Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 779 The Fish King's Second Selling Chapter

Chapter 779
Chen Moqun did not go to the Hong Kong station of the military command, but secretly met his student Meng Annan, and gave him the task of infiltrating the underground organization of the Communist Party. After that, he rushed to Shanghai by his own means. He vowed to find A person who betrays himself.

Yosuke Imai did receive an anonymous phone call and learned of Chen Moqun's detailed itinerary, but the Japanese spies in Hong Kong did not find him.

"Could this information be false!?"

"Master Imai! This should not be false information. According to the report of our intelligence personnel, Chen Moqun indeed set off from Chongqing to Hong Kong. After arriving in Hong Kong, he disappeared. Did he discover something?" Takahashi Masako asked.

"It's not impossible. Now that we have confirmed that he will be the station master of Shanghai Station, he will definitely come to Shanghai. From Hong Kong to Shanghai, he can only take a ship. Section Chief Takahashi secretly investigates all the information sent by Hong Kong. Ships to Shanghai, including cargo ships, must catch him!"

Imai Yosuke has been holding back a fire recently. Since he took office, he hasn't achieved any decent results. The headquarters of the dispatched army has doubted his ability. He must make some achievements now, and there is no delay.

"Hayi! I will immediately inform Hong Kong to cooperate."

The Mei Agency, the Gendarmerie Command, the Special High School, the Secret Service Headquarters, the Secret Service Committee, the Military Aircraft Department, and various departments of the Wang Puppet Government are all within Qi Rui's sight, and they can get news quickly if there is any trouble.

Now Qi Rui is most concerned about Chen Moqun. If he has been working for the military commander, he is likely to become an anti-Japanese hero, because his ability is beyond doubt. Similarly, if he is captured by the devils, it is likely to bring disaster to the military commander.

"Report to the general, the attention of the special high school is now all on the ship from Hong Kong to Shanghai." Saito Junichiro came back to report,
In order to prevent Nakajima Sato, Saito Junichiro and Kurimoto Ryu from seeing Song Jian's flaws, Qi Rui asked them to cooperate with Secret Service Headquarters, Special High School and Mei Agency, saying that cooperation is actually surveillance .

"Did they find clues to the God-killing Action Group?"

"It seems not, but the people they want to arrest seem to be very important."

"Don't draw conclusions like this. Keep staring. Remember, I'm only interested in people from the God Killing Action Group and the Jellyfish Assassination Group. If there is news about them in the Special High School of the Gendarmerie, report them immediately."

Qi Rui knew very well who Imai Yosuke was targeting, which meant that now Chen Moqun already knew that he was betrayed, and the devil's spies hadn't found him in Hong Kong, so he was staring at the ships coming from Hong Kong.

For a senior agent like Chen Moqun, Qi Rui believed that he had a way to come to Shanghai at the beginning, and Wang Shian, a selfish, despicable and shameless trash, would definitely get his due retribution.

But everything didn't go according to Qi Rui's idea, because this Wang Shi'an was still very smart, he had already announced the news that Chen Moqun was coming to Shanghai, and even asked Lin Nansheng to prepare to pick him up.

In this way, even if Chen Moqun was captured by the Japanese, the person who leaked the secret could be anyone in the military system. This is his cleverness, and Zhou Yaoting is also Wang Shi'an, the secret caller for his own career, and asked if it was him who made the call.

Wang Shian and Zhou Yaoting would definitely not admit that they did it themselves, and they vowed to find out who made the call. At first, Wang Shian was a little scared, but after calming down and thinking about it carefully, he came to the conclusion that it was the military police of the Japanese army. There are people from the God-killing Action Group in the headquarters.

Everyone in the military command knows that the most powerful intelligence officer is Qi Rui, the God of Killing. Not only are they super capable of action, but also their ability to collect intelligence is unparalleled. Anyone with a little brain can think of the person who has a military command among the devils. , To be precise, it is a member of the God-killing Action Group.

Wang Shi'an hated why there were so many troubles in the God-killing Action Team, so he secretly called Yosuke Imai at the Gendarmerie Command.

"Chongqing already knows the content of the last call! That's why Chen Moqun is missing now. Colonel Imai, your gendarmerie headquarters is not clean!"

"I will investigate this matter, sir, I think we can have a good talk about cooperation, if you have any conditions, feel free to ask." Yosuke Imai said sincerely,
Knowing the detailed itinerary of Chen Moqun's visit to Shanghai, Imai Yosuke knew that this person must be of high rank in the military command. Since he can betray Chen Moqun, he can betray anyone.

Wang Shi'an still has a fluke mentality and has no plans to join the Japanese. He said: "My condition is that you must get rid of Chen Moqun and never let him go to Shanghai! Only in this way can we discuss future cooperation!"

"Then you just wait for our good news!" Imai Yosuke was not too urgent, because he felt that he would soon know who was calling.

After hanging up the phone, Imai Yosuke immediately sent someone who was familiar with the military command to the headquarters, and asked them to listen to the phone recording one by one to see if they could recognize whose voice it was.

Yosuke Imai had already prepared. He thought that the caller would still contact him, so he made preparations in advance. This time, all the conversations between Wang Shian and Yosuke Imai were recorded.

"Master, as long as we know who he is, this recording will allow him to serve us." Miko Yagyu said,
"The premise is that Chen Moqun must be caught, otherwise he will immediately investigate the caller once he arrives at Shanghai Railway Station. With his ability, it should not be difficult to find out, so we must first keep this person." Imai Yosuke said,
"Isn't Section Chief Takahashi already watching all the boats coming to Shanghai? He won't let go of even a small fishing boat, so Chen Moqun will definitely be able to catch it as long as he comes from land and water."

"We can't ignore Lu Lu either, Liu Sheng, you lead someone to watch Lu Lu."


After Miko Yagyu left, Imai Yosuke personally investigated the inside, because he knew that there were not many people who made the call, so he thought it shouldn't be difficult to find out who it was.

While everyone was waiting for news from Chen Moqun, Boss Dai received another telegram from Qirui Xiaojiu himself. After reading it, Dai immediately ordered Chen Moqun to return to Chongqing immediately.

It is a pity that Chen Moqun has left Hong Kong at this time and cannot be contacted at all. Qi Rui sighed secretly when he heard the news: It seems that everything that should come will come, and Chen Moqun may be doomed this time.

Qi Rui began to feel that it should not be difficult to enter Shanghai with Chen Moqun's ability, but when he learned that Yosuke Imai blocked all the water and land checkpoints, he knew that Chen Moqun would definitely not be able to get in, and he might be arrested again, so he decided to Boss Dai will be notified immediately to prevent Chen Moqun from coming to Shanghai.

Now Qi Rui has nothing to do, he can only look at Chen Moqun's good fortune and ability, and Qi Rui also knows that Wang Shian has made preparations in advance, and now there is no evidence to prove that he made the call.

So Qi Rui thought of Lin Nansheng, a kind, brave, upright, and crying guy, who could let him secretly investigate and collect evidence of Wang Shian's crimes, which would also allow him to have a deeper understanding of the corruption within the national army.

(End of this chapter)

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