Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 682 Qi Rui Gone

Chapter 682 Qi Rui Gone
This time, it can be said that meticulous preparations were really made to eliminate the God-killing Task Force, but in the end it still failed to achieve the expected goal. Hisao Nishio was very disappointed and annoyed.

"Why didn't I see Yutoyo Mio's report!?" Hisao Nishio asked,

"Commander, I have already asked, and it is said that Mio Yutoyo left with his people in casual clothes. No one knows where he went. When he left, he left a message, saying that the captains of the alliance have rich combat experience. , There is no need for him to participate in the command, he has more important things to do, and he didn't say what to do when asked."

"It seems that our hope is still in Mitsuo, I hope he can bring me a surprise!" Nishio Shouzo did not blame Sano Yufeng, because this time the plan was made by him, although Qi Rui was not eliminated and the Killing God Task Force, but they also severely damaged the two regiments of the New Fourth Army.

What made him unhappy was the feeling that he had killed a chicken with a sledgehammer this time, and the chicken hadn't been killed in the end!
"Commander, I read the battle report written by Chief Kawasaki and the others. There is indeed no problem with their tactics this time, mainly because the firepower of the Killing God Task Force is indeed much stronger than ours, especially they are very good at fighting at night. Once they also tried their best to break through, and the speed of our troops' support after dark was greatly restricted." Harem Chun said,

"At that time, why didn't more troops be sent to ambush, why did they charge out of the encirclement!" Nishio Hisao said,
Harem Chun is embarrassed to say that the strength of the ambush is already a brigade plus two squadrons, and the strength is more than double that of the God-killing Task Force, because many soldiers have not displayed their strength after dark, and the God-killing Task Force is real It's understandable to fight desperately to break through, and the opponent's firepower is strong, but Commander-in-Chief Nishio Shouzo doesn't hurt his back when he stands and talks, just like he will die if he goes to Qi Rui.

After Qi Rui and the others arrived at a safe place, they immediately began to treat the wounded who were injured during the previous battle. He also personally participated in the operation, so he just kept busy for two days and two nights without caring about anything, ignoring anyone who spoke to him.

Fu Yingxue, Chen Jiaying, and Li Xiaonan all knew that Qi Rui not only felt sorry for the loss of more than 400 soldiers from his own team, but also felt sorry for the loss of nearly [-] New Fourth Army soldiers from Fang Tianyi and Sun Facheng's two regiments. This information can be obtained in advance.

"Sister-in-law, you should persuade my elder brother, he hasn't eaten properly for two days!" Song Jian and Tang Rui begged.

"What's the use of my persuasion, now he still hates me for knocking him unconscious." Fu Yingxue didn't know how many times she had persuaded her, and Qi Rui didn't even respond to her.

"Brother, there will be no problem like this, right?"

"He should feel sorry for the soldiers who sacrificed, especially Li Tanghai, Xu Sheng, Zhou Daliang and others. They are the backbone of the team." Fu Yingxue also felt distressed,
"There is no such thing as an immortal in a war. I always think that there are so many good things in a successful battle like before. Since you choose to pick up a gun to fight devils, you must be prepared to suffer sacrifices."

At this time, someone was talking behind Fu Yingxue, she turned her head and saw that it was Fang Tianyi leading Wang Wenyuan.

"Captain Fang, when did you arrive?"

"Just arrived, let's take a look at Commander Qi." Fang Tianyi said,

"You came just in time, go and persuade him, I haven't eaten much for two days."

"Okay, I'll go right now!"

Song Jian and Tang Rui took Fang Tianyi to meet Qi Rui, but when they got to his tent, they found no one there, looked around the tent and Song Jian exclaimed: "It's broken!"

"What are you talking about! What's the matter?" Tang Rui asked,

"Brother is gone!"

"Brother is gone! Where did he go?" Tang Rui hurriedly checked after hearing this, and found that Qi Rui's backpack was missing, and there were several letters on the quilt.
Fu Yingxue rushed in hearing the shouts from the tent, and Tang Rui handed her all the letters. After reading the letters, Fu Yingxue sighed and said, "He's gone! Let's stay here for a while to rest."

"Sister-in-law, elder brother asked you to lead the team and let us obey your orders. Does he not want to come back?" Song Jian asked,

"No, he will come back, it's just that he is very guilty of this failure in intelligence work! He wants to make up for it." Fu Yingxue's voice was cold and indifferent. She was trying to control her sad mood with the micro-expression skills taught by Qi Rui.

"Victory and defeat are commonplace in military affairs, and regimental commander Qi is really too hypocritical!" Fang Tianyi said in his heart that I was the same as him when I lost a regiment, how could I let go and run away by myself!
"He's not hypocritical, but guilty. If he had been Shunsuke Kuike, all this might not have happened." Fu Yingxue explained,
"Sister-in-law, do you mean that the eldest brother is lurking again?" Song Jian asked,

"I don't know, he didn't say how to do it."

At this time, Tang Fu, Long Jingwei, Chi Tiecheng, Ma Yunfei, Gao Han, and Su Wenqian all ran over and asked, "How do you do it!?"

"This is a letter from Qi Rui to you! He's gone." Fu Yingxue said and handed the letter to them.

After several people read the letter, Tang Fu said: "Sister-in-law, don't worry, the elder brother is the brother who loves sacrifices, and he will definitely come back. Didn't it say in the letter that he just went out to do something, let us Listen to you."

Long Jingwei also said: "Yes, sister-in-law, brother asked us to obey the command of sister-in-law, don't worry, my brothers, Long Jingwei and my company, will be the same as before! The orders of sister-in-law belong to brother! And we also trust him Will definitely be back."

After reading the letter, Chi Tiecheng asked Su Wenqian: "Wen Qian, what are your plans?"

"I'll stay to protect Sister-in-law Nine, I'll wait for Brother Nine to come back!" Qi Rui didn't write to Su Wenqian, but he knew that Brother Nine was letting him make his own decision.

"Okay! Then take care of yourself." Chi Tiecheng said to Fu Yingxue after finishing speaking: "Sister-in-law Jiu, if there is anything we need to do, just talk, you know how to find us!"

"thank you all!"

"Sister-in-law Jiu, don't worry too much. You know my ninth brother's ability best. He is definitely fine. He probably just can't bear to sacrifice such a brother! Next, I think ninth brother will definitely take revenge on the little devil. You just wait." Good news!" Song Mian also persuaded,

"I know, take care of yourself!"

"Sister-in-law, we are leaving too, but we will come back often." Ma Yunfei said on behalf of the No. [-] secret service team,
"Okay, you all take care." Fu Yingxue was very sad at the moment, and thought to herself: Qi Rui, why did you leave me and leave by yourself, just because I ordered you to be knocked unconscious, you wouldn't be so stingy!But why can't you discuss with me face to face what you want to do!

Qi Rui did not greet everyone because he was worried that he would not be able to leave after telling them, and this time he wanted to change his previous behavior.

(End of this chapter)

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