Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 788 Wanted

Chapter 788 Wanted

When I came to Kiyohara's house again, many people had already gathered here. Kiyohara Xiangxue came over and told Mio Yutoyo that these were people sent by various families to help.

Yutoyo Mio didn't expect them to be so enthusiastic, and quickly expressed his thanks to everyone.

"General Sanwei, our Fujiwara family is willing to obey your command." Hiroshi Fujiwara bowed first and said with four people,
"Mr. Fujiwara, thank you very much for your support, don't delay your important matters." Mio Yutoyo said politely,

"No! We should also eliminate the Chinese God-killing Action Group!" Fujiwara Hiroshi said,

"Yes, General Mitsuo, our Kiyohara family is also willing to obey your dispatch!" Kiyohara Yayoi also came over and said,

"General Three Tails, our He Mao Family (Xichuan Family) are also willing to obey your command! As long as we can eliminate the God-killing Action Group, let us do whatever we want." The head of the He Mao Family, He Mao Dasheng, and the head of the Suchuan Family, Qi Chuan Liufeng said in unison ,

"It's so touching! With the help of your four major families, why don't you eliminate the God-killing Action Group! It's just that too many people may surprise them, so you don't want to do anything for now. Tonight, Miss Xiangxue and I will explore first. If we need support, we will send out a signal for help." Mio Yutoyo said,
"Okay, let's listen to General Three Tails' order."

Qingyuan Xiangxue's five people and four ninjas were all ready, Qi Rui separated them to protect several important targets according to the plan, and he took Qingyuan Xiangxue outside the palace by himself.

"General Sanwei, do they still dare to assassinate His Majesty the Emperor?" Kiyohara Xiangxue asked in a low voice.

"I guess their real targets are His Majesty the Emperor and some important ministers. We must take precautions and never let His Majesty have an accident." Mio Yutoyo said,
Kiyohara Xiangxue looked at Yufeng Mio with admiration and asked, "General Sano, please let me follow you from now on! I also want to serve the empire."

"Miss Xiangxue, I am a major general of the Imperial Army. Obeying orders is a soldier's bounden duty. Can you do it?"

"I can! I will absolutely obey General Sanwei's order!" Kiyohara Xiangxue said,
Qi Rui took a good look at Kiyohara Xiangxue under the moonlight. Before, he just felt that this Japanese girl looked pure and beautiful, a bit like Muto Junko, with a fresh and beautiful face. Looks like a ruthless character.

"Miss Xiangxue, do you know what my three-tailed special operations team does?"

"do not know."

"The reason why they are called special is because they often perform some secret missions, such as assassination, intelligence spying, enemy reconnaissance, surveillance, tracking and other special missions. Our target can be the enemy, or it may be your own people. "

"What do I think I mean?" Qingyuan Xiangxue asked,

"It is an enemy disguised as our own! That is, an enemy spy."

"I know this. When I was free today, I looked up some information about the Killing God Action Team. That Killing God Qi Rui was pretending to be us before, right?"

"It seems that Miss Xiangxue is very careful. You are right. It is because the Killing God Operation Team is very good at disguising, so we haven't found them until now. They may pretend to be anyone around us, so if you follow me, Sometimes you may attack your own people, can you do it?"

"I can! As long as General Three Tails says who is the enemy, then he is my target!" Kiyohara Xiangxue said,
"A child can be taught. If you perform well these few days, I will seriously consider your request."

"Thank you General Three Tails!"

Qi Rui took this Qingyuan Xiangxue to guard outside the palace until one o'clock in the middle of the night, and suddenly found a distress signal in the distance, so the two hurried over, and two places sent out a distress signal one after another on the road.

As a result, the masters who were ambushing near the residences of the three generals were attacked by surprise, and all six were injured, but the injuries were not serious.

"What happened?" Mitsuo Yutoyo asked.

"We hide the secret, but we don't want to be discovered and attacked by the killer."

"They didn't kill you?" Sanwei Yufeng asked strangely,
"They are fully capable of killing us."

"General Three Tails! They left a message, in Japanese." One of them said,


"He said that they only kill war criminals and will not kill innocent people indiscriminately. He also warned us not to meddle in our own business, and that we will not be merciful next time we encounter them."

Mio Yutoyo frowned and said, "Only kill war criminals!?"

"General Sanwei, what does this person mean?" Kiyohara Xiangxue asked,

"The targets of their assassination are all the commanders who came back from the Chinese battlefield. You have never been to China, that is, you have never killed Chinese people, so they are not their targets." Yufeng Mio explained,

"Did these commanders kill many Chinese?"

"There is no such thing as undead in war, and it is normal to injure innocent people." After finishing speaking, Yutoyo Mio asked, "What's the matter with the three generals?"

"The three generals are still safe, Director Miki has sent police to protect them."

"Have you seen the faces of the three of them clearly?"

"I see!"

Mio Yutoyo took out some photos and handed them to them and asked, "Is there anyone in the photos?"

Several people quickly picked out three photos from the photos. Mio Yufeng looked at the three photos and said with a complicated expression: "These three people are the main players of the God-killing Action Team, and they all have Japanese names. We The previous judgment was correct, it is indeed the main force of the God-killing Action Group who has come to our country, no wonder we have not been able to find them."

"General Three Tails, they probably won't give up, right?" Kiyohara Xiangxue asked,

"It will definitely not stop, but they have already discovered us, and then they should adopt some special assassination methods, which will increase the difficulty for us a lot."

"A special assassination method?"

"Yes, in the future they may not directly assassinate, but will use some designs, such as sniper killing, explosion, interception and assassination on the road, etc." Mio Yufeng explained,

"Then why don't we protect them personally?"

"They are all very professional killers, and they are very patient in killing their targets. As far as I know, many of their killings have been precisely designed, making it hard to guard against."

"General Three Tails, what shall we do next?"

"They should be in the city of Tokyo. Director Miki, immediately issue a warrant to arrest these three people. Anyone who informs will be rewarded."

"I'll do it now! By the way, General Three Tails, where are your three followers?"

"I asked them to go to Nagoya, Sendai and other places to investigate the assassination. I think they should be back soon."

"How is their force?" Miki Ruyu asked curiously,
"It's okay, but not as good as Miss Xiangxue and the others."

(End of this chapter)

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