Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 662: The Strongest Support Li Dingchuan!

Chapter 662: The Strongest Support Li Dingchuan!

Qi Rui didn't worry about these things, because he couldn't control the red team even if he wasn't around.

Qi Rui took the two boxes of gold bars Dai gave him and went directly to Li Dingchuan, because he and his Li Family Trading Company had helped him and his team a lot, and Qi Rui gave him all the gold bars intact.

"Boss Li, you take all the money, there are still many things that need your help in the future!"

When Li Dingchuan saw the two boxes of gold bars, he said with an ugly face: "Brother Qi, I heard that you came to Chongqing and wanted to see you, but I heard that there are so many people there, so I didn't go, because I think there should be a relationship between us." Have a good talk."

Seeing the anger on Li Dingchuan's face, Qi Rui knew that he was alienating him, so he hurriedly said: "Since brother Li called me big brother, we are brothers. If you have anything to say, just say it."

"Brother Qi, I admire a hero like you, and I want to be a hero like you, but you can see that my virtue is definitely useless in this life, and I have no other skills, but a lot of money! Brother Qi! If you recognize me as this Brother, I will cover the military expenses of the God-killing Task Force from now on!" Li Dingchuan said,

"Brother! Thank you, you have helped us a lot! Your Li family's money didn't come from the wind, it's because we are brothers, how can I be ashamed."

"Where is this? Do you need fighter jets? Tanks? I can buy them for you from abroad. Brother Qi, if nothing else, I hope you can lead your brothers to kill more devils earlier. Drive the little devil out of our China! For this, I am willing to lose my family!" Li Dingchuan said very sincerely,
"Brother, I know you are sincere, and I also thank you for your patriotism. I accept that fighter jets are not needed for the time being. Besides, I don't have a company that makes money. If I need your help, brother, I will never I will be polite to you."

"Brother, it seems that you still don't want to recognize my brother!"

"How come, if you don't believe it, we can ask for help, it's no problem, but now my team is supported by the government, and my company can earn the money to buy weapons and ammunition. For the time being, I don't need my brother to invest in these aspects. I just need Li It’s enough that the business can help us raise the materials we need.”

"Brother Qi, I understand what you mean. I don't care if you want it or not. Anyway, I have already ordered a batch of weapons and ammunition for you. They are all used by your team now." Li Dingchuan said,

"Brother, did you buy matching ammunition for me?" Qi Rui really wanted to buy it,

"That's right, I don't know where you bought these weapons and ammunition, but I know American arms dealers, maybe I can buy them cheaper than you."

It would be too hypocritical for Qi Rui to refuse again, and he said very gratefully: "Brother, you are my great savior! These are exactly what I lack now, so I won't say more if you are polite! It's disrespectful!"

"Brother, I have business dealings with European and American countries. I can't refer to Europe now, but I can continue with the United States. They are eager to sell our weapons and equipment now."

"Thank you so much bro! I was thinking of going to Shanghai to find Yankees and buy some ammunition. Their weapons are good, but they are a waste of ammunition." Qi Rui's words are not false at all, especially It's a submachine gun, he doesn't dare to let the soldiers use it.

"I understand this, so I bought it for my elder brother, and this time I just took it away."

Li Dingchuan made this decision after a comprehensive investigation of Qi Rui, because he found that Qi Rui was fighting devils all the time, and he had an outstanding record, so he planned to fully support the task force unconditionally. He would be willing to ask for money, let alone the killing god Qi Rui's team.

Qi Rui's trip to the Li family was quite fruitful, and he also recognized his brother Li Dingchuan. This brother is a rich man. In the future, at least he won't worry about ammunition. However, Qi Rui knows that buying from abroad is not stable, and the most stable thing is to build Leaving aside the aspect of firearms in his own arsenal, the ammunition must be manufactured by himself.

But at this time, this idea is not yet mature, Qi Rui plans to think about it again, because the selection of the site is difficult for him.

Qi Rui still kept the gold bars, but Li Dingchuan was determined not to want them at first, but Qi Rui said that he would put the money in his place as a shareholding before accepting it.

Looking forward to the stars and the moon, Zhuang Xiaoman finally met the man she misses day and night again. She really misses the days in Shanghai. At that time, at least Qi Rui would accompany her every once in a while, but now it’s fine. Once Qi Rui left, he didn't see each other for several months.

"Xiaoman, I never force you to do anything. If you don't want to stay in Chongqing, you can follow me. You can make up your own mind." Qi Rui said,
"What if I do business with you?" Zhuang Xiaoman asked, not a girl who cares nothing about the overall situation.
"I knew that my Xiaoman was the most sensible. Now we can't be nostalgic for Wenrouxiang. When I beat the little devil away, I will definitely let you come back to me."

"Masami Aoyama is not Japanese, she is from her own family, so you have our two daughters-in-law?" Zhuang Xiaoman asked,
"I'm sorry, it was really a last resort."

"Then do you like Yamei more?" Zhuang Xiaoman didn't know Fu Yingxue's real name until now, and Qi Rui didn't dare to tell her. After all, Xue'er is a Communist, but Xiaoman now is not.

"Xiaoman, you know that we often have to do so in this business, so please forgive me."

"I understand, I just want to know if she is very powerful?"

"It is indeed very powerful. He is a master of action like Song Jian and Tang Rui."

"It's good to have her by your side, so I can feel more at ease."

"Xiaoman, I will make it up to you in the future."

"I don't need any compensation except feelings."

"..." Qi Rui was speechless, Zhuang Xiaoman really had a problem for himself, because how could the organization allow him to have two wives.

Xu Baichuan heard in Chengdu that Xiao Jiu came back overnight in Chongqing, and now he knows that Qi Rui, the God of Killing, is his ninth younger brother, so he has gained a lot from him. When he comes back and sees more than 100 brothers and sisters who followed Qi Rui, then He even has the appearance of being the fourth brother, busy up and down, taking care of these more than 100 people very thoughtfully.

"Xiao Jiu, if you don't say that your sixth brother has a poisonous eye, I still don't know why you two became sworn brothers when you first met." Xu Baichuan said,

"It was I who had heard of Sixth Brother's name a long time ago, and cried and begged to be sworn brothers with him. At that time, Sixth Brother was actually not very happy, because I behaved like a psychopath. I remember that Sixth Brother kowtowed to me at that time. Sometimes there are tears in my eyes.”


"Haha, I was just teasing the fourth brother. The sixth brother also saw my cleverness, so he swore to me because of my soft-heartedness. How about it, fourth brother, I didn't embarrass you as a brother!"

(End of this chapter)

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