Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 768 We are also good at controlling violence with violence!

Chapter 768 We are also good at controlling violence with violence!
Ouyang Jianping knew that Takahashi Chibei was trying to scare him, and Dohashi Yuichi was the deputy chief of staff of the dispatched army. How could he not care as a senior officer, he just wanted to get something before the hostage exchange.

Ouyang Jianping smiled contemptuously and said: "Hahaha... In the eyes of us Chinese, you Japanese are barbaric and vulgar even to breathe, and you are still talking about fake mercy here, you should give up your fantasy, Takahashi Chibei , You can't get anything from me, so just use whatever roughness you think!"

Takahashi Chibei was told by Ouyang Jianping that his face had turned into an eggplant skin color. A Chinese woman actually talked to him in such a tone. He really wanted to torture the leader of the No. [-] secret service team, and shouted: "Come on!" Man! Take her to the torture chamber!"

Ouyang Jianping snorted coldly, his face was full of disdain, Takahashi saw two people who looked at death like home, he began to feel guilty, because he really didn't dare to torture Ouyang Jianping, even though he didn't care about the life of Shotaro Dohashi It doesn't matter, but how could he not bear a grudge against himself after the death of his only grandson.

In such a situation, people must be brought to the scene to negotiate first, at least to let Yuichi Dohashi know that he has worked hard to rescue them, so now it is absolutely impossible to provoke the No. [-] special agent team to execute them.

Ouyang Jianping and Li Bozhi were taken to the torture room, but they were still frightened, and Takahashi was not actually tortured.

Even if Ouyang Jianping and Li Zhibo were actually executed, they would not be afraid. The Gendarmerie Headquarters had already made psychological preparations for this, so how could they be afraid of Takahashi's intimidation.

Tang Rui had already reported the matter to Qi Rui immediately. He didn't expect to force Ma Yunfei and Gao Han to use such a method, but the garrison headquarters Sanwei Yufeng absolutely couldn't take care of it, it would make things worse become more complicated.

But this matter must be taken care of by Killing God Qi Rui, so he immediately sent Su Wenqian to find Zheng Yaoxian and Fu Yingxue, Sister Ouyang and Li Bozhi must be rescued. If no one helps, Ma Yunfei, He Jian and Gao Han will also be in danger.

Because no matter how you think about it, the devil will not compromise easily. If Yuichi Dohashi knows about this matter, he will definitely give in for the Japanese Empire because of face, and then Ma Yunfei and the others will also join in.

So Qi Rui predicted that if he didn't help, Ma Yunfei and Gao Han would really die together with the devils in the end.

Tang Rui and Tan Lin continued to pay attention to the development of the situation, because Takahashi was not so easy to compromise, and Mieko Sakai managed to catch the No. [-] secret service, and she would not let him go so easily.

However, this opportunity is once in a lifetime, because Qi Rui knows that Takahashi Chibei will definitely go to Paramount in person for the No. [-] special agent team, but it is a public concession, and he will not bring too many people there, so this is an excellent time. chance to kill him.

Ma Yunfei waited impatiently and asked, "Mikeko! Why hasn't she arrived yet?"

"Even if people come, do you think you can leave?" Sakai Mieko asked very calmly,
"Do you think we only have the card of Shotaro Dohashi?" Ma Yunfei also asked calmly,
"Could it be that you kidnapped someone else?"

"Aren't you here? It's easy for us to catch you." Ma Yunfei said,

"Haha... I'm not a big shot, no one will care if you kidnap me."

Ma Yunfei glanced up and down at Mieko Sakai and said, "You are wrong! You are a Japanese woman, and I have been coveting your beauty for a long time. If I do something excessive to you, I don't believe that no one cares! After all, you The face of the imperial army of the Great Japanese Empire is still very important, how can a Japanese empress army be humiliated!"

Mieko Sakai found that she was too close to them, and she didn't dare to use a gun even if she had a gun in her hand, so it was easy for them to control themselves, but Mieko Sakai was an old spy after all, and she could stay calm in times of danger.

"Ma Yunfei, you'd better stop when enough is enough. Kidnapping and extortion also needs a measure. If we are in a hurry, we may die and the net will be broken, which may not be the result you want."

"So, you'd better be obedient and bring him to us!"

"Can I leave with you?"

"Bring the person first!"

At this time, the phone on the table rang, because Mieko Sakai jumped suddenly.

When Ma Yunfei picked up the phone, he heard the other person say: "Give Ma Yunfei the phone!"

"I am Ma Yunfei."

"Ma Yunfei, I am your ninth brother! The eldest sister and the doctor have been rescued by us, you should quickly find a way to escape!"

Ma Yunfei recognized the voice of sixth brother Zheng Yaoxian, and laughed loudly, "Thank you ninth brother!"

When Mieko Sakai heard Ma Yunfei calling Ninth Brother, she asked in surprise, "What happened?"

"Miss Mei Huizi, I'm really sorry, my ninth brother Qi Rui has already led people to rescue Sister Ouyang and the doctor, so we don't need to talk to you anymore!"

"Qi Rui!? You actually contacted the Killing God Action Group to save people on the way! It turns out that all of this was arranged in advance by you!" Sakai Mieko was furious, because this means that Takahashi Chibei must be in danger few.

Ma Yunfei said in his heart that it would be a shame to arrange arrangements!We wanted to ask Brother Nine for help, but where can we find someone? Brother Six said that Brother Nine saved the person, but I don't know how Brother Nine knew.

"Elder Sister and the doctor were rescued by brother Jiu?" Gao Han also asked in surprise,
"It was Brother Jiu's call just now, we can't be wrong, let's go!" After Ma Yunfei finished speaking, he stood up and snatched Mieko Sakai's gun, then hugged her in his arms, and said, "Miss Mieko, please send us .”

After Su Wenqian notified Zheng Yaoxian and Fu Yingxue, they acted immediately. Now that there is no devil gendarme in the concession, Zheng Yaoxian and Fu Yingxue led people to Gaoqiao to ambush on the only way from the Japanese war zone to Paramount.

Gao Qiao rushed to Paramount with two vehicles of military police. There were more than 50 military police in total. Gao Qiao himself was in a car behind. A devil gendarme is in custody.

Leng Yue, Dong Sheng, and Fu Yingxue came up and killed the drivers of the three cars. Zheng Yaoxian rushed out from the alleys on both sides with military agents. They fought the devils at close range. Make a lot.

Takahashi Chibei bravely got out of the car and wanted to organize a counterattack. When he got out of the car, he realized that the group of people who came was very fierce. More than 50 gendarmes in the two cars died in the blink of an eye. Looking at Ouyang Jianping and Li Zhibo was rescued.

Only then did Takahashi Chibei realize that he seemed to be caught in a trick, and it was still impossible to run away. He was about to raise his gun to fight back, but Ouyang Jianping shot down his pistol first, and then shot him four times in a row.

Takahashi Chibei was shot first in both legs and knelt on the ground, Ouyang Jianping stepped forward and shot him twice in the shoulders, and then said to Takahashi Chibei: "We Chinese are also good at controlling violence with violence! "

(End of this chapter)

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