Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 755 The Panicked Qi Rui

Chapter 755 The Panicked Qi Rui
I just said to solve the trouble of Yunzi Takeuchi, and here comes Kenji Iwai, since he even sent invitations, he has to go if he doesn’t go, and asked: “Since invitations have been sent, it’s not too bad not to go. Polite, Komatsu, do you know Mr. Iwai?"

"I know, he was transferred from the Kwantung Army's Intelligence Department. I heard that he has never used the relationship of Consul Iwai. He was promoted to Colonel entirely by his own efforts. Many people say that he is the pride of the Iwai family and his future achievements. It may surpass Deputy Consul General Iwai!" Komatsu Canghito said,
Qi Rui was startled when he heard this, and asked, "Is he transferred from the Kwantung Army?"

"Yes! Colonel Iwai has been in the intelligence section of the Kwantung Army, so he is a veteran intelligence officer!"

"Why don't I have any impression of him?" All the information of Yufeng Mio didn't mention this Kenji Iwai. If he is the chief officer of the intelligence department, he should know according to Mio's rank. Woke up, because he was worried that Yutoyo Mio had known Kenji Iwai before, what if he slipped up when he met him.

"That's right! The general is also from the Kwantung Army, maybe because he is in the intelligence department and you are in the army."

"How about this, you go and help me prepare a decent gift. The chief of staff of the harem told me to establish a good relationship with the Mei Agency. It turned out to be Kenji Iwai! Then we must take it seriously."


"That's right! Xiao Song, help me see who else will be attending this banquet tonight, so I can make preparations." Qi Rui said,

After work, Sanwei Yufeng took Komatsu Cangren, Yi Yuxian, and Kuuchi Liyang to Meiguan, and found that there were many cars parked in the yard, including Takeuchi Yunzi. A student of Kenji Madoka, the head of the first section of the special advanced course is also a person that Kenji Iwai values ​​very much.

The car parked under the guidance of insiders of the Mei Agency, and Mitsuo Yutoyo got out of the car under the protection of Komatsu Soren and Yi Yuxianren. At this time, several people walked out of the office building of the Mei Agency, and when they saw one of them, they opened their arms: " Mitsuo-kun! We meet again!"

Qi Rui didn't know the person who opened his arms enthusiastically, but seeing that he was also wearing the general's uniform, he guessed that he should also be an officer of the Kwantung Army, so he immediately ran up to hug this person with a controlled micro-expression: "When will you Came to Shanghai!?"

"I just arrived today too!"

"Then are you still going?" Qi Rui thought in his heart that it was not good, and this time he wanted to reveal his secrets, because from the expressions of several people, it seemed that they were no strangers to him, but he didn't know any of them, and he didn't know who they were to whom at all. .

"Mr. Three Tails! I haven't seen you for so long, I'm afraid you have forgotten us!" Another person laughed and said,

"Hahaha... How is that possible!" Now Qi Rui suddenly misses Yunzi Zhuuchi very much, at least he can ask her who these are.

"Mr. Sanwei, congratulations on being promoted to major general so quickly! You are better than us!" said the man in the middle,
Qi Rui knows this person. He has just seen his photo. He is Kenji Iwai, the son of Eiichi Iwai. Qi Rui hurriedly said modestly: "Chief Iwai is much better than me. In the future, please help me in intelligence work." Please take care of me!"

"Go in and talk!"

"Everyone, please!" Sanwei Yufeng smiled brightly, just like the happy expression of seeing an old friend, but Qi Rui wanted to cry in his heart, what the fuck should I do next!
Qi Rui seems to be able to cope with it on the surface, but in fact he is flustered!How the hell are there so many Kwantung Army officers!There are no such people in the guest information given by Komatsu Cangren!

Iwai Kenji is a spy again, he will definitely find his flaws if he stays for a while, what the hell!How can this be done.

Qi Rui can't wait for Hata Junliu, Harem Jun, Dohashi Yuitsu and others to suddenly have trouble with him, or for some big event to happen in Shanghai. Only in this way can he escape.

"Sanwei-kun, I heard that you made great contributions when you came to the dispatch army, tell us about it."

Qi Rui stood up, looked around and said, "No problem, but wait a minute, I'm going to the bathroom, I drank too much water today."

After Sanwei Yufeng left, one of them asked in a strange low voice: "Why do I feel that Sanwei doesn't know us anymore?"

"I also have the same feeling. We call him Sanwei-kun, but he seems to be perfunctory because he doesn't know who we are."

Iwai Kenji frowned slightly when he heard this, he raised his hand and called Imai Yuji to him and asked, "Is Killing God Qi Rui good at putting on makeup?"

"Yes, this person's make-up skills are very superb, and he can even make up anyone!" Imai Yuji said quickly,
"Iwai-kun mean that Mio is fake?"

"If he doesn't even know you, he must be a fake! When he comes back later, you must ask him something about the past. If he doesn't know, then he must be a fake!"

"Baga! How dare you impersonate Mr. Three Tails! Isn't Mr. Three Tails already..."

"Don't draw such an early conclusion, we will only know after testing." Kenji Iwai said calmly,
"Baga, does it take so long to go to the bathroom!?"

"Imai! Go and have a look!" Kenji Iwai gave Imai Tamaji a wink, worried that Mitsuo Yutoyo would slip away.
Imai Tamaki immediately went to the bathroom quickly, and halfway there he saw Yutoyo Mio talking to Yunko Takeuchi, so he stepped forward and said with a smile, "General Mio, Director Iwai invites you to go over."

"Okay, I'll go right away!" Qi Rui agreed, but without moving his feet, he said to Yunzi Takeuchi: "Yunzi, do you mean that Ming Jing, the chairman of the group, is probably an underground party?"

"Yes, some people have suspected her before, but because there is not enough evidence and Ming Lou, the director of the special committee, she is shelved, but shelving does not mean that she will not be investigated! Recently we found her Walking around with a transport convoy very frequently, after our secret investigation, this transport convoy is the underground group of the Communist Party! I have sent someone to watch them!"

"Don't startle the snake, I'm going to dig out everyone behind them! Yunzi, you did a good job!" Qi Rui had already decided to get rid of Yunzi Takeuchi, and it seems that she must be dealt with as soon as possible.

"General Mio! Director Iwai and the others are waiting for you." Tamaki Imai urged again,

"Okay! I see!" Mio Yutoyo gave Imai Tamaki a very unhappy look, and then said to Takeuchi Yunko: "This matter will be discussed tomorrow when I go to the special high school, I will go there first."

Qi Rui didn't have time to ask Yunzi Zhuuchi who those people were, because there was no chance at all.

"Three-tails-kun! How long did you take to relieve yourself?"

(End of this chapter)

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