Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 686 Beat 5 of them to death!

Chapter 686 Killing five alive!

Seeing that Kotaro Morita is so sincere, Yutoyo Mio really needs his own people who can speak Chinese well. The reason why he wants someone from the felons trained by Shiro Kohinata is because there are not many members of his special operations team who are good at Chinese.

"Morita, because you have a blank period of several years, I don't know what you are doing, so if you want to stay, you need to accept my test!" Mio Yufeng said truthfully,
"Sir Mio, I am willing to accept any test."

"Very well, you go back to rest first, and go to a place with me tomorrow."


Qi Rui knew that the devil was not holding back any good farts, and also thought that it would be difficult to get Sanwei Yufeng's reuse without making some sacrifices. Now Qi Rui just wants to stay by his side as much as possible. Only in this way can he get to know him as soon as possible and find a chance to replace him.

The next day, Mio Yutoyo brought Morita to the prison, where he ordered five anti-Japanese fighters to be brought up, and said: "Morita, these five are all agents of the CCP's underground party and the military command. You can execute them, but you can't Let them die too happily."

"Does Officer Sanwei mean to torture them to death?" Qi Rui asked,

"Yes, the longer the torture, the better. It's best to torture them so that they can tell everything they know."

Damn Nima's little devil, this trick is really vicious!

Qi Rui cursed inwardly, it was the first time he met such a little devil, looking at the five compatriots who were already covered in bruises, Qi Rui managed to control his emotions and looked at them with a slight expression.

Mio Yutoyo saw that Morita was standing still and didn't respond, and asked, "Morita, can't you do it?"

"It can be done!" Qi Rui agreed with his mouth, and vowed in his heart: I'm sorry five, I swear that I will avenge you!
Qi Rui came to the five people and said viciously: "You better tell what you know, if you don't tell me, I will torture you to death with the cruelest method."

"Bah! Little devil! Come on! If I snort, I won't be your ancestor!" A military command agent said with his neck stuck,
"That's good! Let's start with you!" Qi Rui said to the prison guards beside him, "Open his shackles,"

The prison guard looked at Sanwei Yufeng, and seeing him nodding his head in agreement, he went over and opened the shackles, Qi Rui said to the military command agent who couldn't even stand still: "You'd better keep quiet as you said, if I hear you make a sound Double the torture."

Qi Rui strode up to grab the agent's arm, used grappling to control his arm joints, and then broke his arm with all his might.

The military command agent was in so much pain that he couldn't bear a scream, so Qi Rui grabbed his broken arm and threw him heavily on the ground, then grabbed his right leg and kicked it to break it.

The agent kept screaming, but he was very weak. Qi Rui didn't stop. He stepped on the back of the agent's neck with his right foot, grabbed his legs and pulled them up vigorously, then split left and right, and then split his legs with his heel. The agent's lower abdomen, Qi Rui's strength was very heavy, and this kick broke the man's lumbar spine.

Qi Rui's movements were very fast, and it took less than a minute before and after. It looked really ferocious, but before the last kick hit, the military command agent had already been crushed by Qi Rui's right foot and died.

Qi Rui knew that this person was dead, so he pretended not to know and continued until the person's whole body was shattered.

Mio Yutoyo had never seen such a brutal torture method, it was no different from smashing a person's bones bit by bit with a hammer.

"Baga! Did you just die like that! You haven't said what you should say!" After cursing, Qi Rui kicked the corpse sideways to the wall, and then looked up at the other four people.

At this moment, the four people were already trembling with fright, because this vicissitude-looking devil was simply inhuman, and he actually beat a person to death with force.

"You still don't say it? If you don't say it, you will end up like him!" Qi Rui threatened,

Although they were terrified, none of the four said anything, and all looked at the demon in horror.

Mio Yutoyo was very satisfied, because what he saw was not only Morita's ferocity, but also his powerful force, so he suddenly became interested and said to the prison guard: "Go and unshackle the four of them!"

After unlocking the shackles, Sanwei Yufeng smiled and said to the four people: "You can attack this person together, as long as you can knock him down, I will make the decision and let you go free!"

After finishing speaking, he said to the prison guard: "Take them to the yard, the place here is too small!"

The prison guards brought four people and a corpse to the playground of the prison. Mio Yutoyo asked the prison guards to call all the prisoners out as spectators. He wanted to show these Chinese how strong the samurai of the Empire of Japan were.

Having reached this point, Qi Rui could only continue to act realistically, and he said to Sanwei Yufeng with two cold growls: "Sir Sanwei, I don't want to waste time in front of so many people, can you kill them quickly?" ?”

Mio Yutoyo smiled evilly and said, "Morita, I still want to see them tortured and killed!"

Qi Rui bowed and nodded: "Then kill them! I like it too!"

Qi Rui grinned grinningly and walked quickly towards one of the people. The person backed away in fright, and didn't dare to attack at all. Qi Rui reached out and pinched his neck without knowing how to dodge.

Qi Rui grabbed the man's neck with his left hand, and his right hand was a black tiger's heart. This punch directly lifted the man's feet off the ground and floated backwards. He was already tortured to be as skinny as a stick, how could he resist Qi Rui's punch , this person's viscera were overwhelmed and he spurted out a mouthful of blood, which resulted in blood stains on Qi Rui's arm.

"Baga! It's so dirty!" Qi Rui was furious and exerted force with his left hand, and the man's neck was cut off and he died on the spot.

Qi Rui looks cruel and cruel, but in fact he is trying to make them die as soon as possible, because only in this way can they be freed as soon as possible so as not to continue to suffer.

The remaining three people knew that they were bound to die, and after looking at each other, they all rushed towards this devil.

Kotaro Morita grinned and roared, "Very good, that's right!"

Morita knocked the three people to the ground with two punches and one kick very simply, then stood there and looked at them contemptuously and said, "You are the weakest Chinese I have ever seen! In front of our Imperial Japanese Army, you Just like bedbugs on the ground!"

As Qi Rui said, he crushed the ground with his feet, as if crushing an ant to death, and then spat out, saying, "Come on, three bedbugs, I will send you to find those two dead bedbugs!"

The scene that followed was miserable. The three of them were beaten to death by Kotaro Morita like punching sandbags. In less than 5 minutes, the three of them were also beaten to death by him.

"Very good! Morita, I didn't expect your force to be so strong!" Although the fights were all people who couldn't stand firmly, it fully reflected his force, and Yutoyo Mio was quite satisfied with his performance.

(End of this chapter)

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