Chapter 751
Gu Yuechang read the telegram, and then reluctantly said to Sakai Kurifan: "I obey the orders of General Sanwei! But we will never forget what you did!"

"After we go back, you can sue me whatever you want." Sakai Kurihan said indifferently,
Song Jian already knew what to do next from the telegram sent back by his elder brother Qi Rui. He deeply knew that his elder brother and sister-in-law had done a lot to rescue them.

Because Song Jian only knew the address that Ouyang Jianping had left before, he brought Sakai Lifan over there. Similarly, he folded the paper boat with French currency in advance, and here he met Zhang Li and Dong Sheng.

Among the two, Zhang Li is a very experienced underground worker, while Dong Sheng is an old guerrilla who also worked as a traffic officer before, so he has a strong adaptability.

Fu Yingxue also explained Song and Tang Rui's situation to them, and asked Ouyang Jianping to tell them Song Jian's general appearance and contact code.

Seeing the paper boat folded with [-]-yuan French coins on the table, and Song Jian knew Zhang Li and Dong Sheng, he immediately took out the prepared paper boat with coins from his pocket.

After giving the signal, Zhang Li said unhappily, "Mr. Gu Yue, we have been waiting for you for many days!"

Song Jian hurriedly said apologetically, "I'm sorry, we have something to do, please be late!"

"Mr. Gu Yue, we have now found important information. Chennault and some of his pilots are in a secret airport south of Kunming!"

Seeing Gu Yuechang looking directly at him, Sakai Lifan hurriedly said, "We know about this place, is there any other news?"

"We also found out that this airport is only Chennault's training base in Yunnan. They still have it elsewhere. We are still investigating the exact location. According to our judgment, it will not be too far from Kunming."

"Is it also in Kunming?"

"It's definitely not there, and it's not in Yunnan Province. According to our judgment, it should be in a very hidden place in Sichuan, Hunan or Guangxi."

"Where did you get this news?"

"I inquired from Long Yun's adjutant. They went to the airport two days ago."

"Do you know what's going on in the airport now?" Sakai Kurihan asked,

"I heard that only Chennault and some American pilots and mechanics are left in the airport. The Chinese pilots and ground crew have gone to nowhere. It is guessed that they have been transferred to a new secret training base."

"No wonder I can't get in touch these days. Is there any activity for Chennault and the others?"

"Adjutant Gao said that in order to keep it secret, Chennault has already set up another flight training base elsewhere, and it has already started to operate there. This is just a base for him, and they will leave in a few days."

"Is there any other news?"

"There's nothing else."

Gu Yue said bluntly: "You have done a good job, continue to inquire about the news, we need to know the latest information about Chennault and the airport."

"Okay, let's go see Adjutant Gao tomorrow."


As soon as Gu Yuechang saw Zhang Li and Dong Sheng, he knew that sister-in-law had brought some operatives, and he also knew that sister-in-law should really want to know what Sakai Kurihan and the others were doing. He had already given Zhang Li the information in a paper boat.

On the way back, Gu Yue asked directly: "Is there anything else you want to know?"

"Can we talk to that senior adjutant in person?" Sakai Kurihan asked.

"This definitely won't work!"

"Are you worried that they will be wary when they see strangers?"

"This is for sure. We have to eliminate all risks now. Which two are Chinese? Their loyalty to General Three Tails has been tested, so you can rest assured when they do things." Gu Yue said straightly,
Sakai Kurifan also knew that it would be risky to meet that senior adjutant rashly, and said, "I'm very relieved when you say that."

"What shall we do next?" Gu Yuechang asked directly,

"Go back and talk about it!"

Back at the stronghold, Gu Yue found Asaka Sakai, Giyong Hashimoto, and Takeo Yoshikawa were all there.

"Captain Sakai! Anything new?" asked Takeo Yoshikawa.

"Now there is a little change that we need to verify. According to the investigation of the people sent by General Mio, this airport in Kunming is not all, and the important training base is not here at all." Sakai Kurihan said,
"What! Not here! Then we have been preparing for so many days, is it in vain?" Takeo Yoshikawa said,
"It won't be in vain, because our goal is to assassinate Chennault. It is certain that he is still in Kunming Airport, so our actions will continue as usual."

"Hey! What's going on as usual, can you tell us first!" Gu Yue said bluntly,
"Okay, it happens that Gu Yue-jun can also help out with ideas."

"Captain Sakai!" Hashimoto Yoshiyuki shouted uneasy,
"It doesn't matter, this is also the meaning of the dispatched army headquarters." Sakai Kurihan said,
"Baga, I haven't settled with you yet!" Gu Yuechang pointed at the pinhole on his arm and said angrily at Hashimoto Yoshiyuki,

Hashimoto Yoshiyong hurriedly apologized and said, "Gu Yue-jun, don't hold grudges against me, I'm just following orders."

"Guyue-kun, Xinhu-kun! Qianshou-kun, because we can't get close to the airport at all, so we can't directly attack." Sakai Kurifan said,
"Isn't there Hashimoto's biochemical team here!"

"I don't know why they have recently strengthened the inspection of epidemic prevention and disease prevention, so we can detect it with American technology when we tamper with food and drinking water."

"This doesn't work, that doesn't work either, do you want to ask bombers to bomb?" Song Jian asked,

"Gu Yue-jun is really smart! Now we can only use this method!"

"But I heard that this base is very secretive, and it's in the mountains. If we don't mark our bombers, we won't be able to find the target."

"So we made a circle of markers around the periphery, and now we are basically ready. We have already telegraphed the headquarters of the dispatched army. When the weather is good, our bombers will come to bomb. When the time comes, our task is to show the ready markers. .”

"I see, this way the bombers only bomb the area circled by the marker, and the airport is within this area!"

"Yes, when we take advantage of the chaos to enter the airport, everyone in the airport will have to be killed."

"But the airport was bombed, and Long Yun will definitely arrive quickly with his people. Will we be able to evacuate safely by then?"

"There should be enough time!" Sakai Kurifan said,
"Since Captain Sakai has made a plan, we will resolutely obey!" Gu Yue took the lead and said,
"Very good, we have already assigned the task, Gu Yue, Nobuo and Qian Shou, you three continue to follow Sakai Asaka, we must ensure that no one will be left alive in the airport."

"I'm worried about the air-raid shelter in the airport, so we must find it as soon as possible." Gu Yue reminded straight,

"Gu Yue-jun is so right, we went in to ensure Chennault's death!"

(End of this chapter)

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