Chapter 1038
The bronze egg moved suddenly in the bead, but Ye Luo didn't notice it.

In the one-acre three-point land in the bead, in the decomposed space, the energy of the magic weapon collected by Ye Luo after killing the monk was continuously poured into the bronze egg from afar.

From the moment Ye Luo entered the restricted area of ​​the Dark Mountains, he silently closed his right eye and opened his left eye.

This is the first time for Ye Luo to truly enter the restricted area of ​​the Dark Mountains!

The dark and dark restricted area is not an endless mountain, but countless mountains, with ups and downs, rising and falling. Before the ancient times, the dark restricted area was also known as the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

It's just that, in the ancient times, a very strange thing happened in the forbidden area of ​​the dark mountain range, that is, the forbidden area of ​​the dark mountain range was always in the dark for three consecutive years.

In the past three years, even the most powerful monks would die and disappear mysteriously when they entered the restricted area of ​​the Dark Mountains. Even a great emperor from the past entered the restricted area, and a horrible and unknown change occurred.

It is because of this that after the ancient times, the Hundred Thousand Mountains was officially renamed the Dark Mountains Forbidden Area.

Tao Meng held the map in her hand, and a mysterious imprint was condensed in her hands. She scanned the endless mountains as far as she could see, her pace was very slow, and she would pause after taking a few steps, deducing something.

But Ye Luo remained silent.

In his left eye, there are countless mysterious color block areas in the terrifying and mysterious forbidden area of ​​dark mountains. In the past, Ye Luo entered the restricted area, closed his right eye, and opened his left eye. After the supreme rune, only three colors will appear in Ye Luo's left eye.

These three colors are impressively black, red, and white.

Black represents the ghost road, there will be horrible changes, red is the restricted area, there are murderous intentions, and white is the safe area.

However, in the restricted area of ​​the dark mountain range, in addition to these three colors, blue and purple also appeared in the left eye, which had never been seen before.

Ye Luo didn't know what these two colors represented.

Moreover, the color in the left eye of the restricted area of ​​the Dark Mountains is not static, but presents a flowing, mysterious and strange dynamic.

"Even the original hell was not so incomprehensible." Ye Luo whispered to himself.

Ye Luo was silent, observing the surroundings, while Shangguan Xing'er stayed by Ye Luo's side firmly all the time, and Shangguan Jian looked at Ye Luo from time to time, his eyes were gloomy, as if he was planning something.

More than 20 other disciples of Shangguan's family have been following extremely cautiously.

The crowd walked for a long time, until it was dark the next day, and Tao Meng's speed suddenly increased.

She didn't look at the map for the road ahead.

Ye Luo frowned, because, in his left eye, a long and huge area in front of him turned out to be a safe blue color.

"Sister Tao Meng, why don't you look at the map?" Shangguan Xing reminded.

"Even the three mountains here are safe areas. Many people have found out that there is no danger. There are many places like this in the forbidden area of ​​the Dark Mountains.

Perhaps, the extreme of danger is bound to decline, and only when there is danger is there is safety. "Tao Meng is not sure, but what is certain is that even the area of ​​these three mountains is safe.

While they were on their way, a day had passed before they knew it, and at this time, it was evening again.

"Don't go away, pack up. Tonight, we will rest on this mountain, and we will continue our journey tomorrow morning. The restricted area of ​​the Dark Mountain Range is already extremely strange. It is too dangerous to continue our journey at night," Tao Meng said.

"What, sister-in-law, what are we doing here? I see that recently, more and more people are wandering around the dark mountain area. Someone knows what they are really looking for, or what is going to happen, or, Is there anything in the mountains?" Ye Luo asked blankly.

This sentence stunned Tao Meng.

Not only Tao Meng, but everyone was stunned for a moment.

Does anyone know why?
This time, it is not just a few people, or a few forces, but the entire endless world. The dark mountains stretch for hundreds of millions of miles. On the edge of the endless mountains, there are a lot of ancient, mysterious, and even some people who have never been born. Existence is active.

Everyone can say a lot about why they are gathered in the Dark Mountain Area, but none of them can really say a specific and clear reason.

People from major forces, academies, forbidden places, unknowable places, and some mysterious places may have different reasons for coming.

Tao Meng didn't answer, turned around, directed the monks of Shangguan's family to set up camp, and arranged some defensive formations.

"Where do you have so many questions!" Shangguan Jian gave Ye Luo a cold look.

"You are getting older and younger now, and you have even forgotten the rules of the family? Shabi, I am the son-in-law, and you are the collateral. According to the rules, you should salute to me before you speak!" Ye Luo He directly turned back and stared at Shangguan Jian, his temper seemed to be very angry.

"Let me salute you!" Shangguan Jian was furious.

"Did you want to break the rules of the family? Do you know the consequences of breaking the rules of the family? Abolition of cultivation, permanent exile!" As a stunned young man, Ye Luo is more realistic, and it is perfect.

The Shangguan family does have this rule, but for the sake of convenience, few people in the Shangguan family care about these complicated etiquettes, let alone take it seriously.

A powerful collateral like Shangguan Jian's level may not necessarily salute when they meet Shangguan Yunbing. Shangguan Yunbing has never said anything, but now, a mere fool actually asks him to salute?

"What's wrong, you're not convinced? Everyone here is watching, can you be polite?" Ye Luo's stunned head seemed to come up, one step forward, and he must be serious to the end.

"Uncle." Shangguan Xing'er knew that as a powerful cultivator at the peak of fusion, Shangguan Jian had a status in Shangguan's family, and she was afraid that the relationship would become too tense, so she couldn't help but pull Ye Luo.

"Xing'er, you don't need to plead for this evil pen. There is no dignity in your eyes, no rules, and even the most basic etiquette. Today, I have to teach him a lesson!" Ye Luo directly rolled up his sleeves, and there was a big disagreement , just like shooting.

"Hahaha, okay, okay, I'll see how you teach me!" Shangguan Jian was furious, and was yelled at by a fool. He felt that this was a great shame, although he took the initiative to provoke the dispute. up.

He never took this fool seriously!
If this fool dares to make a move, he doesn't mind, here, let him teach him a lesson!
(End of this chapter)

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