Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 689 Ling Chi 3 Tail Yufeng

Chapter 689
With Sanwei Yufeng's consent, Qi Rui left Nanjing by boat and went to Chizhou. After arriving in Chizhou, he found a very hidden temporary death mailbox, put the entire battle plan in it, and made a special mark.

After finishing the dead mailbox, Qi Rui stuffed a note into Li Nancheng's pocket when he didn't notice, and then left Chizhou. Instead of looking for the team, he went overland to Suzhou.

These days, Li Nancheng was looking forward to being stuffed with a note in his pocket, and finally appeared again today. He quickly translated it, and telegraphed the content to Fu Yingxue immediately after reading it.

"Old Li! Don't you feel who stuffed the note?" Lu Zhengnian asked,
Li Nancheng was already very careful about his surroundings, but he still didn't notice anything, so he said with emotion: "If elder brother won't let us see him, we won't be able to feel it, I think it must be inconvenient for elder brother, so we will Wait here, as long as there is something, the elder brother will definitely come to us."

After reading the telegram, Fu Yingxue finally knew what to do. She immediately ordered the team to secretly return to Huangshan. The two spies who sneaked into the team before were not killed. Fu Yingxue just asked Song Jian and Tang Rui to control them, because no information could be passed on. , Yutoyo Mio thought they were dead.

"Sister-in-law Jiu, is there anything we can do when we go back to Huangshan?" Su Wenqian asked as he was waiting for news from Brother Jiu Qi Rui.
"Your elder brother just told us to get ready, and he will inform us about the future actions." Fu Yingxue really didn't know what to do next.

The team marched at night to Huangshan, and camped at a base that the devils had never been to. Qi Rui's food and supplies were hidden in the mountain, so the team didn't have to worry about food and clothing.

Qi Rui returned to Nanjing from Suzhou with another identity. He borrowed Zheng Yaoxian's radio station to get in touch with Fu Yingxue and asked about the team and the secret agents. Fu Yingxue told Qi Rui the truth.

Qi Rui called back and asked Song Jian and Tang Rui to go to the dead mailbox in Chizhou to get the battle plan, and told her a few secret marks. If these marks were there, it would prove that no one had touched the battle plan.

Song Jian and Tang Rui rushed to Chizhou immediately after receiving the order. After confirming that the mark Qi Rui left on purpose was indeed untouched and took away the battle plan, they returned to Huangshan overnight. Qi Rui didn't let Li Nancheng and the others do this because Chizhou had to someone.

After seeing the battle plan, Fu Yingxue immediately started to arrange, and executed the two spies who had been identified before, and sent the information to the designated place according to Qi Rui's instructions.

Eight days later, Sanwei Youfeng finally received the news from Kotaro Morita, which was arranged by Fu Yingxue according to Qi Rui's request.

"Master! What did Morita-kun find out?" Komatsu Soren asked,

"Qi Rui has already returned to the Killing God Task Force. He has brought his team back to Mount Huangshan, and he already knows the existence of our special forces team. However, because they suffered a lot of losses before, he is still repairing. I don’t seem to have any ideas for the time being.” Mio Yutoyo said,
"How did Morita gain Qi Rui's trust?" Nine Nei asked,
"This Morita didn't say anything, he must have his way, Xiaocang! Kuuai! You take the team to Chizhou first, and I will arrive later." Mitsuo Yutoyo still wanted to report to Nishio Shouzo, and asked the special operations team go first.

Mitsuo Yutoyo first had to prepare the battle plan and hand it over to Nishio Hisao, because without the order of the commander of the dispatched army, he would not be able to mobilize the garrison troops to fight.

"You let Morita infiltrate the God-killing Task Force?" Nishio Hisao asked after reading the plan.

"Yes, the main purpose of the commander asking me to come is not to destroy the God-killing Task Force, this is also the first task I must complete!"

"Very good, I approve your plan, and I will let the third division fully cooperate with your actions, Sanwei! I will give you a satisfactory military post when you return victorious!"

"Thank you Commander for your support!"

Mio Yutoyo returned to the dormitory and made some simple preparations. His application to take a direct flight to Chizhou has been approved, and the headquarters will send a special car to take him to the airport.

On the way to the airport, Sanwei Yufeng fell asleep unknowingly. When he woke up, he found that he was wearing only a loincloth and tied up with five flowers. On the bank of the Yangtze River, there were two people in front of him, each holding a sharp knife in his hand.

Sanwei Yufeng wanted to shout, but found that his mouth was stuffed with rags. Seeing that he woke up, Zhao Jianzhi cut off a piece of meat from Sanwei Youfeng's face with a knife, and said to the Yangtze River, "Die in the river!" My compatriots! This is the meat of the devil commander, although it is not much! But it can also relieve hatred, come and eat it!"

After Zhao Jianzhi finished speaking, he threw the piece of meat in his hand into the river, and then continued to cut the meat with a knife. Song Xiaoan was not idle, he also swung the knife to cut off pieces of meat from Sanwei Yufeng's body and threw it into the river. He also muttered: "Little devil, I heard that you like violence very much, you should like it very much when we do this!"

The two brothers were lingering at Mitsuo Yufeng, and they would never let him pass out. Sanwei Yufeng was tightly bound, and he still doesn't know what happened.

At this time, Qi Rui, who has become Mitsuo Yutoyo, is flying to Chizhou in a special plane, and then he will break into the devil's high-level as Mio Yutoyo as planned. Can do it.

Qi Rui asked Fu Yingxue to put the information in Huangshan in the designated place in her own capacity, and Sanwei Yufeng would get the information soon and respond immediately.

Qi Rui watched Komatsu Cangren and Kuuchi Reo leave with the special forces team, and guessed that Yutoyo Sano would probably take a special plane to Chizhou, because he had the certificate and password of the dispatched army headquarters, so he pretended to be the headquarters driver.

On the way, he stunned Sanwei Yufeng with incense, and asked Zhao Jianzhi and Song Xiaoan to take him away. Zheng Yaoxian disguised himself as a devil driver and sent Qi Rui to the airport.

Qi Rui asked for Sanwei Yufeng Lingchi, so that even if the devil found the corpse, he would not know who it was. Zheng Yaoxian would take the certificate given by Qi Rui and drive the car back to the devil's headquarters, and then leave the headquarters, so that the devil would not notice it at all. to anything wrong.

From now on, Qi Rui will infiltrate the devil's top management as Sanwei Yufeng, and once again become a sharp knife in the devil's heart.

Mio Yutoyo strode into the headquarters of the Chizhou Matsuyama Regiment. Yoshimasa Matsuyama had received an order from Lieutenant General Toyoshima Futaro, the head of the division, to fully cooperate with Mio Yutoyo in his actions.

"Thank you Mitsuo!" Yoshimasa Matsuyama took the lead and got up to greet him.
"Thank you for your cooperation! Please sit down!" Qi Rui is familiar with everything about Sanwei Yufeng, and his words and deeds are exactly the same as Sanwei's.

"Master Mitsuo, do you have any new information?" Yoshimasa Matsuyama asked,

"Yes, Morita Kotaro, a member of my special forces team, has successfully infiltrated the Killing God Task Force, and has sent back important information."

(End of this chapter)

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