Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 792 Chen Moqun Still Became a Traitor

Chapter 792 Chen Moqun Still Became a Traitor

Mitsuo Yutoyo was about to return to Shanghai, and had already booked a boat ticket. Miki Ryukyu ran to him and said, "General Mitsuo, His Majesty the Emperor has summoned you, hurry up and pack up."

"His Majesty wants to see me?" Mio Yutoyo asked flattered,
"Yes, because you recovered the treasure map and killed Song Jian of the God-killing Action Group for your great service, His Majesty the Emperor should commend you." Miki Rusheng said enviously,

Mio Yutoyo said a little at a loss: "It's not important to commend, what's important is that it's a great honor for me to meet His Majesty the Emperor! This is also the glory of our family! I can't calm down with excitement at this moment!"

"General Three Tails, I understand your feelings very well, but you can't keep His Majesty the Emperor waiting, you better go!"

"Okay! I'll clean it up now."

Mitsuo Yufeng came to the palace to meet Hirohito wearing a clean major general uniform, and Qi Rui respected Hirohito in accordance with the Japanese etiquette, because he is now Mio Yufeng, a Japanese major general.

Hirohito looked at Mitsuo Yutoyo very seriously for a few seconds, and asked, "Are you Major General Mitsuo Yutoyo?"

Mio Yutoyo bowed his head and replied: "Yes, His Majesty the Emperor! Your subject is Mio Yutoyo."

"I heard that you are already a tenth-level sword master?"

"I don't know, but since I learned the sword technique taught by the Chinese, my force has improved by leaps and bounds. Mr. Kiyohara Yayoi and Mr. Fujiwara Juhei said that I have reached the level of tenth kendo. I think it should be true. Already!"

"You can kill Song Jian, the main force of the God-killing Action Group, which shows that your force is indeed very strong. I hope you can eliminate this God-killing Action Group!"

Mitsuo Yutoyo bowed his head again and said: "Your Majesty, I dream of destroying the God-killing Action Team. This time, I rushed back because I heard that the teacher, General Ishihara, was assassinated. It is a pity that they still killed so many officers!"

"It's not your fault, I know you tried your best!"

"Your Majesty, I will definitely work hard to eliminate them as soon as possible!"

"General Three Tails, has the God-killing Operation Team really returned to China?"

"It should have gone back. I guess they only came with a few people. Qi Rui didn't come. Song Jian should be their captain. Now that their captain is dead, their strength has been greatly reduced. It should be Qi Rui who ordered them to return to China."

"You already know about the treasure map, do you think their hasty return to China has something to do with it?" Hirohito asked,

"Your Majesty, I think there is, because they have now confirmed that the treasure map exists. They may have found some clues in their haste to go back. I speculate that they returned to China to find a countermeasure, so the treasure hunting team should still be in danger."

"Countermeasures, what countermeasures can they think of?" Hirohito asked,

"Your Majesty, Song Jian and the others found that they only stole four treasure maps, and then wanted to steal the fifth one, but found that the Qingyuan family had set up a net, and the God-killing Action Team was not reckless. They found that they had not obtained any more treasure maps The possibility of the treasure map, so I returned to the country to find a way, and now this is the only explanation that is more reasonable."

"That means the treasure hunting team is likely to be thwarted?"

"Your Majesty, this possibility is very high."

"General Three Tails, I know you are proficient in Chinese, I hope you can secretly assist the treasure hunting team, this is also the task I entrusted to you!"

"Your Majesty complies with the order, but I just ask Your Majesty to say hello to the commander of the dispatched army. I will take my special operations team to protect them."

"Sanwei, you must ensure that the treasure can be transported to our mainland smoothly."

"Your servant must do his best!"

"You can report your situation to me at any time, and I will set up a radio station just for you."

"Hayi!" Qi Rui agreed, and said in his heart: I really want to kill him!But once the consequences of killing him are really not something you can bear, then just bear with it!

When Qi Rui returned to Kiyohara's house, all the main figures from the four families who did not go to China were present, just to see what kind of reward this General Mitsuo Yutoyo could get from His Majesty the Emperor, but they were very disappointed because they came back empty-handed.

"Patriarchs and gentlemen, Yufeng Mio thanked you for taking care of me. I will go to Shanghai tomorrow. I hope we will meet again one day." Yufeng Mio bid farewell to everyone present.

"General Sanwei, we will go to Shanghai with you." Kiyohara Xiangxue said,
"You guys have to think about it. After going to Shanghai, I will send someone to teach you shooting, Chinese and various skills. If someone asks you and you can't tell your true identity, it will be quite difficult. I hope you are mentally prepared." Mitsuo Yutoyo said,
"General, we absolutely obey your orders!" Several people answered in unison,

"His Majesty the Emperor entrusted me with an important task, and I also hope that you can assist me to complete it together." Mio Yutoyo said,
In order to curry favor with Yutoyo Mio, the Fujiwara family also found three beauties. These three are not only good in martial arts, but also good in other skills. Qi Rui only found out that they had received special agent training after asking.

"Fujiwara Kaoru, Fujiwara Yumi, Fujiwara Momoe, you three must obey the command of General Mitsuo! Even if he tells you to die, you must not frown!" Fujiwara Jubei urged,

"Since you have received special agent training, and I also believe in your strength, then follow Keiichi Ichihara and the others from now on."

These three women must not follow Qingyuan Xiangxue and others, because those few people are a blank slate, and they will believe everything they say.Kaoru Fujiwara and the others are different, they will suspect if something is wrong, and another characteristic of agents is that they will find ways to prove their suspicions.

"Hai!" This was exactly what Kaoru Fujiwara and the others wanted, so they all readily agreed.

Asuka Asuka, Notake Higashiku, Aji Temple Emon, Shimizu Tani Teruto are the one-female and three-male kendo masters that Kiyohara Koyuki found, and they will also go to China together. Sanwei Yufeng didn't let them find another person.

Six days later, Yutoyo Mio brought these people to Shanghai. He asked Keiichi Ichihara and Takumi Owada to send the five of them to a house. He was the commander of the garrison, and he had already prepared several sets. house.

Kido Ryuichi took Fujiwara Kaoru, Fujiwara Baihui and Fujiwara Yumi to the special operations team to report. Mio Yutoyo held a meeting immediately after returning to ask about the situation of the garrison and Shanghai during his departure.

It took Sanwei Yufeng just to listen to the report for a whole day. In the end, Su Wenqian reported alone: ​​"Ninth Brother, Ninth Sister-in-Law took the team and the No. [-] Secret Service Team to Xi'an, let me tell you if there is anything to call directly."

"Is there something wrong with Tang Ling?"

"It's okay, that's right! There is a very important thing. Chen Moqun was captured by Yosuke Imai. Now he has defected to the enemy and become a traitor. Lin Nansheng has assassinated him twice, but all failed. Because of Chen Moqun's rebellion, the army took control of Shanghai. The district suffered heavy losses and three of our contact points were destroyed."

"How is Lin Nansheng now?"

"Now he is chasing and killing Chen Moqun all over the world like crazy."

(End of this chapter)

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