Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 734 A Tacit Cooperation

Chapter 734 A Tacit Cooperation

Fu Yingxue puts the safety of Qi Rui and the people around him first in everything. In the eyes of others, Su Wenqian is at the level of a sniper, but in her eyes, Wen Qian is Qi Rui's brother first, and now he is almost a comrade. As Miao Dao The deputy leader of the team, she must put the safety of the team members first.

What Su Wenqian said is also reasonable, he will not follow into the Yanjing mansion, but will occupy a high point outside to cover everyone, so the possibility of him being in an accident is very small, besides, there are jellyfish assassination team, Leng Yue, Gao Han and others The snipers followed.

"Since your sister-in-law Jiu agrees, let's study the attack plan. I want to talk about the main points first. According to Xiaojiu's intention, all living things in the Iwai mansion will be killed, and there is no alarm. The devil will try not to alarm, but I know that Xiao Jiu does not perform similar actions once or twice, and he can do this."

"Brother Six, Brother Nine still has the Mixiang that Brother Nine gave us. Does it seem like we need to use it this time?"

"Of course it's best to be able to use it, but because you have been tossing the Iwai mansion one after another before, I think they will still be very vigilant, but there is also an advantage, that is, they definitely want to catch the killer. We can take advantage of this, but This requires high time control, and if we move slowly, the devils will come."

"Sixth brother, do we still have to act at night?"

"We can't act at night this time, because we have a lot of snipers. According to Xiao Jiu's meaning this time, we should focus on snipers so that they can see better. The specific plan is as follows..."

Zheng Yao first explained the action plan in detail and asked, "Is there anyone who doesn't understand?"


Knowing that most of these people present were snipers, Zheng Yaoxian said, "This time, our snipers won't need so many, just a maximum of six people outside to cover and respond."

"Sixth Brother, Leng Yue, Wen Qian will be the sniper, and everyone else on my side will attack the Iwai mansion together with you!"

Chi Tiecheng hurriedly said: "Sister-in-law Jiu, our jellyfish assassination team is not only good at sniping, my side is single-sided, Qin Zishu is in charge of sniping, and the others follow."

"Sister Ouyang and Sister Gao Han stay, six snipers are enough." Fu Yingxue said,

"No, am I the only man left here?" Su Wenqian suddenly realized that what he said just now was a bit early, and it was too inappropriate for Sister-in-law Jiu to charge forward and hide behind.

Fu Yingxue knew what he was thinking and asked: "My sniper skills are not as good as yours, but I firmly believe that my force and short spear are not inferior to yours, so you are more suitable to stay. Besides, in order not to cause trouble for brother Jiu, you must stay."

"Sister-in-law Jiu is right, Wen Qian, just stay and cover us."

"Others rushed into the mansion under the cover of snipers. Everyone carried grenades. To save time, we tried not to get entangled with them. We threw at least one in every room. Everyone had to make a quick decision."

"In that case, are we leaving?" Chi Tiecheng asked,
"Xiao Jiu will cooperate with us, and the fourth will show up at Dingshan Lake with people. The devils will be stationed in the army, and the special high-level class and intelligence class will go to clean up in advance. Tao Dachun's hurricane action team will come to meet us." Zheng Yaoxian said,
"It seems that everything is under Brother Jiu's control." Gao Han said adoringly,

"With Brother Nine planning behind the scenes and Brother Six personally directing, this operation is almost foolproof." Li Zihan also said excitedly, because this was the first time she had cooperated with so many god-level figures.

"Don't say that, the devils in the city, the military police, the puppet army, the 76th, the secret service committee, etc. are not easy to deal with, we can't be careless!" Zheng Yaoxian warned,


Qi Rui only wrote the outline of the battle plan, and Zheng Yaoxian did not meet him, but after seeing the outline, he completely understood what Qi Rui meant. After repeated deduction, this is basically the best action plan.

Mio Yutoyo received a secret report at the headquarters, Dingshan Lake found a group of militants, they basically used Browning 1911, and there were about a hundred people in total.

"Has Qi Rui been to Dingshan Lake before?" Mio Yutoyo asked Takeuchi Yunko and Sakai Mieko,

"Yes, General, he brought his God-killing Task Force here to make the Asada United suffer a great loss."

"Now if there are any of our people over there, send them there immediately to make sure. If they are Xu Baichuan and the others, we will quietly go there and eliminate them this time!"

There must be someone in the special high class, and a reply came soon. A group of militants were indeed found in Dingshan Lake. Since almost none of them were armed with long guns, they were basically sure to be military spies.

"Very good! Assemble now! Depart in two hours!"

"General Mio, why did you leave two hours later?" Mieko Sakai asked.
"According to past experience, the terrain at Dingshan Lake is complicated. It is unlikely that we will annihilate them in one fell swoop. We may have to chase them for a few days and let everyone bring food for three days. In addition, I have some things to do in Shanghai. .”


Qi Rui called Xiaosong Cangren, Jiunei Lianyang, Yi and Xianren to him, and said: "The three of you lead the special operations team and set off immediately to take the lead. First go to Dingshan Lake to confirm the location of Xu Baichuan and the others. When the troops arrive, they will surround and annihilate them!"


"General, do you still need to lead the Jianguo Army this time?"

"Don't tell them about our military operations. This time we must act in secret, and we must not let Xu Baichuan and the others escape!"

Two hours later, Yutoyo Mio led a squadron, Yunko Takeuchi led an action team, Mieko Sakai and Asaka Sakai also followed, and she also wanted to get closer to General Mio.

As soon as Qi Rui and the others left, Su Wenqian immediately left the dispatch army headquarters on the grounds of performing a secret mission. He found Zheng Yaoxian: "Brother Six, Brother Ninth took the devil to Dingshan Lake."

"Then it's up to us!" Zheng Yaoxian said to the other captains,

"When do we act?"

"At four o'clock in the morning tomorrow morning, there are not many people on the road at that time, and the sky is getting brighter, which is more convenient for our snipers to operate."

"Then we'll get ready tonight."

"Yes, prepare tonight, and act on time at four o'clock tomorrow morning."

Xu Baichuan returned to Dingshan Lake in order to cooperate with Zheng Yaoxian and his team. After this operation is over, he and his several action teams will return to Shanghai one after another.

In the courtyard of the Iwai mansion, where there is a secret sentry, which room is occupied, and which room is empty, Qi Rui has clearly marked them all on the map. The most advantage for our side in this operation is that there are several snipers around the Iwai mansion. point available.

(End of this chapter)

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