Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 753 All Jade Broken!

Chapter 753 All Jade Broken!

The newly obtained information forced Sakai Kurihan to act in advance. Fortunately, it had already been planned, and everything that should be prepared was also prepared. Just before dark, all the operatives went out of the city to get their own weapons and equipment.

Gu Yue was straight, Nobuo Kotaro was holding a sniper rifle, Hideko Sakai was also holding a sniper rifle, and Takeshi Senshou was holding a rifle and a few melon grenades.

"We're going to spend the night outside to facilitate tomorrow's operation!" Sakai Kurihan said,
"Captain Sakai, when is the bomber expected to arrive?" Takeo Yoshikawa asked,

"It takes off from Hankou Airport at eight o'clock, and we will definitely arrive around ten o'clock!"

"Do those marks need to be manipulated?" Asaka Sakai asked,
"Yes, we don't need to do this. The wave field team will take care of it. We only need to deal with Chen Ande and those pilots."

"Captain Sakai, once we use it to attack the Americans, we must know who did it. Is it really not afraid of trouble?" Gu Yuechang asked directly,

"The American Chennault is helping the Chinese. He asked for it. Besides, we will go to war with the United States sooner or later, so don't have any scruples. All the remaining fighters will be wiped out, and all the fighters that are not blown up will be blown up!" Sakai Kurihan said,
That night, Hashimoto Yoshiyuki and the others received ten metal cans that were about the size of gas tanks. Sakai Kurihan did not ask other people to help. Someone had already prepared a pole and rope to carry the ten cans away.

On the second day, as Song Jian expected, they and Asaka Sakai were assigned to the north of the airport.

"It's God's help! Today's wind is about three or four. The poisonous gas will soon cover the entire airport. In addition, there will be bombers bombing immediately. This time it is three insurances. I am afraid that even an ant will not be alive at the airport." !” Said Asaka Sakai,
"Leader Sakai, after the bombing and poison gas attack, even if there are survivors in the airport, they will escape the poison gas range immediately. Then we can just shoot them like prey." Said one of Asaka Sakai's entourage ,

"That's right, those who can't escape will definitely be poisoned to death by poison gas, even if they can escape, they won't be able to escape our ambush!"

"Our plane is coming!" A follower pointed to the sky and said,
Hearing the roar of the planes, he looked up and saw 24 fighters appearing in the dark, among which there were ten Zero fighters escorting him, eight Kawasaki 99 bombers, and the rest were six Falcon fighters.

But after these fighters arrived, they bombed not the airport, but a mountainous area more than 20 kilometers east of the airport.

"Baga, why did you blow up there! Could it be that there is something wrong with the marking." Gu Yuechang scolded straight,
"Look! The enemy plane has taken off!"

At this time, more than 20 P-40 fighters took off from the airport one after another. Before these fighters joined the battle, dozens of fighters were found swooping down from the sky above the heads of the Japanese fighters, and several Japanese fighters were shot and fell in an instant.

The American pilots did not attack the bombers when they came up, but took the lead in shooting down the Zero fighters and Falcon fighters. As long as the escorting fighter jets were eliminated, the remaining bombers would be targets.

The Devil fighter jets quickly reacted and began to fight. The fighter planes of both sides started a dogfight in the air. Almost all the flying technical movements could be seen.

Gunshots were also heard on the ground, and the Hashimoto team was attacked by armed forces before they had time to open the gas bomb. Sakai Kurihan heard the gunshots and led people to support him, but was ambushed halfway.

Sakai Asaka also rushed over with people after receiving the signal for help, but Song Jian, Tang Rui and Tan Lin shot and killed six team members including Sakai Asaka on the way.

The three wiped out the seven devils and hurried to the southeast. On the way, they encountered the people led by Zheng Yaoxian. Hearing the gunshots just now, Zheng Yaoxian guessed that it was Song Jian and the others who fired. When he saw three people running towards He didn't let his men shoot, but just shouted and raised their guns to block their way.

"Sixth brother! I'm Tan Lin!" Tan Lin recognized Zheng Yaoxian and shouted.
"Old Tan!"

"Sixth Brother, I'm Song Jian!"

"I'm Tang Rui!"

"Haha, I guess it's you!"

"Asaka Sakai and her team members have been wiped out by us, let's hurry up and kill the Hashimoto team who are about to release poison gas!"

"Don't worry, your sister-in-law has already led the team there!" Zheng Yaoxian laughed,
"Haha, we knew that Sister-in-law Jiu would definitely think of the approximate location of the Devil's Biochemical Team."

"It's really not difficult to guess. I believe they have been wiped out now, and we will meet them in the past!"

Faint gunshots could still be heard on the road, and when they joined Fu Yingxue and the others, all the devil's operatives, including Sakai Kurihan, had been shot dead.

Seeing that Song Jian and the others were safe and sound, Fu Yingxue said, "Good job! You have done a great job this time!"

Song Jian and the others didn't care about the credit, and said, "Sister-in-law, there is also a Bo Tian team, which is a local devil spy team lurking!"

"Don't worry, they were the first to be eliminated, and it is precisely because they were eliminated in advance that the glass was transferred [-] kilometers away!" Zheng Yaoxian said,
"The devil's plan is bombing, gas bombs, and armed raids. Don't forget to report the three of us dead." Song Jian said,
"I can't forget! You put on makeup anyway, and you'd better be shot in the head or chest and die."

Before Long Yun brought people over, Song Jian, Tang Rui and Tan Lin took medicine to restore their original appearance. Before returning to their original appearance, they lay on the ground and pretended to be dead. Zheng Yao first took pictures of them, Sakai Lifan, Sakai Eiko, Sakai Asaka, Yoshikawa Takeo, Hashimoto Yoshiyuki and others all took photos and published them in the newspaper.

At the headquarters of the Nanjing Expeditionary Army, Hata Toshiro knew it was not good when he heard that 24 fighter planes had been dispatched and returned less than half of them.

"It's all broken!?"

"It looks like this at the moment, because we got the news through the local newspaper! Sakai's advance team is all broken!" Harem Jun put a newspaper in front of Hata Junliu. On it were photos of them after death, which made the devil most angry. It is these corpses that have their names marked.

"Have you sent someone to investigate this matter?"

"There is no news from the Botian spy team lurking in Kunming, and it is estimated that they will also be broken in this operation."

"Didn't General Mitsuo send intelligence personnel, ask him what he knows immediately!" Shunroku Hata said,

Harem Jun directly called the Shanghai Garrison Headquarters, and Mio Yufeng said sadly on the phone: "Chief of the Harem Staff, according to our intelligence personnel's report, this time Sakai's advance team is all broken, Gu Yue is straight, and Nobuo Kotaro is still there." Among them is Senshou Takeshi."

"Do you know what happened?"

(End of this chapter)

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