Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 723 Xu Yuanzheng Was Assassinated

Chapter 723 Xu Yuanzheng Was Assassinated
Who has this ability to blow up a submarine without anyone knowing it? Bazel even suspects that the Japanese Navy did it now, because he thinks it is impossible for the Chinese.

"Captain Bazel, do you think it was the Soviets or the British who did it?" Second Lieutenant Officer Frank asked,
"Are there enemy submarines around here?" This may not be impossible. German submarines can appear here, why can't Soviet submarines come here? Or they knew the purpose of the submarine's trip and deliberately came to sink it.

"Captain Bazel, where do we start?"

"First check if there are submarines from other countries in this sea area. You can just ask the Japanese about this. This is their world."

Bazel drove back to Shanghai with his team members, and after inquiring and inquiring, he didn't realize that the highest officer of the garrison here was Mio Yutoyo. He didn't want to deal with this person, so he went directly to the Japanese Consulate to find the new Consul General Xingting Yiqiu.

How could Yoshinori know about the navy, so he sent someone to take Bazel and the others to the Navy Special Marine Corps headquarters, and the person in charge was Rear Admiral Takehisa Tsujimura.

Knowing the purpose of Bazel's visit, Takehisa Tsujimura asked him to leave behind the fragments of the explosives he had fished out. Whether it was sunk by a submarine torpedo still needs to be confirmed.

Bazel and the others were called to the naval headquarters on the third day, and Japanese experts told them that the explosives were not mines or torpedoes at all, but a homemade improvised explosive.

What kind of level does it have to be able to produce such a powerful explosive that is not sinking in water? Bazel asked in disbelief: "Experts say this is a homemade explosive?"

"Yes, but the person who made this kind of explosive must be a blasting expert, because the power of the simple sea mine he made is no less powerful than that of a torpedo. According to our confirmation, the submarine was sunk by four such bombs." Japanese expert said,
"Are you sure?" It would be troublesome to investigate like this, Bazel asked with a headache,
"I'm pretty sure, if you don't believe me, you can take these fragments back to experts on national conditions for identification."

"I also feel that our submarine was not attacked by a submarine. It is man-made to say so. No wonder it exploded in the middle of the night."

"May I ask how they sent these explosives to the submarine? Didn't you say that no suspicious ships were found on the sea?" Frank asked,
"It's hard to spot a boat without lights on the sea. It should be noted that these people are very professional, and the submarines are bombed only in the weakest positions."

"It must be a Soviet or British spy!" Bazel said angrily,

Tsujimura Takehisa reminded: "Don't draw conclusions so arbitrarily, there are not no such people among Chinese people."

"The Chinese have never even seen a submarine!"

"How is it possible? There are a lot of Chinese people studying abroad. Haven't you seen Chinese students when you were in Germany?" Tsujimura Takehisa asked,

"I still firmly believe that this matter was done by spies, and I will investigate clearly."

Bazel also firmly believed that the Chinese would not bomb German submarines. This must have been done by enemy spies. It seems that the enemy spies already knew the purpose of our submarine's trip.

The Germans produced a large number of poison gas bombs, which were enough to kill [-] million people, but they dared not use them. The most important thing was that they were worried about being retaliated by the Allied forces, so they planned to use some more concealed methods. This is what the Japanese devils did. They are better than them, so this time I came to take some samples to go back for research, but things seemed to be exposed.

Qi Rui still led people to stare at the Athena freighter and the US consulate these two days. Bernard hadn't come out of the consulate since he returned to the consulate. After waiting for a few days, there was no movement. Mio Yutoyo was in the garrison headquarters commanding No. Working in the 17th Mixed Brigade, and often going to the Nanjing intelligence department, it looks very busy.

On this day, he went to the headquarters of the dispatched army in Nanjing to report on his work, and received bad news. Jing Yun and his team were encircled by the Japanese army in Taihang Mountain and suffered heavy casualties. There were already nearly 400 people in the team, but now there are less than 20 people left. There are also several wounded.

Fortunately, there were some medicines in the supplies that Shen Xilin sent to them before, so the names of the wounded were saved. Jing Yun asked for instructions on what to do next.

Qi Rui will definitely not give up Taihang Mountain, but now his identity is restricted and he can't go anywhere. Thinking about the hardships of Taihang Mountain, Qi Rui asked Jing Yun to take people to Zhou Weiguo's independent group to learn first, and we will talk about the team later.

Qi Rui did not expect such a large loss on Jing Yun's side. If it is not bad, it should be that there is something wrong with the bandits he collected. Otherwise, with Jing Yun's ability, he would not have lost such a large loss.

Before Qi Rui returned to Shanghai, he took the time to meet with Zheng Yaoxian, because he also wanted to know the arrangement of the military command, and found out that Xu Yuanzheng, the leader of the Eight King Kong in Xi'an, was assassinated. Both Zheng Yaoxian and Zheng Yaoxian knew it was not.

"Xiao Jiu, the person who assassinated Big Brother is probably a devil's spy. See if you can find out about it. This is what the boss means."

"Sixth brother, I regret being this Mitsuo Yutoyo right now, because he has so many positions that restrict me. I have already applied to the Japanese headquarters to resign from the post of brigade commander. Let me teach intelligence."

"Xiao Jiu, although you are not as casual as before, it is more convenient for you to obtain important information. This is something you couldn't do before. If you have anything to do, let us do it. There are many things that you don't need to do yourself. Yes." Zheng Yao persuaded first,
"What the sixth brother said is that Shanghai really needs manpower, because I will be in Shanghai most of the time now, so I still need to find a few people to help me." Qi Rui said,
"You have so many capable people over there, just find a few."

"It is indeed necessary to find a few people, because the Germans are investigating the bombing of the submarine recently, and Shanghai is not peaceful at all."

"You plan to get rid of them?"

"It's best to use spies from other countries to get rid of them, and we'd better not get into trouble ourselves."

"Do you have too many people staying in Nanjing?" Now Su Wenqian, Tan Lin, and Yu Manli are all in Nanjing, but Su Wenqian and Tan Lin seem to have nothing to do all day long.

"Yes, I will ask Minglou to transfer Su Wenqian to Shanghai, and only Yu Manli will be left here." Qi Rui did not tell Zheng Yaoxian that the military aircraft department still had Gu Xiaomeng as the trump card,
"Xiao Jiu, if you have any tasks here in Nanjing, you can leave it to me, and if there is anything else about the big brother, you should check it out as soon as possible."

"I'll go check it out."

Qi Rui went back to the intelligence class to check the recent intelligence reports from various places, and he found the news about Xi'an. Xu Yuanzheng was assassinated by a special agent team named Ghost.

(End of this chapter)

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