Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 1001 The Earth Shakes

Chapter 1001 The Earth Shakes (Ticket Request)
Ye Luo's heart trembled. Among his beads, the white banner brought out from hell, did the real origin come from before hell?

Its existence is older than hell?
"What happened later?" Ye Luo was shocked, but his face was still blank.

"The ancestor of the second generation of ghosts who lost the forbidden area, that is, the second city lord of the swamp ghost city, after proving the Tao, entered the forbidden area of ​​​​the Dark Mountains alone. When he was about to enter the core, he suddenly got it. The first generation of the city lord, The last words left by the supreme secret technique.

The first generation of the city lord seems to have deduced something. The last words left are only one sentence: white banner taboo, forever forbidden, and, my whereabouts, do not pursue, stop outside the core, otherwise, taboo, or die!
The second-generation city lord, after receiving the last words, obeyed them for the time being, but he did not give up his research. Later, he entered the ten-mile restricted area in the city several times to study the white flag and the solitary tomb, and also entered the restricted area of ​​the Dark Mountains several times.

It seems to have discovered something. In its later years, it traveled far to Zhongzhou and entered the Jiuyou Forbidden Zone, which is the predecessor of the current Desolate Ancient Forbidden Zone. It seems to have reached a certain kind of heaven-defying existence with the most mysterious existence in the Jiuyou Forbidden Zone. Horrible plan.

They have to work together to do something.

However, before their heaven-defying and terrifying plans were implemented, our second-generation ghost ancestor suddenly underwent a terrifying and ominous mutation. On a full moon night, it actually walked directly into the forbidden area of ​​the Dark Mountains.

Later, the tomb, the white flag, and the restricted area of ​​the dark mountains seven hundred miles away from the ghost city became real restricted areas. The ancestor of the third generation of ghosts completely sealed them off, and strictly prohibited any ghosts from approaching these three places.

However, at the end of the ancient times, in the era when hell rose, Bai Banan disappeared from the world overnight. A series of horrible, weird and inexplicable things.

There are people, aliens, ghosts, inexplicable deaths, disappearances, and unexplained changes. Every midnight, there will be inexplicable crying sounds and figures appearing in the ten-mile restricted area in the city.

At that time, the person in charge of the ghost city was the fifth generation city lord.

He used the sky-defying secret technique, and invited the founder of the most mysterious Tianji Pavilion in Zhongzhou at that time, the ancestor of Tianji, and the most mysterious Wangu Grimace at that time, to jointly deduce and evolve.

In the end, in the city, a supreme, ancient, and heaven-defying array pattern was arranged, and the center of the array pattern was above the city head, the three supreme existences against the sky, who jointly imitated the white banner made by refining.

Since then, the ghost town has regained its tranquility.

On the top of the city, the imitation white banner has been hung up to this day, but there is no news of the real white banner. "The maid replied word by word.

In Ye Luo's heart, there was a sudden wave of waves.

Among his beads, the white banner brought out from hell, could it be the real white banner that disappeared in front of the grave before ancient times?
Ye Luo suddenly remembered, after he pulled up the white flag, the Yin soldiers, antelopes, and wolves reacted in awe, admiration, and terror in hell.

Ye Luo suddenly remembered again. He had guessed for a long time that the big rabbit was sick, which meant the nursery rhyme that Yama was injured.

When Ye Luo was in hell, he had vaguely guessed something.

The first-generation city lord of the ghost city, that is, the ancestor of the first generation of ghosts who lost the restricted area, disappeared because of this white flag, and the second ancestor of ghosts was unknown because of the horror that happened to Baifan in his later years!
So, before the ancient times, Yan Luo, who surpassed the level of the Great Emperor and suppressed all races, was injured, and then died of his injuries. Could it be related to this white flag?
What is the origin of this white banner?
What did the ancestor of ghosts who was the first to enter the dark mountain range discover?
"Hey, why are you in a daze? Is this something you should consider? Are you stupid?" The maid looked at Ye Luo and shook her head.

However, Ye Luo could feel that while the maid was talking about the white banner, her aura was also silently fluctuating violently.

"Your question has been answered, you can go." The maid spoke again.

"No, it hasn't been fully answered yet. You haven't figured out what the origin of that white banner is. How can you say that you have already answered it?" Ye Luo suppressed the shock and doubt in his heart, and opened his mouth like a tendon.

However, just as Ye Luo finished speaking, the maid seemed to sense something suddenly, and her face changed suddenly.

She grabbed Ye Luo, and the terrifying aura on her body fluctuated suddenly. The next moment, her and Ye Luo's figures had already moved from the depths of the passage to the high platform.

Void secret technique?

Ye Luo's eyes narrowed fiercely again.

Almost at this moment, Ye Luo had already confirmed something. Ye Luo took a deep look at the maid, and during the whole question-and-answer process just now, the daughter of the city lord of the ghost town in the ancient mysterious pavilion in the mist, It seems that apart from asking a question at the beginning, he has not opened his mouth.

At this time, the girl looked up at the sky.

The blood-red snow fell more and more tightly, and the entire ghost city had already shaken.

Outside the ghost town, between heaven and earth, the world that was originally covered in silver has also been dyed blood red in a very short period of time, and the endless land has turned blood red!

Ye Luo also suddenly noticed the vision.

Red fur snow?
Ye Luo suddenly found some things about Hong Maoxue from the inheritance memory of the ancestor gods of other races, but there were very few things, only one sentence: If the red hair turns into snow, the world will be blood-stained!
Ye Luo shook.

What does it mean?
"Uncle, Uncle, come down quickly!" Ye Luo was trying to sort out something in the midst of extremely complicated and chaotic messages, when he suddenly heard Shangguan Xing's voice.

It seems that ever since that mysterious maid stepped onto the high platform, the pattern that isolated everything on the high platform has disappeared.

"What's your name?" Ye Luo suddenly turned around and asked the maid's name.

"Undercurrent." The maidservant, looking at the red snow in the sky, said an extremely strange name.

Ye Luo nodded, and quickly walked down the stage.

Seeing that Ye Luo was unharmed, Shangguan Xing finally breathed a sigh of relief amidst the shock and worry, she grabbed Ye Luo and said, "My lord, hurry up, I just got a message from Miss, let's go to the Dark Mountain Range immediately Outside the restricted area, join them, something big will happen!"

(End of this chapter)

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