Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 647 Damn it!

Chapter 647 Damn it!

Just as Mieko Sakai expected, the city of Nanjing was searched and Qi Rui, the God of Killing, was not found. Toshio Nishio almost died of a convulsion. Nearly 60 people were attacked by two or three people. One lieutenant general and one chief were killed just like that , and so many casualties, to the Japanese, this is a disgrace to the Imperial Army.

Carpet-style door-to-door searches, both men and women must wash their faces when they are inspected, including Japanese overseas Chinese and Japanese soldiers, because the people in the God-killing Action Team can speak Japanese, and now the Nanjing Section is full of excitement, saying that the traitors and devils are panicking. To be precise, the lively ones are only the common people who are secretly having fun at home.

"I just said that the God of Killing is a certain God of War from Heaven! Otherwise, he can kill whoever he wants. This is Yiwei Iwamatsu, but he is a lieutenant general of the devil! There are more than 50 devil soldiers to protect him. Only four of them came to kill God Kill them all!"

"Keep your voice down, and let the devils hear you and not vent your anger on us!"

"If there are more killing gods, I think the devils are still so arrogant!"

"The Killing God is so powerful, the people who follow him must be also very strong!"

"That's necessary. You didn't read in the newspaper that all the God-killing Action Teams are descended from gods!"

The people closed their doors and talked about it, and the spread of the Killing God Action Group became more and more evil. Some people even said that the Killing God could kill hundreds of devils with one finger.

Zheng Yaoxian used the foundation laid in Nanjing for several months to send Qi Rui and others out of Nanjing City, so even if the Japanese dug three feet, they couldn't find anyone.

When a freight train was approaching Wuhu City, Qi Rui and the others jumped out of the car ahead of time. From now on, they were businessmen, Qi Rui was the boss, Fu Yingxue was the boss's wife, and the others were bodyguards and attendants.

When leaving Chongqing, Qi Rui asked Zhuang Xiaoman for the treasurer's token that Li Dingchuan had given, because she was in Chongqing and Li Dingchuan knew her, so she didn't need it.

Qi Rui found the Li family's business store with the token, and asked them to prepare as much steel and cement as they could. These are controlled items, and only the Li family can get them.

Although there was a token from the treasurer of the Li family, the Li family still sent a telegram to Li Dingchuan asking for instructions because the things they wanted were too tight, but the reply they received was to give them whatever they wanted, and to satisfy the killing god Qi Rui as much as possible.

Now Li Dingchuan already knew that he had given the token to the wrong person. It turned out that he was Qi Rui, the God of Killing. For such a hero, he would consider it even if he wanted the property of the entire Li family, not to mention essential materials.

The person in charge of the Li family in Wuhu promised Qi Rui to get these materials, and also promised to send them directly to the pick-up point closest to Huangshan, but it would take at least a month or two.

It would be good if we could get the materials, and Qi Rui could accept it if it took longer, so he sent a telegram to the team using Li's radio station, saying that everything is fine at home, everyone should do what they should do, Jing Yun took his people to take charge of the investigation Task.

Qi Rui sent a telegram to Zheng Yaoxian again, telling him to keep an eye on the officers of the puppet army, and notify them no matter what means of transportation they came back, because this is the best time to kill them, and it would be a little troublesome if they really went to the army.

"The things here are over, big brother, can we continue to act?" Song Jian asked,

"We must get rid of the puppet officers on the list within a certain period of time. Since we have already sentenced them to death, they must die!" Qi Rui said,
"Brother, you are the famous Killing God. Now that you talk about Killing God devils and traitors, shouldn't we also have appropriate nicknames?" Tang Rui asked.

"You and Song Jian are black and white impermanent, black impermanence Song Jian, and white impermanence Tang Rui. Although they are a bit vulgar, they will be unforgettable for devils forever! How do you two feel?"

"This nickname scares me, not to mention devils and traitors, okay! Let's call it like that!" Tang Rui agreed.

Seeing that other people also wanted nicknames, Qi Rui said: "Nicknames actually have no meaning to us. The purpose is to be easy to remember and make the enemy frightened."

"I'm supposed to be that Pink Rakshasa?" Fu Yingxue asked,
"It is true that I designed this character before, but you are not suitable." Qi Rui said that it is not suitable because someone in the military has met Fu Yingxue.

"What about me?" Su Wenqian asked,
"You should still be your little shepherd fish, because this code name has already kept the devils up at night."

"Ninth brother, leave the next task to our team." Su Wenqian regretted not showing his face this time, he was the absolute main force in the jellyfish assassination team.

"Wen Qian, Yoshinori Iwamatsu chose who to execute him this time. If he chose your path, it would be you and Lao Tan. What I want to say is that no matter who kills the target, it is us who kill the gods." The collective honor of the action group."

"Brother Nine, I understand this, but my hands are itchy!" Su Wenqian said,

"It's easy to handle. When have we been idle? There are still a few puppet officers on the list who must be killed. There is a man named Zhang You'an in Wuhu. He will be handed over to you and Lao Tan to kill. Are you confident?"

"Okay! Guaranteed to complete the task." After Su Wenqian finished speaking, he suddenly realized that his group didn't even have a fruit knife, and asked, "Ninth brother, do you want me to kill with a slingshot?"

"Just now you said that you promised to complete the mission." Qi Rui had already planned to let Su Wenqian and Lao Tan kill the puppet army officers, because all the weapons were left in Nanjing, and now only Tan Lin and Su Wenqian have a hand in several people arms.

Old Tan's close combat with a piece of bamboo as thin as a cicada's wing can kill a person, and Su Wenqian's long-distance slingshot fires steel balls as well.

"It's okay to kill them, do we still need to sneak into the barracks?"

"Then shall we stay in Wuhu for a few days? This person probably hasn't come back yet. Just now I sent a report to Sixth Brother, asking him to send someone to keep an eye on these honored traitors. They will definitely return to the team! By then Here is our chance!"

"Are there so many of us waiting to kill this one? Are there any other places? Why don't we act together?" Fu Yingxue asked Qi Rui,
"According to the information, there are two of these officers in Suzhou and Huzhou, one in Kunshan, and then we will meet in Huangshan." Qi Rui said,
Qi Rui asked Song Jian and Tang Rui to go to Kunshan, Mingtai and Yu Manli to Huzhou, took Xue Min and Lengyue Suzhou by himself, and tried to get rid of the target within two days.

"Rui, shall we kill these puppet officers and return to Huangshan to prepare for the battle?" Fu Yingxue asked,
"I'll draw the blueprints for my family first, and then we may go to Tianjin and Hebei."

"Are you looking for Shen Xilin?"

"Now his relationship with Jiuchi Yangxing has been broken, and Taihang Mountain is undergoing a hundred-regiment battle. I plan to bring a few people there to help."

Now is the first stage of the Hundred Regiments War, Qi Rui wants to participate in the second and third stages.

(End of this chapter)

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