Chapter 102

The killer is furious!
He closed his eyes burned by quicklime, and shot suddenly. This time, he shot without any mercy or hesitation.




The Pengci gang rushed up aggressively, and when the killer couldn't open his eyes, they all fell down within two seconds. Arms, legs, waist, brow bones, everyone had a comminuted fracture.

Four people screamed.

The killer Li Qing stood in the middle of the road, his body was frantically surging with murderous intent, and it was icy cold.

The people around were silent, they all rubbed their eyes, watching this scene in disbelief.

Even Ye Luo, who was sitting in the car, narrowed his eyes slightly.

Although this killer has a bad mentality, but in terms of strength, this killer has obviously entered the ranks of top killers. With his eyes closed, he made fourteen shots within two seconds. This is not something that ordinary killers can easily do. arrived.

Ordinary people can't see how he made the move at all, they just feel the tragedy in front of them.

Da Huangya, who was lying on the ground, saw this scene, his body twitched, his mouth was tightly shut, and he didn't dare to say anything.

The leader of the demolition of Dajinlian covered his arms, opened his mouth, rubbed his eyes, took a step back trembling, then turned around and ran, and while running, he took out his mobile phone and dialed the alarm number.

Passers-by also felt fear, and all backed away.


The furious killer said a word coldly.

This time, Da Huangya, who was lying in front of the car, finally got up, turned around and ran, but just after he took a step, he found a person in a suit with eyes closed behind him.

The man grabbed his collar and said coldly: "Did I let you go? Don't you like to hit cars with your head? Well, today I will let you hit enough!"

That man is naturally the killer. As he spoke, he grabbed his big yellow teeth and walked towards the car. Although his eyes were closed and the quicklime was in severe pain, he could perceive the surrounding scene with his strong hearing.

Such a powerful hearing perception is a symbol of the strength of a top killer.

"Big, big brother, I dare not, I... ah!"


The killer lifted Peng Ci'er's big yellow teeth and slammed into the BMW's front hard.

Ye Luo watched quietly in the car, this group of people who touch porcelain, one touch of porcelain can make ordinary people bankrupt, but now they met a killer and ended up in such a miserable state, Ye Luo didn't have a trace of pity in his heart.

Ye Luo didn't intend to make a move.


"Ah! Brother, I, I was wrong, let me go, I really don't dare anymore, you can't kill me, there are cameras and surveillance, the police will be here soon, ah..."


When the killer made his move, he had considered the result. He said coldly: "Police? Oh! Even if the king of heaven came today, I can't save you!"

As the killer spoke, he held his big yellow fangs and rammed into the car with all his might.

If the impact was real, Dahuangya would definitely splatter his brains and die instantly.

Really killer?
At this moment, Ye Luo narrowed his eyes, pulled off a Guanyin pendant on the car, and shot it silently towards the killer's right hand.


When Da Huangya was three or four centimeters away from the car, the killer felt a numbness in his wrist, and couldn't help but loosen his grip on Da Huangya.


Due to the inertia of his body, Huang Mao still slammed into the car hard, his head was bleeding profusely, but he did not die.

Ye Luo said in a dark tone: "Even if you are a bad guy, you are still a bad guy from China, and it's not your turn to kill a foreign killer like you!"

No one heard this sentence, and the voice was inaudible.

The killer was suddenly vigilant, the hairs on his body stood upside down, his eyes were closed, and he shouted coldly: "Who!"

"Hey! The police are here, hurry up!" Ye Luo stuck his head out of the car window and yelled suddenly.

The siren sounded earlier, but now it became clearer and clearer.

Hearing this, the killer frowned, his body tensed, and he stepped back into the car, wanting to get in the car and leave here. The thing that hit his wrist accurately and silently just now made him a little frightened.

However, the crowd was so large, and his eyes were temporarily blind, it was impossible to see who it was.

"Hey! You are stupid, what are you doing in the car? Your eyes are like this. Can you drive? Besides, the road is full of traffic police and cameras. Can you run away by driving? Run to the residential area on the side of the road!" Ye Luo looked The killer still wanted to get on the BMW, so he immediately reminded him with hatred.

The killer got into the car and froze for a moment, hesitated for a second, and said, "Thank you for reminding me."

Afterwards, the killer abandoned the car, turned around and ran towards the residential area. Relying on his powerful hearing and the occasional opening of a crack, the killer was extremely fast.

After seeing the killer run away, Ye Luo yelled at the gang of Pengci: "Hey! What are you doing so stupidly? Why don't you run away? Are you waiting for the police to arrest you all? There are cameras here Yes, you were the ones who touched the porcelain, and you were the ones who made the move first, if you are caught by the police, you will be sentenced!"

The Pengci gang is not stupid. Although they were all seriously injured, they still understand this point.

They were the first to attack, and they were touching the porcelain. If they were really caught by the police, that person would be an over-defense at most, and they were committing a crime.

Thinking of this, the six seriously injured people immediately tried their best to get up, supported each other, glanced left and right, and staggered towards the residential area.

Moreover, the captain of the Dajinlian demolition team sternly yelled at the back of the killer who was escaping: "Paralyzed, boy, you wait, as long as you are still on this land, I will kill you sooner or later!"

Ye Luo saw that everyone had left, and then said to the onlookers: "You are stupid, the parties involved have all run away, why don't you run away, do you want to be taken away by the police to make a record? Or if there is some misunderstanding, let Are you going to the police station for tea?"

The onlookers dispersed as soon as they heard it, and no one wanted to cause trouble.

Seeing the crowd dispersed, Ye Luo got off the passenger seat, got into the driver's seat, turned on the ignition, released the clutch, stepped up the accelerator, and muttered to himself: "This BMW is mine. "

At most, this is an attempt to touch porcelain, a fight, whether it is ancient or modern, as long as no one is killed or the people are not raised in an accident like this, the officials will not pursue it, neither of the two groups will call the police, and there is no major accident Even if it's private.

"This matter has nothing to do with me." Ye Luo drove the car all the way towards Nanjiang No. [-] Middle School.

The killer fled, the one who touched porcelain fled, and the crowd left, and the scene was emptied in a blink of an eye.

The police car arrived after a while, and a policewoman took the lead. Looking at the empty scene, she couldn't help frowning.

If you look carefully, you can recognize that this female policewoman is Su Mu, the ice-cold policewoman.

(End of this chapter)

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