Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 774 Who Is Who

Chapter 774 Who Is Who
During the closure of Paramount, Yutoyo Mio also led people to check it several times, and twice of them specially invited Mieko Sakai to accompany him.

"Mieko, do you think people from the Killing God Action Team will enter with such security measures?" The security measures are all clear, even the enemy can see it at a glance, so there is no need to hide anything at all.

Sakai Mieko didn't dare to promise, and said: "I really can't say for sure, because their make-up skills are very superb!"

"So I'm going to ask you to bring someone to check all the women attending the meeting. They must be checked inside and out, and they will never be allowed to bring in any dangerous items."

"The general thinks that the fan Luosha of the God-killing Operation Team will bring people here?" Mieko Sakai asked.
"I've thought about it carefully. It's easier for women to slip into such activities than men, so I hope you can help me check women. You haven't seen pink Rakshasa before."

"I will definitely check strictly, and will not let any suspicious woman enter Paramount!"

"Very well, you are responsible for the inspection of women."

"General, will Colonel Yosuke Imai agree?"

"Why don't you agree?"

"The general had better say hello to him, because the General Assembly's Security Gendarmerie Headquarters is also the main responsible party." Ever since Takahashi Masako and Yagyu Miko arrived in the special high school, Imai Yosuke never looked for him again, and Sakai Mieko was worried about him will obstruct.

"Okay, I just want to talk to him about the key points of security."

Imai Yosuke brought the special agents of the super high class and the captain of the gendarmerie.

Hearing Yutoyo Mio say that Mieko Sakai will be in charge of checking the female guests, Yosuke Imai agreed: "General Mio! I agree to let the head of the alcohol section be in charge of checking the women. You are right, she has met Masami Aoyama, she is the most suitable. "

Sakai Mieko hurriedly said modestly: "Master Imai, ask Section Manager Takahashi and Section Chief Yagyu to help me."

"Let Section Chief Takahashi help you, and Section Chief Yagyu has to keep an eye on the actors and dancers."


Mitsuo Yutoyo told Imai Yosuke some security details, and then asked, "Master Imai, do you have any questions?"

"General Three Tails, the military police of the Military Police Headquarters have missions. Please also ask your army to assist in the safety of all streets near Paramount to prevent the last Yongming Bridge explosion."

"I have already arranged for this. At that time, these streets will be under martial law. We must be sure that nothing will go wrong."

"that would be great!"

Because there are too many important people coming to this celebration meeting, Imai Yosuke dare not use this to design a God-killing action team, he just needs the meeting to go smoothly this time.

On December [-]th, the celebration was held as scheduled. The guests had been verified since the morning, and everyone had to wash their faces before entering.

Miko Yagyu led people to stare at the dancers, singers and bands of Paramount, everyone repeatedly confirmed and verified their identities.

Because the people who came were all important officials from the new government and senior officers of the dispatched army, too many armed personnel could not be arranged on the scene, which would make the guests uncomfortable. Imai Yosuke just replaced all the attendants in the venue with secret agents.

Everything seemed to be going well. There was no problem until the start of the celebration. It got dark earlier in winter, so it was confirmed that there was no problem outside. Mio Yutoyo brought a dozen of his subordinates into the venue, and they all accepted it according to the regulations. During the identity check, only Yutoyo Mio was wearing the uniform of a major general.

These plainclothes Yosuke Imai knew each other. They were all members of the Mio Special Operations Team. They were all experts among the experts. Mio Yutoyo must have brought them into the venue to ensure the smooth progress of the conference, and he had no right to prevent them from entering.

Qi Rui already knew the list of participants. Hata Shunroku and Harumiya Jun did not come. This time, only Yuichi Dohashi and some staff officers came on behalf of the dispatched army. Many dignitaries from the puppet government came. After confirming that the scene is almost all traitors and devils , Qi Rui issued a signal to act.

Just as the guests were all engrossed in listening to the speeches of the dignitaries on the stage, several grenades were suddenly thrown from upstairs, followed by three submachine guns shooting from top to bottom. In an instant, chaos broke out in the hall, and many people fell In the pool of blood, there are Dohashi Yuyi, Liu Peixu, the executive deputy chief of staff of the Wang puppet government, Lu Chunrong, the lieutenant general of the Military Senate, and others.

Sakai Mieko hid behind the table and raised her eyes to look upstairs. She immediately recognized the shooters upstairs as Shifang Accelerator, Uchiha Yu and Tan Lin. She knew all three of them. God action team!"

Following her shout, a few more grenades were thrown into the hall. After the explosion, the three people upstairs disappeared, and many secret agents began to rush upstairs. At this time, two teams of military police rushed in. Gunshots and explosions were heard outside the Paramount.

"Master Imai! We don't need so many people here. Hurry up and let the military police surround Paramount and never allow them to escape! We must stop the people outside to meet them."

The military police who just came in were sent outside again by Yosuke Imai, Yutoyo Mio came to Mieko Sakai and asked, "Mieko! What did you call just now?"

"General Three Tails! The three people upstairs are Song Jian, Tang Rui and Tan Lin from the God-killing Action Team!"

"What! Are you sure it's the three of them?" Imai Yosuke asked,

"I'm pretty sure it's them. Before that, they were Accelerator Shikata, Yuu Uchiha, and Yuta Tozawa from Kuchi Mansion before! I can recognize them even when they turned into ashes!"

Mio Yutoyo asked puzzledly: "We inspected so strictly, how did they get in!"

"General, we can only find out if we catch them."

"Go up and catch them, don't let them escape! Hurry up!" Seeing the delay, Qi Rui almost took them upstairs,
Imai Yosuke asked Sakai Mieko to stay and rush to rescue the wounded, and he also took people upstairs, and during this period, the sound of gunfire and explosions upstairs continued.

Mio Yutoyo led people to the third floor, and when he arrived in the corridor, he heard an explosion in front of him. A person was blown out of a room. He stood up unsteadily and shot into the room again.

"It's Captain Ichihara!" Saito Junichiro shouted,
Mio Yutoyo ran over and asked, "Ichihara! Did you see the killer from the Killing God Action Group?"

Song Jian, who had become Ichihara Keiichi again, pointed to the room with a disgruntled face and said, "They are in this room, and they dropped two grenades as soon as we rushed in, and Yamato-kun and Kido-kun are still inside, quick! Quick! "

Sanwei Yufeng ordered the others: "Quick! Go in and arrest people!"

Followed by special agents from the Special High School and Secret Service Headquarters, Yosuke Imai ordered his subordinates to rush into the room, but there was no one there.

(End of this chapter)

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