Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 790 The Safest Plan?

Chapter 790 The Safest Plan

Qi Rui suddenly thought of a question, that is, the treasure map they got should not be the original, so he asked: "The treasure map that His Majesty gave you should be rubbed. Is the original in the palace?"

"General Sanwei is right. The original copy of the treasure map is indeed in the palace, and what we got is only a part after rubbing." Kiyohara Yayoi said,
"Have the experts already known all the treasure maps?" Mio Yutoyo continued to ask,
"I do know."

"Then what's the point of separating the treasure map?" Mio Yutoyo asked,

"It's meaningful, because some marks can only appear when the treasure map is put together. Without the treasure map, the exact location of the treasure cannot be found accurately." Hiroshi Fujiwara said,

"So that's the case, please show me the treasure map from the expert, I know what it looks like so I can help you investigate, and I've already figured out a way for you to retrieve the lost treasure map!" Yuu Mio Feng said,
"Can you really get it back?"

"Look at the treasure map first."

Under Miki Ryukyu's guarantee, the treasure map of the expert group was handed over to Mio Yutoyo. After looking at it, Qi Rui returned the treasure map to the expert and said: "I just know what it looks like, so Once you see it, you won’t miss it.”

In the eyes of everyone, Sanwei Yufeng just glanced at it, but Qi Rui has a super memory ability, he can remember everything just by looking at it, and he can draw this treasure map after returning. With the original in hand, the four families should soon be able to get the rubbing treasure map again, and their plan will not stop.

Then the next step is to let Fu Yingxue return to the country with the treasure map immediately, and then find the treasure spot and transfer the treasure as soon as possible, because it is useless to kill all four noble families now, the dog thief Yuren will send another person to go Treasure hunt.

"General Three Tails, can you tell us how to retrieve the treasure map now?"

"Are there many people who know that there are five copies of the treasure map?"

"It's really not many. His Majesty the Emperor planned to divide the treasure map into four parts at first, but later, because he needed to find some experts, he decided to divide it into five parts."

"They only stole four copies, and the experts didn't lose them, which means they probably don't know that the experts still have another copy. If we spread the news, they will definitely find a way to grab the fifth copy!"

"Will they believe there are only five copies?"

"They should already know by now, because if you put the treasure map together, you know there is one piece missing."

"I'm so confused!" Miki Ruo said shyly,

"Then let's spread the news that there are five copies of the treasure map!" Hiroshi Fujiwara said,

"No, they must already know that there is another one. We only need to guard the expert group heavily and they will know who has the treasure map. Then we will just sit back and wait for them to come by themselves." Mio Yufeng said,
"Fortunately, General Sanwei is here, otherwise we wouldn't know what to do!" Kiyohara Yayoi said with emotion,

"Yeah, this time it's really thanks to General Three Tails."

Sanwei Yufeng said very worriedly: "What I am worried about now is that the God-killing Action Team will use this trick again."

Miki Rusheng didn't understand and said: "General Mitsuo, please speak clearly."

"Our current attention is all on the experts. In this way, the officers on the list are only protected by the police. They cannot resist the God-killing Action Group." Mio Yufeng said,
"General Mio's worries are very reasonable. Do you have any solutions?" Miki Ruuu asked,

"This is what I think. Their goal is the treasure map. They will definitely find a way to get it. You just need to hide the treasure map and they will have nothing to do. At night, I will take people to continue to protect the palace and several generals." ” Said Mio Yutoyo,
"Then what if the Killing God Action Team comes here?" Kiyohara Yayoi asked,

"Director Miki sent some policemen to help guard. There are so many masters in your four families. Even if they came and saw your formation, they probably wouldn't dare to force their way in."

"General Three Tails is right, then we will do as you say."

The masters of the next four families all went to Qingyuan's house, including those experts. The treasure map was hidden in a very secret place after discussions with the experts.

After Qi Rui assigned the protection task, he left alone. After meeting Fu Yingxue, he drew the fifth treasure map.

Last night, Fu Yingxue divided the people into four groups, and took advantage of the opportunity of the four families sending out all the masters with the fragrance Qi Rui gave, and charmed the heads of the four families and took the treasure map.

When I came back, I found that the most important part of the treasure map was missing. I was waiting for Qi Rui's news. I didn't expect that he had already solved this problem. I have to admire his brain, which can memorize all the treasure map in his mind.

After finishing the drawing, Qi Rui drew one copy of the other four to make sure there was nothing wrong with it, and gave all these treasure maps to Fu Yingxue.

"Killing God is so good, he can draw such a complicated map exactly the same." Fan Lu said in admiration,

"Brother Nine, is the map okay?" Li Keming asked uncomfortably.

"These treasure maps were originally rubbings. Don't worry, I guarantee that there will be no mistakes in this map. Tomorrow, you will immediately go back to your country and follow the map to find the treasure transfer."

"Ninth brother, are those devils on the list still killed?" Gao Han asked,

"How many people can be killed tonight, we will come again sooner or later, because all war criminals must die with Qi Rui!"

"Then Brother Nine, are you going to ambush with devils tonight?"

"I'll tell you who to kill later." After Qi Rui finished speaking, he gave Fu Yingxue a Yirong Pill, and said, "Xue'er, kill a devil who is about the same size as Song Jian, Tang Rui and Tan Lin. Don’t use the police instead, put the treasure map on the corpse after it’s done, and make sure it looks like it’s shown in the photo, any one of them will do.”

After speaking, Qi Rui gave Fu Yingxue the photos of Song Jian, Tang Rui and Tan Lin, and asked, "Do you know what to do after returning to China?"

"I know!" Fu Yingxue must tell the organization about such a big matter, and the treasure also needs some professional people to help, and there is no one in my team who understands these things. Little devils know how to find experts. This is for Fu Yingxue A wake up call.

Next, Qi Rui made some arrangements for the night's plan. War criminals who can be killed must be killed, and they must be idle. Anyway, the big guys just sleep when they get on the boat, so they can make a fuss tonight.

After Qi Rui made the arrangements, he went to find Qingyuan Xiangxue outside the palace, and after a little more excuses to go to other places to see and leave, Qi Rui came outside Qingyuan's house and found that the whole yard was completely dark.

(End of this chapter)

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