Chapter 677

In fact, Hisao Nishio and the others overestimated Qi Rui. They believed that the intelligence capability of the Killing God Action Team was very strong, and they would definitely find out that two special operations teams were formed to eliminate the Killing God. One was selected by Shang Xudong. Composed of serious criminals, one is a special operations force formed by Mitsuo Yutoyo.

In this way, the killing god Qi Rui's attention will be all on the special operations team, thus ignoring the imperial army's combat troops. For this reason, Tuqiao once led the No.20 Second Division to stay in Chizhou for several months to confuse Qi Rui.

However, one part of the Third Division, one part of the No.15 Division, one part of the 116th Division, and one part of the No.12 Mixed Brigade were secretly transferred to the surrounding areas of Huangshan, and even the intelligence department and the Sakai Advance Team were sent to secretly investigate the Ninth Division. Huashan, Wuhu, Tianmu Mountain, all armed forces south of Huangshan Mountain.

After more than two months of investigation, it was finally found out that it was not the Chinese Army of the Third War Zone who often cooperated with Qi Rui, but two regiments of the New Fourth Army. This whole set of battle plan to wipe out, and the plan to kill God is just a cover to confuse Qi Rui.

As a result, the name of the God Killing Project was well chosen. After Qi Rui learned about it, he was cautious. According to some performances, he speculated that the devils were going to invade Huangshan and asked two regiments of the New Fourth Army to support them. Unexpectedly, this fell into the hands of the devils.

"Qi Rui thought that our focus was to enter the mountains to eliminate him, but we didn't know that we knew that the New Fourth Army's Fang Tianyi and Sun Facheng regiment would fully support him, and our real battle plan was to eliminate the Killing God Task Force and all his support Armed troops." Hisao Nishio continued,
"Then how did the ambush troops in Huangshan prevent them from discovering it?"

"General Toyoshima did a good job. He broke up the two regiments into pieces. A small group and a small group marched into the ambush site one after another at night. It took them a month to do it. That's why they were not caught by Qi Rui. find."

"Did you know when to carry out combat missions before?"

"Yes, the original battle plan was set for Chinese New Year's Eve. At that time, Qi Rui will definitely ask for help from the Fang Tianyi regiment and Sun Facheng regiment, and the New Fourth Army will go to support Qi Rui in order to win over the killing god. We will give them Come to a siege to fight for help, what we didn't expect was that our investigators discovered the support of two regiments of the New Fourth Army in advance, so the battle plan started ahead of schedule!" Nishio Hisao said,
"So that's the case. No wonder the Fang Tianyi regiment encountered an encounter, not an ambush."

"Since it's not an ambush, they're finished!"

"Great, now we can not only eliminate the two troublesome New Fourth Army teams, but also destroy the God-killing Task Force!"

"We just got the news that Fang Tianyi Regiment and Sun Facheng Regiment have been bitten by No.15 Division and No.12 Mixed Brigade, and the new government's founding army has also played a role this time."

"Report! Inoue Kinto, the third division of the Huangshan Mountain Division, called. After entering Huangshan Mountain, he was stubbornly resisted by the Killing God Task Force!"

"The Inoue unit was resisted, what about the Kawasaki unit?"

"Report! The Kawasaki Alliance was also ambushed by the Killing God Task Force."

"Killing God Qi Rui is really a headache, and his reaction is really fast!"

"What I didn't expect was that the Killing God Task Force didn't run away!"

"The Inoue and Kawasaki alliances appeared suddenly. I think they didn't have time to run, but he can organize a counterattack so quickly. Killing God Qi Rui is really a powerful character."

"Immediately call General Tuqiao once and ask him to immediately send two regiments to support Huangshan, let the Songshan regiment and Qianjian regiment copy the rear of Fang Tianyi's regiment, and let them also go to Huangshan after the Fang Tianyi regiment is wiped out." Support." Hisao Nishio ordered,
All the commanders of the dispatched army headquarters were waiting for the battle report from the front line, and Qi Rui also received a telegram from Li Nancheng in Huangshan.

"The No.20 Second Division and the Third Division Songshan United were divided into two groups. One team came to Huangshan, and the other went to Jiuhua Mountain. The number of the Japanese army that fought with us has been found out. It is the other two of the Third Division. Alliance!" Qi Rui said,
"Rui, we are struggling with the Devil's two alliances. If there are two more, we may not be able to resist at all."

"Immediately send a telegram to Fang Tianyi, telling him not to fight and break out to the south! Don't let them go back to Mount Jiuhua! At the same time, notify Sun Facheng to let him break out as well."

At this moment, Qi Rui is really worried that these two regiments will be wiped out because of him. If he goes to support Fang Tianyi immediately, he will also attract all the devils from Huangshan and the devils on the way. Cut off by devils.

So now I have to do my best to lure the devils from the four regiments to Huangshan, and let Fang Tianyi find a way to break through, because the other brother troops are too far away to come to support.

"Brother, we have blocked the devil's two troops at two mountain passes, and they will have to wait until noon tomorrow if they want to go around." Song Jian ran back to report,

"No, these two regiments must be resolved quickly. They must not be allowed to wait until the two regiments of the No. 20 Second Division. Let Zhou Daliang lead the team to prepare, bring all the mortars and grenade launchers, and we will go up the mountain Go copy the devil's flank."

Now Tang Fulian and Long Jingwei Company are all fighting the devils in the fortifications. Even though they only have two or three hundred people in each company, because of the protection of fortifications and bunkers, the ammunition is also very sufficient, and the devils have been attacked many times They hit it off.

Inoue Kinto has now discovered that the opposite army is fighting in bunkers and bunkers. The bombing on his side has no effect at all. He is planning to send a brigade to find a way to outflank, but he doesn't want a team to appear from the flanking mountain. The army, they were mortar and grenade salvos, bombarding the wing constantly.

Because the opponent is on the mountain, it is difficult for their mortars on the ground to bombard them. This has caused the Inoue United Team to suffer a lot. Qi Rui and the others wanted to go down the mountain but they couldn't, because they couldn't go up the mountain, so they had to Attacked in this way.

Qi Rui was not stingy, he finished all the mortars and grenades, and then led the team back to the front, asking Zhou Daliang to send people who are familiar with the terrain to explore the way to the south, because if he made such a battle plan himself, he would definitely The retreat will be cut off. The devils are so well prepared this time, maybe there may be an ambush.

Although there were fortifications in the position, the wounded continued to be brought down. Chen Jiaying and Yu Xiaowan were very busy this time. The two kept rescuing the seriously wounded. Cheng Jinyun led a few people to deal with the other more seriously injured.

Fu Yingxue was still in contact with Fang Tianyi's regiment and Sun Facheng's regiment, and they didn't break through until dark. Qi Rui was even more worried when he received the news. Although the two regiments didn't tell him about the casualties, they didn't have any fortifications. Moreover, they were ambushed. It is conceivable that the situation of the two regiments must be very bad.

If they can't break through the siege after dark, then the two regiments will definitely be gone.

(End of this chapter)

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