Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 1010 Strange Killing

Chapter 1010 Strange Killing

Earlier, that terrifying, huge rainstorm of crossbow arrows suddenly shot out from the ten Mohist crossbow gun lathes beside Ye Luo.

The red snow fell, and the flames of the crossbow gun burst, burning blazingly.

Some of the crossbow guns made by the Mohists have horrible and ancient explosion runes inside, and the price is also extremely expensive. You can only buy one with hundreds of precious top-quality spirit stones.

That terrifying ghost mouse seemed to have an inexplicable fear of that faint blue flame.

The sea of ​​flames exploded by the crossbow arrows completely ignited the darkness guarding the surrounding area. For a moment, the terrifying rat group was blocked by the sea of ​​flames.

In the dark guardianship, Shangguan Xing, the guards, and the mysterious emperor-level pattern builder all looked at Ye Luo.

"Uncle?" Shangguan Xing, who was in despair, couldn't help rubbing his eyes fiercely when he saw this scene.

"So, uncle?" The guard also couldn't believe the scene in front of him. As the most loyal guard of the Shangguan family, although he didn't talk about being a good-for-nothing son-in-law behind his back, he and all the members of the Shangguan family, Pretty much the default.

This son-in-law is a waste, not only a waste, but also a stupid young man.

At that moment just now, just this stupid uncle saved them?
Uncle, when did you buy so many precious Mohist crossbows?But Shangguan Xing suddenly remembered that when she was separated in the ghost town, when she found my uncle, it was at the entrance of the Mo family shop in the city. At that time, my uncle also said that he went into the store to buy something.

In the arena, there was some silence.

But at this moment, the terrifying group of rats turned their eyes away suddenly from the sea of ​​flames in front of them, and looked quietly at Ye Luo.

Among them, the terrifying snow-white mutated ghost mouse also looked at Ye Luo coldly.

"Hey! What the hell, what do you look at, a group of mice, what the hell, dare to show off in front of me? Why don't you get out of here!" Ye Luo still looked stunned, facing the group of mice , pumped up his breath, and roared directly.

"Grandpa, you, run away!" Seeing this, Shangguan Xing thought her son-in-law was getting messed up again, so she couldn't help shouting in an emergency.

Even the guard yelled.

They all knew very well that although their son-in-law was a son-in-law, his status was extremely important.

"Run? That's impossible. Facing a group of rats, I also ran away. Should I lose face?" Ye Luolin stood still, and there was a vague aura of berating Fang Qiu.

"Grandpa, what time is it, you need to save face, you, run away!" Shangguan Xing'er was about to cry, they couldn't run away, but this silly uncle of his family, due to his special status, should never stay here .

"The family rules of my Shangguan family, the emperor-level pattern framer is in trouble. Any family member must protect it with his life. Even if the last drop of blood is shed, he cannot take a step back! Otherwise, the decision will be made!" Ye Luo once again faced Taking a step forward, the voice roared.

And the powerful collateral disciples who had just run not far away, Shangguan Yu and Shangguan Shi, both heard this sentence from a distance.

"Run, you bastard!"

The two of them cursed in horror, and ran faster and faster.

As for Shangguan Xing and the guard, listening to Ye Luo's words, for some reason, they heard an inexplicable sense of tragedy and passionate persistence from Ye Luo's words.

Is this still my silly uncle?

Even the old man couldn't help looking at this man who had never met before, but heard what Shangguan Yunbing said, he was used to gag everyone, silly uncle.


However, at this moment, the terrifying group of rats moved suddenly, as if feeling a wave of contempt and insult, and shot towards Ye Luo crazily.

And Ye Luo, at this moment, suddenly knocked down the coffins of the ten terrifying and cold Mohist crossbow machine tools again, and hundreds of terrifying crossbow bolts were fired from the machine tool again.

In Ye Luo's hand, he also quickly took out five black spherical objects and a single-handed Mohist crossbow from the storage ring.

The crossbow arrows shot out in horror, the rain of arrows fell, and the horrifying screams of ghost mice and the sound of explosions made the terrifying rats swarm.

And the five pieces in Ye Luo's hands are more precious and unique to the Mohist school. They use runes, rules, spiritual energy and top-quality spirit stone fragments to create a terrifying incendiary bomb in the practice world. At this moment, Ye Luo Lo throws.

boom -

Three feet away from Ye Luo, five directions exploded, and five terrifying walls of fire completely surrounded Ye Luo in an instant. The raging flames soared ten feet into the sky!

This kind of incendiary bomb can burn for 5 minutes!

The ghost rats that were blown up by the crossbow bolts and rushed towards them in terror couldn't help but stop again in front of the terrifying wall of fire. These terrifying ghost rats seemed to have an inexplicable fear of fire.

However, the group of rats stopped, and among the group of rats, a frightening, pure-white-haired monk who had surpassed the fifth level and was almost half a step into the realm of a saint among human beings, the equivalent rat king, at this moment, directly resembled Like a white shadow, with a majestic wrath that was touched, it directly crossed the wall of fire and shot towards Ye Luo.

Ye Luo's eyes narrowed slightly.

The sacrificial power in Ye Luo's left hand was instantly poured into the crossbow crazily, and the moment the Mouse King flew past, he directly pulled the trigger.

The swarm of rats is endless, and in the center of the swarm, there are twelve ghost rats with powerful auras, who actually lifted a magic weapon made by humans and sat there, looking at everything in front of them coldly.

And on the seat, a ghost mouse with a broken foot, golden hair all over its body, and an even more terrifying breath was looking at everything in front of it.

The white mouse king who surpassed the fifth level didn't seem to be the most terrifying existence among the rats.

It was like an afterimage, icy cold and terrifying, and rushed directly to Ye Luo.

And Ye Luo also pulled the trigger of the crossbow gun.

Ye Luo tapped three times in a row!
Three crossbow spears shot out strangely like a line.

In the air, the terrifying white mouse king suddenly turned around, avoided the trajectory of the three crossbow guns, and approached coldly in an instant.

However, when it passed by those three terrifying crossbow spears, the first crossbow spear exploded in the air without warning.

The terrifying impact produced by the explosion was beyond the expectation of the Mouse King, and such a terrifying impact force in the crossbow gun also exceeded its expectation.

Its body, in the explosion, couldn't help being crooked, but it didn't suffer the slightest injury.

But at this moment, its eyes narrowed fiercely!
(End of this chapter)

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