Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 105 Nine Cauldron Auction

Chapter 105 Nine Cauldron Auction

Moreover, this Linglong also uploaded a high-definition picture on the Internet. The content of the picture is impressively the scene of the first killer's tragic death in the Black Hotel.

This picture is enough to prove Linglong's identity.

This news has already been spread on the Internet in Nanjiang City. Killer, two words that ordinary people can't touch at all, and now they are going to have a peak duel in the random graves in the western suburbs.

Many rebellious teenagers, dull nerds, some hooligans, and even street pancake fruit aunts are already looking forward to the peak showdown at midnight tonight.

Can I see the true face?

After Ye Luo read the message, his hands trembled and he almost dropped his phone.

Who is Linglong?

Who is Broken Eyebrow Li Qing?

Ye Luo knows better than anyone else!
"My dear mother, this little ancestor is really going against the sky. Is it okay to be a good person, even if you pretend to be a good student? How long has it been so peaceful, and you have learned to fight killers?" Ye Luo rubbed Rubbing his swollen temples, he felt his eyes turn black.

Ye Luo looked at the website where Linglong and Broken Eyebrow Li Qing posted, and found that these two posts used foreign virtual servers, domestic hackers, and Internet police could not use the posts to trace the specific addresses of the two people.

How will you take this child with you in the future?
Ye Luo now has a strong urge to send this child to her mother abroad. This is not her own daughter, so why does the killer leader ignore it and leave it to herself?

However, when thinking of Chu Xiaohuan's monstrous and beautiful mother's wonderful flower, Ye Luo shook his head again, and even if he brought it himself, it would be like this. If he really gave it to her strange mother, when this little ancestor grows up, It will definitely become a terrorist killer who threatens the whole world.

How to do?
Ye Luo felt dizzy for a while.

Paralyzed, what kind of black killer organization is that? It's free to come to Nanjiang to make trouble. One died, and another came. Moreover, that killer has just had a face-to-face meeting. The car he is driving now is the one of the sad killer. .

Although Broken Eyebrow Li Qing has a bad mentality, his strength has definitely entered the ranks of top killers, and his experience is very mature. With Chu Xiaohuan's current strength, is he the opponent of that killer?
Ye Luo has already seen that Chu Xiaohuan has a dream, and her dream is to become the most powerful killer in the world.

She killed the first killer and challenged Broken Eyebrow Li Qing, all in order to hone her strength. As a killer, the fastest way to improve one's strength is actual combat, an epiphany between life and death.


Just when Ye Luo was having a headache, the cell phone in his pocket rang again.

Ye Luo then answered the phone and said, "Hello! Who is it?"

"I, it's me, fat man, hey, when did you leave? My sister-in-law just called me and asked me to find a waitress to bring two sets of clothes to her. Her tone was full of murderous intent. Are you Tore up my sister-in-law's clothes?" Fatty's astonished and obscenely excited voice came from the phone.

"This..." Ye Luo looked at the woman's dress she was wearing, and her face darkened again.

At that time, the situation was urgent, and the only complete piece of clothing in the room was this purple dress. After wearing it by myself, there was no other piece of clothing in the room.

"I already asked a waitress to find two sets of clothes and send them in. Hey, I said, brother, isn't it fun for two women to be together? Is this true?" Fatty's tone was full of expectations , [-]% envious.

"Ahem! How can you talk nonsense about this kind of thing! Besides, this is not your own sister-in-law, why are you asking so much!" Ye Luo said seriously, and then thought in his heart, because he was too hasty before, there is no I didn't have time to watch it, but now that I think about it, I'm really not sure whether Zhou Lanxi is a white tiger without hair.

However, the feeling is very ecstasy...

Even, Ye Luo seemed to feel that he touched the serious and mature doctor next to him?

I think should not be?
Ye Luo's memory felt a bit confused.

"Forget it, anyway, you just need to do something with my sister-in-law. By the way, at six o'clock tonight, the Jiuding Auction will be held in the No. [-] Building in the city center. Would you like to go, there are many good things in it." The fat man changed the subject , asked a question.

"The Jiuding Auction? Isn't it going to be held in two days?" Ye Luo was stunned for a moment. At noon, Wu Banxian mentioned the Jiuding Auction, and said that the three-leaf spirit grass was seen on the internal auction list of the Jiuding Auction. of.

"The Jiuding Auction is divided into two levels, one is for ordinary people and the other is for special people. The one you mentioned two days later is for ordinary people. The auction items are all things that ordinary people think are rare, and tonight The ones that are held are for special groups of people, and some peerless and rare items will be held at today's auction." The fat man explained.

Ye Luo narrowed his eyes, and slowly recalled the auction situation of the Jiuding Auction. He knew about it before, but he rarely went there.

The Jiuding auction is divided into two levels, two days apart, and two auctions are held in the same city. This is a rule that has been formed for a long time.

For special-level auctions, admission qualifications require more than 100 million funds, which is completely different from ordinary-level auctions.

If this is the case, then the three-leaf spirit grass, which costs tens of millions, is very likely to be auctioned at the auction tonight, and Ye Luo is bound to get the three-leaf spirit grass.

To unlock the secret of the mysterious bead on the neck, two shamrocks are needed. No matter what, the shamrocks at the auction must be photographed this time.

Maybe, there will be more than two shamrocks in this auction.

"What time does the auction end?" Ye Luo thought for a while and asked, after all, at twelve o'clock tonight, little Lolita will have a dangerous sniper engagement with the killer Broken Eyebrow.

"It starts at six o'clock and ends at ten o'clock." The fat man said.

Ye Luo looked at the time on the phone, and saw that it was getting closer. There were still five hours before the auction started, and two hours after the auction ended, it was time to make an appointment, so there was still time.

Ye Luo nodded and said, "Get me an admission ticket, I'll go to this auction."

"Okay! By the way, who is that mature woman in my sister-in-law's room?" The fat man asked curiously.

When Ye Luo thought of that serious milf doctor, she also had some headaches. After all, she was a real chaste woman. Although she was not seen by others, no one could guess what the milf would do after she woke up. .

Ye Luo asked, "How is the mature woman doing now?"

The fat man was taken aback, and asked, "What else can I do? After waking up, I put on my clothes and left. Now my sister-in-law is left in the room."

Ye Luo was also a little puzzled: "Gone? No special reaction?"

(End of this chapter)

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