Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 714 The Key

Chapter 714 The Key

The meeting took three days. Mio Yutoyo explained the detailed combat plan and the combat missions of each division, and also explained the core objectives of this campaign. With the assistance of Nishio Shouzo, the divisions began to follow the combat plan Start deploying.

Chongqing Geleshan Military Control Bureau
"Boss, what did the chairman say?"

"Gu Zhutong agreed after I fought for it! Xiao Jiu helped him before, so why don't he help this time." Dai said,

"Then if the little devil suffers a big loss, what will Xiao Jiu do?"

"You don't have to worry about this, Xiao Jiu definitely has a solution." What Dai saw was the first half of the battle plan that Qi Rui let him see, because any action led by Xiao Jiu has not failed, so Dai is very supportive.

Five days later, Song Jian and Tang Rui got Qi Ruifang's complete battle plan and several sets of preparation plans from the dead mailbox in Chizhou, and they mainly asked Fu Yingxue to take the independent regiment in the mountains to be accompanied by a brigade of devils. Surrounded, so she must do a good job of defense.

In this battle plan, Qi Rui also explained in detail the missions of the Fang Tianyi Regiment and Sun Facheng Regiment. If he wants to teach Chongqing some lessons, he still needs their assistance.

This battle plan must be made clear to several company commanders and leaders, otherwise if they are surrounded by devils, if they can't suppress it, the plan will definitely fail.

Fu Yingxue only called Tang Fu, Long Jingwei, and Xu Mao, the younger brother of Xu Sheng, the commander of the first battalion, and told them what should be said, and told them not to tell anyone about the plan.

"Sister-in-law, we have to persist for at least two hours, it should be no problem!" Tang Fu asked after hearing the battle plan,

"According to the fortifications we have built and sufficient weapons and ammunition, let alone persist for two hours, even if persist for two days, there is no problem, so don't worry everyone, the purpose of being surrounded is to lure the devils into being fooled, and there will be a large number of people within two hours at most." The army will come to support us, and the devil will be attacked by us on both sides!" Fu Yingxue said,

"Sister-in-law, if there are too many devils coming, it may not be possible to win the fight if both Head Fang and Head Sun come." Tang Fu asked again,
"You don't have to worry about this, your elder brother will never put us to death, don't you believe him?" Fu Yingxue said too much, it is not convenient to say, if the news is leaked, it may lead to the annihilation of the whole army.

"We don't believe in anyone, but we believe in Big Brother. Even if Big Brother wants us to die with the devils, we will not hesitate. The New Fourth Army will definitely come to support. It seems that this is a big battle!" Long Jingwei said,

"Your elder brother has given us the battle plan. We must get it back this time for the loss last time! Avenge the brothers who died!"

The preparations to be made are to strengthen the fortifications, and notify Fang Tianyi and Sun Facheng to immediately send some elites to fight together.

As for the remaining matters, it would not be too late to distribute the devils after they entered the mountain. Tang Fu, Long Jingwei, and Xu Mao only urged the soldiers to strengthen their defensive fortifications, and further deepen and widen the existing trenches.

Shangguan Yunxiang of the No.30 Second Army received a secret order to keep his 32nd Army in a state of readiness, but did not specify the specific tasks.

Until June 17th, Mio Yutoyo quietly came outside Huangshan with the No.[-] mixed brigade. He asked Komatsu Soren and Kinei Reyo to each lead a regiment to march into Huangshan at night. He did not make a night raid. Instead, they went around five miles outside the station of the Killing God Independent Regiment and hid themselves.

After dawn, he ordered a quick march to block the three exits of the Shashente regiment's garrison, and then sent engineers to advance in front of the demining force.

Fu Yingxue got the news that the devils had blocked all the exits, so she immediately asked Wu Tianbao to send a telegram for help. At this time, Tang Fu, Long Jingwei and Xu Maocai ordered each company to enter the position to prepare for the battle.

Fang Tianyi personally led more than 300 New Fourth Army soldiers from the Black Fox Commando into the battle position. They are all wearing the uniforms of the Killing God Task Force, and Sun Facheng also sent a team of elites led by Li Xinghua and Zhang Xiang to help. They also all dressed up as soldiers of the God Killing Task Force.

So now there are more than 1000 good fighters in Huangshan. They are all hidden in the fortifications and trenches. The trenches that Qi Rui asked the soldiers to dig are all in the shape of a square, so that the devil bombers can retreat to the back trenches in advance to avoid .

After dawn, under the order of Yutoyo Mio, the two regiments of the No.17 mixed brigade began to attack the mountain from the three entrances, but they were stubbornly resisted by the Killing God Task Force.

Seeing that he had been unable to attack for a long time, Tsugawa Haruki, who was only about 1.5 meters tall and wearing glasses, asked, "Master Mio! Do you want to ask for support?"

The first step in the battle plan for Hisao Nishio is to surround the God-killing Task Force, and there is no rush to eliminate them, because this time the focus is on reinforcements.

"You can fight as you please! Don't talk so much!" Mio Yutoyo reprimanded with a sullen face,


"Yi and Kento!" Mio Yutoyo shouted,

"Have Xiaosong and Jiu Nei not sent back any news?"

"Brigade Commander, the fight has just started, and their reinforcements may be after ten o'clock no matter how soon!" Yi and Xianren said.

"No, don't underestimate the speed of the New Fourth Army! I want to know the situation in all directions as soon as possible."


One hour and 23 minutes later, Yi and Xianren came to report: "The brigade commander, Komatsu Cangren sent back a message that the New Fourth Army did not come, and two regular Chinese troops were found in the south!"

"Regular army of the Chinese army!?"

"Yes! Komatsu Cangren said there are at least two brigades!"

"Yoxi! I didn't expect to have a windfall! Jin Chuan!"

"Hai!" Tsugawa Haruki hurriedly agreed,
"Immediately call the commanders of the Tuqiao Division and the Toyoshima Division and ask them to prepare. Once the two Chinese armies enter Huangshan, they will immediately send troops to help."


The first battle was carried out according to Qi Ruigen's battle plan. The devils surrounded the God-killing task force according to the plan. The third division and the No.20 second division were already in place to wait for reinforcements.

There is one point to explain here. The Fang Tianyi Regiment is in Mount Jiuhua, and the Sun Facheng Regiment is active in the east of Huangshan Mountain. Therefore, Sanwei Yufeng’s battle plan is a must for the 20rd Division and the No.[-] [-]nd Division when they come to Huangshan. Ambush on the road.

But now the situation has changed. The 30th and 144th divisions of the No.145 Second Army came to support them. They all came from the south. This was originally Qi Rui's design, because only these two divisions can enter Huangshan Rescuing the Killing God Task Force is the key.

(End of this chapter)

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