Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 660 Mission must reach

Chapter 660 Mission must reach
Han Bing thought it was Xiao Wu who wanted to take credit for her. The No. [-] chief explained to him that Xiao Wu had already returned to the army. He came here because his cousin Lan Rouge was assassinated, and he had no other meaning.

Han Bing was relieved now, because according to her investigation, Xiao Wu and the woman following her were indeed no longer in Yan'an.

Qian Dian 24 rushed all the way to Taiyuan, and as soon as he handed over the information to Lieutenant Jiang Mulongya of the Intelligence Department of the First Army of the North China Dispatch Army stationed in Taiyuan, Kobayashi Kenichi pushed the door against the door frame out of breath.

"Team leader Kobayashi!" Chizuku24 was surprised to see Kenichi Kobayashi,
"Qian Dian..." Qi Rui stretched out his hand to say something, but he closed his eyes and passed out on the ground.

"Team Leader Kobayashi!" Qian Dian and Jiang Mu hurriedly helped Xiao Lin Jianyi to the sofa, and immediately called the doctor.
After a while, Xiao Lin Jianyi woke up. The doctor said that there was nothing serious, but that it was caused by the fatigue from the long journey.

"Xiao Lin! You are finally back!" Jiang Mulong also said,
Qi Rui took out a stack of documents from his pocket and said: "This is the location of all the main forces of the Eighth Route Army in the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei region, including those in the Lvliang area, section chief! Hurry up and report to the headquarters, I still have important information to report!"

"Okay, I'll report to Commander Xiaozuka right now." The deployment of all the troops of the Eighth Route Army in Shanxi, Chahar and Hebei, this information came in a very timely manner, because some troops have already started to implement the sweeping operation plan, because it is still unclear about the main forces of the Eighth Route Army. position, so the assembled army has not moved yet.

Yoshio Shinozuka, the commander of the First Army of the North China Dispatch Army, said excitedly after reading this information: "Where is Shao Zuo Xiaolin?"

"In my office now, he said that there are still important intelligence reports."

"I'll call Commander Tada immediately, you go back and bring Shao Zuo Kobayashi over!"

Because Kobayashi Jianben is a registered intelligence officer, he has been delivering information from Yan'an before. This time, he notified in advance that he had received information such as the deployment of the Eighth Route Army and the location of the main force, and Tada Jun had been waiting.

Qi Rui was pretending to be weak. He ate something and followed Jiang Mulong to the headquarters of the First Army. This was the first time he saw the war criminal Yoshio Shinozuka. In Rui Rui's eyes, war criminals deserve death regardless of grade.

"Master Kobayashi! You have done a great job this time! I have notified Commander Tada that we will fly to Peiping immediately. The Commander and the others are waiting for us to have a meeting."

Shinozuka Yoshio didn't ask Kobayashi Kenichi what other important information he brought back, and immediately took him to leave Taiyuan on a special plane and fly directly to Peiping.

When they arrived in Peiping, a car picked them up to the headquarters of the North China Front Army. In the conference room, there were more than 30 people including Tada Hayao, Tachihara Yukio, Hirata Masakapani and some corps generals and staff officers.

"Commander!" Shinozuka Yoshio brought Kobayashi Kenichi to meet Tada Hayao and others.

"Take a seat, Mr. Kobayashi, you've worked hard!" Jun Tada greeted Kobayashi Kenichi's exhausted face,

"No hard work!" Qi Rui stood where he was and didn't sit down.

"Commander, this is the information Kobayashi brought back." Shinozuka Yoshio gave the information to Tada Hayao,
Hayao Tada immediately sent someone to make slides, and while waiting, he asked Kenichi Kobayashi: "Master Kobayashi, I heard you have important information to report?"

"Yes, Commander! This time, I not only got back the exact location of the Eighth Route Army's main force in Shanxi, Chahar and Hebei, but also got the positions of several important headquarters of the Eighth Route Army!"

"Oh!? Is it the High Command?"

"Yes, they are all the top commanders in these areas, including..." Qi Rui repeated the names of some famous commanders.

All the ghost officers present were very excited when they heard this, and Hayao Tada was even more overjoyed and said, "It's really great!"

"However, Commander, these are temporary command posts, we still need to send someone to investigate clearly." Qi Rui said,
"The command post on Tuba Road has always been temporary. We know this very well. Shao Zuo Xiaolin, please tell us everything you know." Hayao Tada said,

"I also got news that it was the Killing God Task Force that blew up the Mianhe Bridge."

"What!? It's the Killing God Task Force! How did they end up in Hebei?"

"I don't know about this either. I heard this in Yan'an."

"I wondered why this explosion was so weird, and the explosives used for the explosion were not available. It turned out that it was the God-killing Task Force, and they really knew how to explode! Now the supplies we have accumulated in Taiyuan are even more expensive." Wait at least a month!" Tada Hayao said,

"Commander, the Eighth Route Army's Zhou Weiguo Regiment, Li Yunlong Regiment, and Jingyun Independent Regiment attacked Laiyuan County." Qi Rui continued to report,
"I know Li Yunlong, this person hates cunning! I didn't expect his regiment to go to Laiyuan too." Yoshio Shinozuka said,
"This is the first time I've heard of the Jingyun Independent Regiment. Are they those regiments with good weapons?" Fan Zhaoshou, head of the 110th Division, asked.
"I don't know about that, I just saw the Jingyun Independent Group on the Tuba Road's success report."

"Xiao Lin! You are doing well, go down and rest first!" Tada Hayao said,

"Commander, let me leave it for you to explain, because I have studied the information when I am free." Qi Rui begged,

"OK then!"

When the slide show was playing, Qi Rui explained to the devils present one by one, because the information he brought was not very different from the information the devils had grasped before, so they fully believed in the accuracy of the information.

After Qi Rui finished explaining, he said: "Commander, all generals, my subordinates have the courage to suggest that it is better to send someone to investigate to prevent the Tuba Road from being temporarily transferred!"

"Very good, Kobayashi! Letting you lurk in Yan'an is a bit of a shame!" Kobayashi Jianyi explained very well, and he also explained some terrain clearly, which proves that he has done his homework before, Tada Jun praised ,

"Kobayashi is right. I will immediately send someone to investigate and verify the information that Shao Zuo Kobayashi brought back. Once the information is confirmed to be correct, we will immediately formulate a sweeping plan." Chief of Staff Major General Yukio Tachihara said.

"Xiaolin, you have done a great job this time, what are your plans for the future?" Masaharu Hirata, the deputy chief of staff, asked.

"My intelligence team is still in Yan'an, I still have to go back!"

"Xiao Lin, will it be dangerous for you to go back?" Tada Hayao asked,
"It's not clear yet, but I still want to go back. If I am not suspected, I will continue to lurk."

"But what are you going to say after you've been away for so many days?"

"I will find a solution." Qi Rui's current task is basically completed, because as long as the devils investigate and confirm the authenticity of the information, they will immediately formulate a plan to clear and suppress.

We call the devil's sweeping plan, because they are all based on the information we provided, so there is no need to get their sweeping plan, because we can infer the devil's plan, so Come, we can implement a precise anti-sweeping operation plan.

Comrade Miaodao, the mission must be accomplished!
(End of this chapter)

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