Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 1025 Eternal Vision

Chapter 1025 Eternal Vision (seeking tickets)
Not far from the Lost Lake, I followed Ye Luo's aura to search unsuccessfully. The daughter of the ghost town, who was only ten kilometers away from the Lost Lake, was the first to see this thunder disaster.

In her eyes, there are mysterious law fluctuations.

"Crossing the tribulation here?" She frowned slightly, and a look of surprise flashed in her eyes.

The thunder catastrophe in the realm of saints is a monk who defies the sky and is amazingly talented. He has experienced the first life and death catastrophe. Only the families with the real ancient horror background and the appearance of saints know that this thunder catastrophe can be said to be close to death. The terrifying thunder disaster.

Even if a monk, relying on his terrifying strength, family's background resources, and amazing talent, has cultivated to the peak of the fusion, the probability of success in surviving this thunder disaster is extremely low.

Ten people, maybe even none of them.

This is also the reason why many ancient and terrifying monks would rather suppress their cultivation to the peak of the fusion than dare to take the risk of going through this thunder disaster.

And some ancient, terrifying, and powerful forces, once they are truly amazing, the young generation will be fully prepared to survive this thunder disaster.

The power of the Zongmen Family Academy is that even the oldest existence will be dispatched to teach them the experience of surviving the catastrophe, and even use some patterns and pills that have exhausted countless resources to increase their chances of surviving the catastrophe.

The appearance of a saint, even if it cannot make a family prosperous for thousands of years, it is enough to maintain it, so that a family will not decline for thousands of years!
In this kind of hardship, who would go through such a life-and-death thunder disaster at this delicate moment, in such a place where it is almost impossible to make any preparations?
Are you so confident?

The daughter of the ghost city looked at the center of Wanli Leijie from a distance, and stepped back slightly.

The terrifying monks who have tried a little know very well that when other monks are crossing the catastrophe, once they get close, it is very likely that they will trigger a thunder catastrophe in their own realm.

Lei Jie, people will die!
In the ancient years, there was a terrifying and plotted male monk who was so angry that when he was crossing the tribulation, he brought the terrifying and powerful thunder calamity on his body and forcibly broke into a supreme and terrifying force.

That force didn't expect this, and didn't have many precautions. In addition, this phenomenon had never happened before. For a while, many people didn't have time to escape, and they all triggered their own terrifying thunder calamity.

On that day, in the base of that terrifying power, the first case of a series of terrifying lightning disasters occurred in history, and the entire mountain gate turned into an endless ocean of thunder disasters.

According to later statistics, because of a terrifying thunder calamity, more than half of the people were killed and injured, and suffered heavy losses. Because of that thunder calamity, that faction also went down the road of decline, and was bit by bit nibbled and suppressed by competitors and former enemies. , eventually dies.

From then on, as long as the monks in the practice world see others crossing the catastrophe, they will generally run faster than anyone else, as far as they can run, lest they get caught.

In addition to the daughter of the ghost city, in the forest of taboo monsters, and even in the restricted area of ​​the dark mountain range, there are supremely terrifying and mysterious existences who have sensed this thunder calamity.

"Miss, my uncle is not really dead, is it? Why, we can't even find a trace of my uncle's breath?" Shangguan Xing's eyes were already a little red, obviously from crying.

Although he has only been with Ye Luo for less than half a month, Shangguan Xing has developed a deep affection for this other person in his family who seems to be a fool.

Shangguan Yunbing, who was dressed in white and snowy, was beautiful and cold, with a blue mysterious ancient long sword on her back, she was silent, she raised her head, and looked at the thunder disaster that appeared in the sky.

Deep in the dark mountains.

"Woof woof! Xiaoqiao, where did you lead the way? Why did you turn around and come back again? Didn't the red embroidered shoes tell you the way back?" There were several, but it walked all the way in such a panic, unexpectedly, it returned to the original place.

Its hooves pulled the little fairy bridge beast over, waiting for the donkey's eyes, looking at the little fairy bridge beast.

"Yeah, it hurts, it hurts, Uncle Donkey, take it easy, take it easy, Aunt Wu told me that the horrible battle earlier destroyed a lot of the original terrain, I, I can't tell the difference!" The little fairy bridge beast rubbed its head.

"Paralyzed, you still have the face to talk about Xiaoqiao, if it weren't for your stupid teleportation array, we would be trapped here!" The white-skinned pig snatched the little fairy bridge beast and put it on its back superior.

"Wow, woof, woof! Lei Jie, what a fuck, what the hell is that evil pen, crossing the robbery at this time?" The donkey knew he was in the wrong, so he didn't quarrel with the white-skinned pig, looked up at the sky, and scolded He said something grinningly.

After a while.

The dark clouds of thousands of miles of thunder and calamity in the sky have been suppressed to the extreme, as if they are about to crush the world into pieces.

"No, what the hell, Lei Jie seems to be wrong!" The donkey suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky.


Youran, above the void, among the thousands of miles of dark clouds, a thunder light with endless terrifying coercion appeared as if it was about to tear apart the heaven and earth, and illuminate the world!

Lei Guang actually has a body!
The entire Thunder Calamity turned into a long spear. This long spear was filled with endless and terrifying destructive power, and the coercion above it burst the void!

"Woof, woof, woof, who is crossing the catastrophe? What a crime this is, the transformation of the thunder catastrophe, the gun of destruction, composed entirely of the lightning of destruction and the law of destruction, is enough to kill The saint's gun of destruction?" The donkey couldn't help swallowing.

In the realm of saints, if this kind of thunder disaster occurs, then don't think about it.

Those who cross the catastrophe will almost be chopped into flying ash by this terrifying gun of destruction!
"I'm stupid, this is so stupid, I have indeed done a lot of sins, this luck must have been carried to my grandma's house, I remember, in the legend, before the ancient times, a demon god named Chiyou, when he crossed the catastrophe , is this Thunder Tribulation that appeared?" The white-skinned pig also said something.

"Woof, woof, Shabi, can you cross the catastrophe casually here? Crossing the catastrophe in this kind of place, affected by the forbidden area of ​​the dark mountains and the forbidden monster forest, the destructive power of the thunder catastrophe will also be upgraded.

Shabi, don't look at it, this guy is dead! The donkey shook his head with contempt on his face.

There was a dazed look in the eyes of Xiaoxianqiao Beast, and for some reason, it always felt that it had a familiar aura when looking at this thunder catastrophe.

The Lost Lake, at the bottom of the lake, on the ancient altar.

Ye Luo sat cross-legged, the power of devouring, the power of sacrifice, the power of darkness, and the three red threads in the heart that had been silent all reached the most terrifying peak state almost in an instant.

And next to Ye Luo, the mysterious, catalyzed bronze egg that Ye Luo thought had almost no hope. At this time, there seemed to be strange fluctuations coming from inside the egg.

(End of this chapter)

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