Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 799 Finally freed up!

Chapter 799 Finally freed up!
Secretly meeting Zheng Yaoxian, the sixth brother of the Juntong, there is obviously something wrong with this Chen Moqun. Before Imai Yosuke thought that Mitsuo Yufeng was going to rob others to take credit, but now he has no temper at all. He is worried that Mio Yufeng will take this opportunity to embarrass himself.

"General Mio, such a person must be severely punished!" Yosuke Imai quickly stated his position,
Mitsuo Yutoyo did not mean to embarrass Yosuke Imai, and said: "That is necessary, Don't worry, Colonel Imai, I will tell you any information I get from Chen Moqun."

"General Sanwei, I also hope to catch Zheng Yaoxian and the God-killing Action Group as soon as possible, so just say what we need from the Gendarmerie Command and the Special High School."

"Eliminating them is our common goal, let us work together!"

At this time, Keiichi Ichihara came running over and said something to Yufeng Mio, who was furious when he heard it, "Dead!? Why can't you beat me so hard?"

Keiichi Ichihara said very guiltyly: "General, the doctor said that he has a heart problem, and we didn't know it in advance."

In fact, Qi Rui gave Chen Moqun medicine in advance to make the doctor think that he died of a heart attack while being tortured.

"What did you ask?" Imai Yosuke asked,

"He didn't explain anything, he is definitely a diehard!"

"Bastard! Call Wensu!" Mio Yutoyo ordered,

The official interpreter Wensu ran up to Yufeng Mio and bowed deeply: "General! What are your orders?"

"You took the photos. Let me ask you, how did you find them?" Mio Yutoyo asked,

"Reporting to the general, I was ordered to deliver the documents on No. 76, and I saw Director Chen driving away alone. I was very surprised at that time, because usually when he leaves No. 76, he is always surrounded by people, so I just followed him to see why he was so careless today, only to find that he was talking to the person in the photo, and I happened to take a photo with my camera."

"Why didn't you notify us immediately?" Mio Yutoyo asked angrily.
Su Wenqian quickly bowed and explained: "General, I didn't know that this person was Zheng Yaoxian at the time. If I knew, I would definitely report it!"

"General! The text translator really didn't know Zheng Yaoxian. It's not his fault. Besides, the text translation made a great contribution this time. Otherwise, we wouldn't know that Chen Moqun had secretly connected with the military command. Now I suspect that he came here as an undercover agent." ” Keiichi Ichihara said,

"Don't talk nonsense, after all, the person is dead now." Sanwei Yufeng said to Imai Yosuke to save face,
"General Sanwei, this doesn't make any sense, because Chen Moqun led people to destroy the Shanghai Naval Control Station, how could Dai let him go like this?" Takahashi Masako couldn't help but said,

"Master Imai should be able to explain this to you." Mio Yutoyo said,
"The loss of the military command in this operation is nothing more than a stronghold and a few minions. If it wasn't for the special operations team sent by General Sanwei, Wang Shi'an would have escaped, and other important figures have escaped, such as Lin Nansheng, Gu Shenyan, etc. ” Said Yosuke Imai,
"This is not the point. The point is that Chen Moqun's destruction is just a stronghold. The jellyfish assassination group that is the real threat to us in Shanghai is not in it at all. Maybe this Zheng Yaoxian has been in Shanghai long ago, and all of this was designed by him. It’s not even certain.” Mio Yutoyo said,
"General Sanwei is right. During this period of time, Chen Moqun actually did not cause any major damage to the military command, and he did not find the Communist Party's radio station either."

"Okay, now we know that Zheng Yaoxian has returned to Shanghai, and now he must be the mayor of the Shanghai District, then you must be careful, Mr. Imai, because his return means that the God-killing Action Team and the Jellyfish Assassination Team will have to fight again. Frequent activities!" Mio Yutoyo said,
"General Three Tails, please continue to support us."

"Master Imai, I have more important things to do, and I will leave Shanghai soon, and this is all up to you." Mio Yutoyo said,
"Hay! We know!"

Imai Yosuke came to the garrison headquarters and got nothing. Chen Moqun also died. On the way back, Takahashi Masako asked, "Master, Chen Moqun died too quickly. It seems that he will be tortured as soon as he comes back."

Imai Yosuke said: "Masako, go back and ask the doctor who examined him, whether he died of a heart attack."


"Master, are you suspicious of General Mitsuo?" Miko Yagyu asked.

"It was General Sanwei who sent people to kill Wang Shi'an. With their abilities, they could have brought him back alive. Anyway, Wang Shi'an is also a district chief. Living is far more valuable than being dead. Why Sanwei did this is puzzling." Yosuke Imai said,
"That's why Colonel came over in such a hurry?"

"Well, now that Chen Moqun is dead, Masako's suspicion is not unreasonable, what they say is what."

"But the photo is indeed correct."

"We haven't seen Zheng Yaoxian either, so we still need to verify whether the person in the photo is really him."

Qi Rui's killing of Chen Moqun was mainly to clear the way for the underground party. Keeping this person poses a great threat to our party's underground work. Next is Zuo Qiuming in Hong Kong. Such an outstanding comrade must not just die like this.

But Qi Rui didn't have time to go to Hong Kong, so he handed over this task to the No. [-] special agent group, and now this group has basically joined the independent group.

Afterwards, Qi Rui was going to implement the plan to execute war criminals. He asked Fu Yingxue to take Xue Min, Leng Yue, Zhang Li, and Lan Yanzhi to lead the battle, and he brought Qingyuan Xiangxue and the other five. Su Wenqian followed as an interpreter, and his Teaching Chinese as an interpreter when the task seems to be idle is actually the role of a liaison officer.

Song Jian, Tang Rui and Tan Lin led the special operations team, and now they called the advance team to train and prepare, and they should make good use of it when it's time to use it.

Nanjing Expeditionary Army Command
"Commander, the advance team is ready, and now they can go to perform special tasks!" Mio Yutoyo said,
"Mitsuo, His Majesty the Emperor called, saying that the treasure hunting team suddenly lost contact, and asked you to find a way to find it." Hata Shunroku said,

"Let me go to the treasure hunting team! This mission..." Mio Yutoyo said with a reluctant expression,

"General Three Tails, His Majesty the Emperor originally asked you to secretly protect them."

"But what they found was an empty tomb. I can't do nothing and follow them wandering around in the wilderness."

"General Three Tails, something must have happened to the treasure hunt team lost contact, and it is your task to find them."

"Hayi! I'll set off immediately!" Qi Rui was eager to carry out this task, because as long as he left Shanghai, he would have the final say, and he just took this opportunity to do some things of his own, so he was finally free!

(End of this chapter)

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