Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 1045 Ghost River

Chapter 1045 Ghost River (seeking ticket)
At this moment, the third elder took out the ghost talisman painted by Ye Luo, and said, "It's this one, Bailixi has never seen it before?"

At this moment, a figure flashed past and appeared in front of the third elder. A withered old hand snatched the ghost talisman from the third elder's hand.

Everyone didn't even see what was going on.

Ye Luo's eyes narrowed for a moment, and he saw clearly that it was the old woman in black robe and holding an ancient crutch in her hand. Her speed was too fast!

"Are you sure, you relied on this talisman to get through the crisis just now?" the old woman said.

"Yes." The attitude of the third elder was somewhat respectful.

"This is not a ghost talisman at all. There is no aura or law of ghost talismans on it. However, the symbol on it is a bit weird. Boy, where did you see this symbol?" , burst out a mysterious breath.

Ghost Rune Canyon is quite famous throughout Zhongzhou. Someone once said that after ancient times, half of the ghost runes in the world come from Ghost Rune Canyon.

After the ancient times, the Ghost Rune Canyon has produced four Heaven-Defying Emperors in a row!

The status of Ghost Fu Canyon has already surpassed some ancient and mysterious holy places. , sealed an ancient beast and became famous in Zhongzhou.

"My family's ancestral heritage, how about you, 5000 yuan for a top-grade spirit stone, how much do you want, how much do I have, if you buy more, I can give you a discount." Ye Luo said.

"Pfft, Dad, the idiot Miss Yun Bing found is really cute and silly." Bai Lilan looked at Ye Luo, first hearing that it was Ye Luo who stopped the disaster, and then hearing about the three-year relationship between Ghost Talisman and him. Dialogue, can't help but smile, like a blooming orchid.

"Guigu Sanniang, don't be angry, my son-in-law, what he said is indeed true, that, don't compete with him, his personality is like this." The third elder saw that Fu Sanniang's expression was wrong, so he hurriedly spoke.

At this moment, Ye Luozi suddenly turned his head and looked behind him.

Ye Luo felt it, and a very familiar breath disappeared in a flash.

"That dead donkey?" In Ye Luo's mind, a foolish figure suddenly burst out. The aura just now was very similar to that of that dead donkey.

However, Ye Luo only felt the breath, but did not determine the location.

At the same time, the energy absorbed by the bronze egg in the bead on Ye Luo's neck became more and more open, and a very mysterious and complicated pattern began to appear on the eternally silent eggshell.


Looking at the darkness in the distance, Ye Luo always felt a strange feeling in the air, as if something was about to happen.

Ye Luo raised his head and looked at the starry sky.

Above the sky, the full moon hangs high, and the surrounding stars twinkle in the boundless starry sky.

"Brother Shangguan, Sanniang Guifu, since these four mountains are not safe anymore, why don't we chase Ye Luo together, we have a support for each other, everything is possible in this dark mountain range." Bailixi After exchanging a few words with the third elder and Ghost Fu Sanniang, Zhizai made a suggestion.

The third elder and Ghost Fu Sanniang didn't make any comments.

At this moment, Tao Meng seemed to sense something, and also glanced in the direction Ye Luo had just looked at.

Three ancient forces, after a brief exchange, merged into one, and continued to move forward, with undulating mountains, five saints, and even the existence of a ghost talisman Sanniang who may surpass the saint level, giving people an inexplicable sense of security feel.

However, Ye Luo's heart was raised.

Ye Luo looked behind him from time to time.

"My lord, what exactly is that ghost talisman?" Shangguan Xing'er's eyes were also full of curiosity, and she sniffed it.

"It's bat feces, if you mix it with cinnabar and draw anything, you can ward off evil spirits," Ye Luo said casually.

"What?" Shangguan Xing'er was a little dazed.

"The previous ghost fire is actually a kind of ghost. This kind of ghost is extremely rare. It is rumored that it was extinct before the ancient times. This kind of ghost, called ghost firefly, lives underground. When it smells people's breath, it will follow people. feet into the body.

Afterwards, the ghost firefly burst out with terrifying heat, instantly burning people to slag.

According to the records, the reason why the ghost firefly attacks people is because it has a sense of territory. If people invade the area where it is located, it is possible to provoke it to attack. " Ye Luo said.

Shangguan Xing'er was even more stunned. How could my uncle know something that even the third elder, Tao Meng, Guifu Sanniang, and Bailixi couldn't recognize.

She wanted to ask again, but suddenly a disciple in front of her said, "The dew in the restricted area of ​​the dark mountain range is so thick that the grass is covered with water."

"That's right, not just now, but now there are more and more." Another monk also said something.

"Father, have you noticed that the water vapor in the air is getting bigger and bigger." After all, the Baili family is famous in Zhongzhou, the family of water, and they are extremely sensitive to water.

"I've just realized that the dark mountain range's restricted area gets weirder the deeper you go." Bailixi's powerful aura circulated, and he said, "Lan'er, don't let your guard down."

Ye Luo always felt that something was wrong, but now he suddenly remembered what was going on, the water, the water vapor in the air was something wrong.

Ye Luo turned his head and Zai Du looked behind him.

Ye Luo opened his left eye, closed his right eye, and the powerful devouring power in his body silently poured into his left eye.

Darkness, something?
The moment Ye Luo looked behind him, his left eye couldn't help a stabbing pain. At that moment just now, he seemed to vaguely see a white coffin floating on the water!
However, Ye Luo didn't see clearly.

On the white coffin, there seemed to be an extremely terrifying, ancient taboo law fluctuating.

Everyone was still moving forward, and the humidity in the air became more and more serious.

At this time, everyone felt an obvious abnormality.

"Brother Baili, something seems wrong." The third elder frowned.

Ghost Fu Sanniang also listened to the footsteps, and the ancient crutch in her hand silently exuded a very mysterious law, spreading towards the surroundings.


After a few breaths, behind the crowd, in the silence, there was the sound of water flowing. However, there are four mountains around here, which have already been figured out by the first group of people who came in, and there is no river around here.

Where did the sound of water come from?

"What are you doing?" Tao Meng turned her head. She didn't find anything in the darkness, but she saw that Ye Luo was holding Shangguan Xing'er, and wanted to leave the team and run towards the southeast.

(End of this chapter)

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