly, and his kicks were also quite good. It seems that he has practiced since he was a child, and he can perform all kinds of difficult kicks.

Bloodfang Ghost Rider is indeed Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon!Qin Jian's sword skills are very strong. He met Qi Rui, and after this competition, his sword skills will be improved to a higher level.

And this big man is also a real kung fu man. Judging from his vigorous fists and feet, he should have the strength to open a monument with a single palm, and break a thick and thin tree stump at the mouth of a bowl with one kick.

Qi Rui has the force of one against ten. Although the big man is strong, Qi Rui can quickly find the opponent's weakness, but in less than [-] moves, the big man is knocked down by Qi Rui's ingenuity.

"You lost!" Qi Rui clasped his fists and said,
Zhu Xing was still unconvinced, Tang Fu hurriedly stopped him: "Old Five! You are not his opponent, come back."

The big man bowed his head obediently and returned to the leader, saying: "This man is really powerful, as if he can really beat ten of me."

"It seems that this person is not bragging! Fourth brother, it's all up to you."

"Brother, I will definitely beat him!"

The old Siduan, nicknamed Chuanyunyan, came to the arena, and the audience cheered.

"Fourth brother, come on! We must win him!"

"Four masters! Let him know what a sharpshooter is! Come on!"

Now the whole village of Blood Fang Guiqi is betting their treasure on Duan Zhe, the fourth master, if he loses too, Blood Fang Guiqi will lose face.

"My name is Duan Zun! The blood tooth ghost rides the fourth child!"

"Good Sidang! How do we compare?" Qi Rui asked,

"You are a guest, you come to ask questions!" Duan Hou said,
Duan Hou had two original German twenty-gun box guns with no front sights pinned to his waist. Qi Rui knew that his marksmanship must be very good, so he asked: "You will lose if you ask me to ask a question! In this way, I will give you a question. You propose a topic, which is more fair, what do you think?"

"Well, this is indeed fair, just treat it as a question for the other party! Okay! Good idea."

"It can be seen that the Sidang family is good at using the shell gun, so let's shoot a 50-meter fixed target!" Qi Rui said,
"Hit a fixed target!?" This was too simple, Duan Cheng thought he heard it wrong.

"Any immovable object can be used as a fixed target. Please follow me, Sidang."

Qi Rui brought Duan Zun to the two fixed targets where they usually trained in target shooting. He picked up six small stones about the size of fingernails from the ground, and placed them in groups of three on top of the two fixed targets.

"Four masters, let's shoot at the small rock in the middle, and the other two rocks will lose, what do you think?"

Duan Zun had never played this way before. He looked carefully, and found that the gap between the three stones could hold a piece of paper. If you want the stone next to it to stay still, you must hit the center of the middle stone precisely. He thought for a while and asked, "This stone should be shattered when it is hit by a bullet. Are you sure the stones on both sides will not be affected?"

"The stone is hit by a bullet, and it will be blown away under the force. It is indeed very likely that it will be shattered, but the gravel will spread backwards, and there is a high probability that it will not touch the stones on both sides."

"Okay! Let's try it!" At this moment, Duan Zhen was at a loss. This is a distance of 50 meters, and the difficulty is indeed too great.

The M1935 pistol that Qi Rui was carrying was confiscated by the rider of the blood tooth ghost. Tang Fu sent someone to return the gun to him. He stood 50 meters away and looked at it, then raised his hand to shoot, and heard a snap. Look at the two small stones left on the gun target, they have not moved in their original positions.

"Stable! It's too stable!" Zhu Xing praised,

"This man is too confident! This marksmanship is really amazing!" Su Yun, the seventh son, was the sharpshooter second only to Duan Zun in the cottage, and he also praised,

Many people who understand the difficulty all praise it, because you have to hit the very center of the stone with this shot, otherwise the air wave from the bullet will knock down the stones on both sides.

Duan Zhen raised his gun to take aim and then fired. With a snap, everyone looked at the target, but there was still a stone left on it, and he lost the first round.

"How did you come up with this question!" It's true that Duan Zun's marksmanship is the best, but the others are not bad either. Seeing that the fourth child lost in this question, they all began to be unconvinced.

"It's okay, isn't the fourth child still asking questions?" Tang Fu comforted everyone and even comforted himself.

After Duan Zun lost, he had no choice but to play what he thought was the most difficult. He said: "Just now we played a fixed target, so I will play a movable target this time."

"Okay, how to fight." Qi Rui agreed with confidence in his marksmanship.

"I see that you like hitting rocks, so let's continue." Duan Hou said and beckoned a girl, and Qi Rui saw a very delicate slingshot pinned to her waist.

"Her name is Louie. She's our little sister. She's a good slingshot."

"I see! You're asking her to sling the rock out, and then we'll hit it right?"

"That's right, for the sake of fairness, Lui will stand on the right side and use a slingshot to hit the fixed target on the left side. All we have to do is to intercept the stones she hits with bullets, and the winner wins." Duan Jie said,
"Can I let her hit a stone first?"

"of course can."

Lui ran to the side of the martial arts arena. She found three thumb-sized stones, stood a hundred steps away from the fixed target, and hit one with all her strength. The stones hit the bull's-eye.

Louie shouted: "The two behind me will also hit with this force!"

The thumb-sized stones shot by the slingshot are almost invisible to the naked eye, even if they are seen, they are still a line. If this section can really hit, his marksmanship is really amazing.

"Okay! The fourth master will come first."

Duan Jie raised his gun and got ready, looked into the air and shouted: "Fight!"

Lu Yi fired the stone, Duan Zun shot, and with a bang, the stone was shattered in the air. This marksmanship was really amazing, and Long Jingwei and Song Jian were all stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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