Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 797 Our hard days are coming!

Chapter 797 Our hard days are coming!

The gun in Wang Shi'an's hand didn't hit the target after it rang out, but what made him terrified was that the target was no longer in the original position. He was about to look for the target when he saw a flash of cold light in front of his eyes, and then looked at an arm holding the gun. fall to the ground.

It was his own arm, and he wanted to scream in horror, but a cold katana slit his throat to stop him from screaming, and he fell heavily to the ground with his eyes blacked out.

Wang Shi'an, the king of fishing, could no longer touch fish. He fell to the ground and twitched a few times with the blood gushing from his neck and arms, and then fell silent.

Kiyohara Xiangxue pursed her lips in satisfaction after completing the task assigned by Mitsuo Yutoyo, while Shimizu Tani Teruto and An Yiji Emon had knocked Secretary Zhang unconscious.

Asuka Asuka and Dong Jiunengwu were on alert, and gunshots continued to sound around them. Their mission was completed and they took Secretary Zhang to leave quickly.

Mio Yutoyo was already waiting at their residence, Ichihara Keiichi and Owada Takuma took Secretary Zhang away directly, Mio Yutoyo stayed to praise Kiyohara Xiangyuki and the others, and told them that they were already members of the Mio Advance Team, Let them continue to learn Chinese and practice marksmanship.

Song Jian and Tang Rui frightened this Secretary Zhang and they did whatever they wanted. They followed him and seized all the property that Wang Shian embezzled. Safety This person cannot be let go, let alone stay.

Su Wenqian handed over Qi Rui, a lot of military supplies that Wang Shian hid, to Tang Ling. Notified Chongqing.

Wang Shi'an felt sorry for Boss Dai when he died. He was going to settle the score against him. Since he was killed by the Japanese, it was considered a decent death. Chongqing, but the main characters cannot go back, and the Shanghai station still has to be rebuilt.

In this way, the deputy station master Gu Shenyan and the operation team leader Lin Nansheng stayed. At this moment, Lin Nansheng hated Chen Moqun even more, because the jellyfish assassination team failed to kill him, so he continued to plan the assassination plan.

Because the situation in Shanghai is very dangerous, Ji Zhongyuan left Shanghai for Hong Kong under the arrangement of the organization, and Zhu Yizhen did not receive the evacuation notice because she was hiding in the home of a Japanese overseas Chinese.

Anxious Zhu Yizhen went out to look for Lao Ji, but was discovered by fake police. Lin Nansheng who arrived in time to save her was hit by bullets, and the two were sent to the hospital by the police station for emergency treatment. Qi Rui immediately sent Song Jian and Tang Rui to rescue her , asked Tang Ling to send Zhu Yizhen away to recuperate, and arranged for Zuo Qiuming to bring Lin Nansheng to Hong Kong for treatment.

It was Qi Rui who suggested to the organization to go to Hong Kong, because he had to go to Hong Kong this time, and only here could his thoughts be sublimated. In addition, Qi Rui would never let Zuo Qiuming die, but Chen Moqun must die.

This guy still has to go out on his own to get rid of it, so Qi Rui planned to take advantage of the fact that Chen Moqun was not willing to work for the Japanese, so he sent a report to ask Boss Dai how to deal with it in Shanghai.

Boss Dai called back and told him that he had sent Brother Six back to Shanghai, because only he could take over the mess after much deliberation, and that he would leave it to others to discuss cooperation with the Americans.

The sixth brother came to Shanghai Qi Rui, and finally felt at ease, thinking about such an important area, how could he just send someone to manage it casually, the important thing is that Gu Shenyan will keep it when the sixth brother comes.

Qi Rui wasn't in a hurry to kill Chen Moqun, he also had to prepare for the advance team, he only started to make arrangements when Sixth Brother and Fu Yingxue arrived in Shanghai.

"Sixth Brother, the foundation of Shanghai has not been destroyed. The Jellyfish Assassination Team and the Hurricane Action Team are here. In addition, Gu Shenyan, the deputy station manager, is very capable. You can rest assured that you can entrust him with anything." Qi Rui said. Only Zheng Yaoxian could understand and knew that Gu Shenyan was one of his own.

"Xiao Jiu, the head of the devil brigade quit?" Zheng Yao asked first,

"Hata Shunroku asked me to form an advance team. He had the same idea as Kagesa Haruaki before him. He hoped that I would take him to perform some special tasks, just like the God-killing Action Team."

"What are you going to do?"

"Using this identity, I want to toss it hard."

"How to toss?"

"Sixth brother, you still remember what I said before, I will never let those devils and war criminals go, in fact, in my eyes, as long as they are devils, they should be killed, but it is not realistic to kill them all, so next I will The devil commanders will be the main ones, and they are all war criminals as I said."

"Xiao Jiu! You still dare to think and do it. You even killed Ishihara Waner, Yanagawa Hirasuke, and Matsui Iwane. I support you!" Zheng Yaoxian said,
"Brother Six, I may run around in the future, so be more careful on your side."

"Brother, don't worry! Your sixth brother, I am getting more and more stable now."

"Sixth brother, I have to do something before I leave, and that is to kill Chen Moqun." Qi Rui said,
"I heard that Tiecheng and Wenqian have no chance to make a move, what are you going to do?" Zheng Yaoxian asked,

"Send someone to contact Chen Moqun."

"What are you doing contacting Chen Ni?"

"Kill him."

"Okay, the execution of Chen Ni is also a task given to me by Boss Dai. You will save me trouble by killing him."

"Sixth brother, we all know that Chen Moqun was betrayed by Wang Shi'an to the Japanese. In fact, he is not very willing to work for the Japanese."

"You mean he still wants to come back? It's a dream!"

"Brother Six, we find it ridiculous that he wants to come back, but Boss Dai will definitely accept it."

"You're right. Ever since the outbreak of the Pacific War, some traitors' hearts have been shaken. They are fools. They know that little Japan can't beat the Yankees, so now they are trying to find a way to contact Chongqing to save a way out. " Zheng Yaoxian had discovered this imagination in Chongqing and said,
"Chen Moqun is also such a person. I want evidence of his negotiation."

"Do you want to record it?"

"Don't record it. It's too deliberate. It's like framing him. Sixth brother only needs to send someone from the military commander to negotiate with him. Two photos can directly execute him."

"That's right, if you kill him, no devil will say anything."

Qi Rui smiled wickedly and said, "That's right, let's see how I fix this traitor."

Killing people with brains is actually much easier than killing people with force. No matter how cautious Chen Moqun is, he can't prevent Sanwei Yufeng from wanting his life.

Chen Moqun knew that there would definitely be people coming to the Shanghai station, and Boss Dai would never send ordinary people to come, so he kept asking, and finally let him know that the sixth brother Zheng Yaoxian had returned to Shanghai to be the district chief.

"Director, Zheng Yaoxian being the District Chief is too much of a threat to us!" Hu Daoyi said,

"You're right. After he comes, the Jellyfish Assassination Team, the Hurricane Operation Team, and even the Death God Operation Team will work for him. Our hard days are coming!"

(End of this chapter)

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