Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 674 This time 1 must destroy Shashen!

Chapter 674 Must Destroy Shashen This Time!
Xiao Hinata Bailang came in with a gloomy face, because he received the order to let those death row prisoners sneak into the God of Death Task Force.

"Chief Kohinata, do you have anything to say?" Dohashi asked once,

"General! I spent months training these men, but I don't think they are all professional operators."

"what do you want to say in the end?"

"General, what I want to say is that the enemy we are facing is not ordinary people, but the top intelligence personnel who have been lurking inside us for several years and have not been seen through. He knows us very well, maybe even better than ourselves."

"We know this!" No one knew about Qi Rui, the God of Killing, and no one regarded him as an ordinary person. Otherwise, how could he have stayed in Chizhou for several months and waited for an opportunity.

Xiaori cleared his throat to Bai Lang and said, "Everyone, please forgive me! Qi Rui is a top agent, even our senior agents are hard to fool him, let alone some Chinese who have only been trained for a few months."

"It is for this reason that we have found so many Chinese people. Do you think Qi Rui is really a fairy! He can see through everything!" Tuqiao said once,
"General, I'm not worried that these Chinese people will be seen through. What I'm worried about is that these people will expose our intentions, and we may suffer a big loss at that time!" Xiaohinata Bailang continued,

"We've all thought of this, Director Kohinata, please implement it according to the original plan!" Mio Yutoyo said,
"I've said everything I need to say. If there are any mistakes in these Chinese people, please don't blame me, because I can't go with them."

"Chief Kohinata, as long as you let them do what they should do, you don't have to be responsible for the rest." Mio Yutoyo said,
"Hay! I'll send them into the mountains right now."

After Xiao Hinata left for Bai Lang, Yoshimasa Matsuyama, who remained silent, asked Yutoyo Mio: "Master Mio, are you really ready here?"

"Get ready, I will get the exact location of the Killing God Task Force, and I will also ask General Tuqiao and Captain Songshan to prepare for the battle. It is the Chinese New Year, and this is the time when they are most relaxed. We must strive to eliminate them next time!" said Mio Yutoyo,
"Don't worry, Mitsuo, I've been waiting for this day for several months!" Dohashi said once,
"Today is January 22, and there are still four days until New Year's Eve. I really hope that this operation can be resolved quickly! The God-killing Task Force has seriously affected our garrison mission." Matsuyama Yoshimasa said,
"Please wait for our good news!" Mio Yutoyo said and left the headquarters.

Qi Rui took everyone back to the base, but Ma Yunfei and He Jian brought Sister Ouyang Jianping of the No. [-] special agent group along. It turned out that everyone wanted to have a good time in the mountains during the Chinese New Year.

"Brother Nine! Sister-in-law! It's time for you to come back!" Ma Yunfei saw that Qi Rui and the others had come back in such a timely manner, so he began to arrange food and drinks. These were the New Year's goods they brought back.

Seeing a table of delicious food, Qi Rui rubbed his cold hands and asked, "Why is the food so good? Do everyone have a share?"

"All!" Ouyang Jianping said,
"Song Jian, Tang Rui, go and call Tang Fu, Long Jingwei, and Zhou Daliang over here. I want to ask about the recent situation in the mountains." Qi Rui ordered,

"Xiao Jiu, have you been to Beiping and Tianjin?" Ouyang Jianping asked,

"Well, I went for a trip."

"Are any of us who killed the emperor's special envoy?" Gao Han asked,

"It was done by the people from the Beiping Station of the Military Command. I just went to kill a traitor and lackey Pei Jiesan." Qi Rui said lightly,

"Pei Tier-san, we have met this person before." Ouyang Jianping said,
Qi Rui sighed softly and said: "This bastard betrayed many of us, and Zeng Che died because of him. It's a pity that Fifth Brother is a talent."

"Zeng Che, the fifth of the Eight Great Vajras! No wonder Brother Nine looks so bad." He Jian said,
"I'm not because of this, but because we haven't found out the devil's plan to kill God, so I'm a little worried." Qi Rui said,
"God Killing Plan? Ninth Brother, tell us clearly, maybe we can find out." Ma Yunfei asked,
"If only I knew the content of the God Killing Project, I know the name of the project now."

"Xiao Jiu, if you were Shunsuke Kuchi, you might know about this plan." Ouyang Jianping said,
"So, if there is a chance, we still have to lurk inside the devil!" Qi Rui said,
At this time, Song Jian and Tang Rui came over with a few principals, and they saw more than 20 people sitting in the barracks, many of whom were unfamiliar faces.


"Big brother!"

Qi Rui waved and said: "They are all from our own family, you all sit down!"

As soon as Zhou Daliang sat down, he reported consciously: "Brother, there is nothing unusual in the mountains recently, except that the No. 20 Second Division and the Third Division have always been stationed in Chizhou. It feels like they will enter the mountain at any time."

"They seem to be waiting for something, otherwise it is impossible for all the troops of a division to be stationed in Chizhou." Ouyang Jianping also knew the news and said,

"Brother, I asked Li Nancheng, Lu Zhengnian and the others to stay in Chizhou to investigate the enemy situation, and they will report immediately if there is any situation."

"Very good, hasn't anyone come to seek refuge recently?" Qi Rui asked,

"Yes, they came here scattered, and we gathered them in another camp for training." Tang Fu said,
"Brother, since you told us about the dangers of spies last time, we have been very careful. We will never let newcomers come to the main camp without your approval, let alone participate in the construction of fortifications. .” Long Jingwei also said,
"How is the fortification going?"

"It has basically been repaired, and it has been arranged according to the request of the eldest brother. If the little devils dare to come this time, they will definitely come back!" Tang Fu said,
"Thank you for your hard work, let's eat!" Qi Rui put a chopstick of food in his mouth, and said to everyone: "You all have to thank Sister Ouyang, this is the new year's goods they brought back, what should you do when you go back Be as happy as you are!"

"Thank you, Miss Ouyang!"

Qi Rui's team is disciplined and absolutely can't drink, and today is no exception, everyone is eating meat, and no one dares to ask for alcohol.

After everyone was full, Qi Rui said: "I'm happy when I go back, but I can't relax my vigilance."

"Brother, don't worry, we are all personally leading the team to guard, and there will be absolutely no problems." Tang Fu said,
After Tang Fu and Long Jingwei left, Qi Rui said to Chi Tiecheng, Song Jian, Tang Rui, Song Mian, Ma Yunfei, He Jian, and Tan Lin: "The devil knows that we Chinese attach great importance to the New Year. They will come for a sneak attack on New Year's Eve, and I will give you a task, which is to be responsible for the security twenty miles away from the camp, even if you find suspicious people or teams, don't be alarmed, just let me know."

(End of this chapter)

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