Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 720 Swordfish Project

Chapter 720 Swordfish Project
Qi Rui clearly saw that Bernard was a little shaken, and continued: "Mr. Bernard, you also know that I am the head of the Intelligence Section [-] of the Japanese Imperial Army, so I can exchange information with you for the Swordfish Project. Guaranteed to make you a great success."

Bernard is also an old spy. It is impossible for him to believe Yufeng Mio's words so easily, and asked, "You are Tan Lin, right?"

"Haha, you're so smart, you actually figured it out."

"How on earth did you know about Project Swordfish?"

"The intelligence agencies of our Empire of Japan are far more powerful than you imagined. I am in charge of the intelligence section of the dispatched army. I was able to monitor your radio station and decipher your messages before. You should believe in my ability."

"Okay! I really underestimated your Japanese intelligence agency. You know such a secret action plan. It seems that we have your people inside! But this person should not be a core member, otherwise he would not only know one plan name."

"I just said that there will be many opportunities for us to cooperate in the future. As long as you want, I can give you some information that you are interested in that will not cause any loss to our Great Japanese Empire, such as the German army that you are most interested in. If you don't believe me now I can tell you about the next battle plan of the German army." Mio Yutoyo said,
If it was as Yutoyo Mio said, Bernard would really consider it, but he didn't really believe that the Japanese would cooperate with him sincerely, and asked, "I really need to know your sincerity."

"Okay, do you know the next attack target of the German army?"

"We guess it should be the Soviet Union."

"That's right! Do you know what time it is?"

"It won't be long! The German army is good at blitzkrieg."

"The answer is correct again. The German army formulated a combat plan for this battle last year. Now it is called the Barbarossa plan by the German army! How about it, am I sincere enough?"

According to Bernard's experience and previous intelligence analysis, what Yutoyo Mio said is very possible. Bernard asked: "You just told me such important information?"

"Mr. Bernard, you are a senior US agent. Our level should be about the same. There is no permanent enemy or permanent friend in this world. Besides, you should be able to analyze this information. What I am talking about is only my analysis. That's all, it's all to show my sincerity!"

Bernard was really tempted. After all, the other party was the head of the intelligence section of the Japanese dispatched army, and the information in his hands should be a lot of what he dreamed of. If he could get it, it would be more than a great achievement.

"I told you about Project Swordfish, what information can you tell me?"

"It seems that the information I just told you doesn't count, that's good! What kind of information do you want to know? Soviet, German, British?"

Bernard heard that the tone of Yufeng Mio was so similar to that of the information dealer who claimed to be Qi Rui, but it was obvious that the two were not the same person.

"Germany, what information do you have about the German army recently?"

"Then let me tell you accurate top-secret information, and you tell me about the Swordfish plan."

"It's not impossible to tell you, but you must promise to let me go as you said before."

"Naturally, I, Mitsuo Yutoyo, promise to keep my word."

Bernard looked at the rope that tied him and asked, "Are you going to talk to me like that?"

Mio Yutoyo smiled and put him down, and said to him sincerely: "In order to reassure Mr. Bernard, I will first tell you accurate information about the German army. I guarantee that this information is absolutely credible. That is, the German army will attack the Soviet Union on the 22nd of this month."

Seeing Yutoyo Mio's firm tone, and that Japan and Germany are allies, Bernard believed his words and said, "General Mio, according to our information, a German VIIC submarine has secretly arrived in Japan. Project Swordfish It is to understand the purpose of their trip."

"This is the Swordfish Project?" The task given by the system is to stop and destroy it after understanding the Swordfish Project. A German submarine came to Japan. Why should they stop the American Swordfish Project? The Americans just want to know about the submarine's trip. Purpose, there must be something else in it.

Qi Rui is convinced that the system cannot allow him to stop and destroy any plan of the Americans. Bernard is still not telling the truth because Yufeng Mio is so sincere, maybe he already knows so much.

Now that we know that it has something to do with the German submarine, it seems that we have to check the rest by ourselves.

"Yes, the Germans traveled thousands of miles from the Atlantic to the Pacific and we must have wondered what it was going to do," Bernard said.

"Understood that?"

"We also just received this mission."

Qi Rui knew that if he asked again, he would not be able to find out anything. Since it was a German submarine, Yufeng Mio, the head of the intelligence section, should be able to find out, and said to Bernard: "I believe what you said, and I hope to talk to you more in the future." cooperate."

Mio Yutoyo ordered Takeuchi Yunko to send Bernard back to the cell first. In the evening, Mio Yutoyo asked Takeuchi Yunko to prepare a table of food and drink in the office. He had dinner with Bernard and Kai Ziwei.

"Mr. Keziwei, Mr. Bernard, after this meal, I will let you go. I hope we can become friends in the future."

"You want to let us go?" Kai Ziwei asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, I'll say it again here, it's not our Imperial Japanese Army that arrested you, but the Gestapo, the German secret police, and I'm your savior!"

Bernard and Kai Ziwei hurriedly raised their glasses to thank Yufeng Mio, because they all hoped that what the Japanese said was true.

Mio Yutoyo also raised his glass and said to Bernard: "Mr. Bernard, I haven't moved the guns and ammunition on the Athena freighter. I hope you can do me a favor."

"What are you busy with?"

"I hope you can contact the Killing God Qi Rui as soon as possible. To tell you the truth, my savior is mainly because of him!"

"I won't do anything, I just promise not to tell Qi Rui your plan, it's up to you whether you can catch him or not."

Qi Rui cursed secretly in his heart, this foreign devil is really unreliable, this does not mean that he is fully cooperating with the Japanese, on the surface he thanked: "Thank you very much Mr. Bernard for your cooperation! I can do it for you to sell the weapons to the God Killing Task Force. Pretend not to know, if you don't cooperate with this matter, I won't forget it, even if I bring someone to the consulate to arrest you, the American consulate has no reason to stop it!"

After Mio Yufeng finished speaking, he shook the note written by Bernard. Bernard could not be denied in black and white, so he followed Kaiziwei away in silence after hearing what Mio Yufeng said.

Sanwei Yufeng really released Bernard and Kai Ziwei, because the plan to capture Qi Rui with weapons has been approved by the headquarters, but this plan will never succeed, because with the Li family, Qi Rui doesn't need it at all now Buy weapons and ammunition from the Americans yourself.

(End of this chapter)

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