Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 1064 Killing the Corpse Emperor 3

Chapter 1064 Killing the Corpse Emperor 3 (seeking tickets)
Too fast, so fast that you can hardly blink your eyes!
Moreover, it feels weird and abrupt!

Can you react?

However, at the next moment, almost at the same time as the bone sword was stretched out, the Huangquan stick in Ye Luo's left hand slammed into the bone sword behind him at an even more abnormal speed!

The withered hand protruding from the ground and the bone sword stabbing out of the void shattered with a loud bang, exploding terrifyingly, causing the surrounding fog to surge in horror.

However, at this very moment, the ground and the void, which were originally not calm, suddenly stretched out dense, endless hands and bone swords at this moment!
Each of these endless hands and bone swords carries a terrifying aura of destruction!
Ye Luo rolled his eyes hard!
"Excellent Ghost Slaying Technique!"

In Ye Luo's mouth, his lips moved at this moment. At this moment, in the dantian, the power of darkness in the small cauldron crazily poured into the tip of Zhu Xian's ancient sword according to a certain special trajectory. !

On the tip of the sword, a white light full of murderous intent, centered on Ye Luo, exploded in terror!

In the white light, there is some kind of special sacred level law vaguely!

The ancestor god of the alien race, a terrifying imperial spell that came out at the beginning!

The holy white light exploded, surrounded by densely packed, terrifying and endless withered hands and bone swords, they all collapsed at the moment of the light contamination, shattered and exploded terrifyingly one after another!
The entire underground space is shaking in terror!

The endless river of magma is rolling and boiling!
Even the ancient, weird, and eight-chained ax in the center seemed to be disturbed. On the rusty ax, there was a dark red weird law that fluctuated.

Horror explosion!
And in this terrifying explosion, one hand was unscathed after encountering the holy light, and at that moment, that hand exploded with a speed that defies the sky and a terrifying power .

That hand directly broke through the Taishang Ghost Slaying Technique!

It touched Ye Luo's waist!
Ye Luo was also aware of this hand in an instant.

Ye Luo had almost no reason at all. The moment the hand appeared, he directly used the void secret technique, and his whole body directly entered the void.

However, the moment Ye Luo entered the void, that hand followed Ye Luo like a shadow, and also entered the void. Afterwards, the owner of that hand also appeared strangely, chasing directly into the void!

Shadow Clone Technique!

And Ye Luo was shocked in the void, and was forced by this hand to forcibly perform the shadow clone technique again, only to really escape the tracking of this terrifying withered hand.

That hand just touched Ye Luo's waist, and Ye Luo felt a terrifying chill. Even, Ye Luo could feel that half of his body was numb at this moment.

If he hadn't practiced the conjoined body technique, and his body was terrifyingly strong, he might have been turned into ashes with just one touch!

Ye Luo was shocked!

At the same time, I am extremely vigilant in my heart!

At this time, Ye Luo also saw clearly the owner of that ghost hand.

His body was somewhat rotten, covered with terrifying green hair, without a trace of life on his body, standing where he was, like a cold ancient corpse.

However, the aura fluctuated on his body, and he was already at the level of a great emperor!

"Corpse Emperor!"

"Corpse Emperor!"

At this moment, Ye Luo and the daughter of the ghost city said two words in shock almost at the same time!
Corpse Emperor!

This is the real forbidden technique of the Nine Nether Ghosts, the existence of the heaven-defying and supreme existence in the Nine Nether Ghosts. With the supreme secret technique, the emperor who has passed away is sealed incomplete. , the corpse emperor refined through endless time!
The Corpse Emperor possesses some real emperor-level strength!
Shi Guitian was actually wearing a corpse emperor!
This corpse emperor is the corpse of which great emperor from all ages?

Ye Luo was shocked!


At this moment, the terrifying corpse emperor didn't give Ye Luo any chance to breathe. He almost didn't pause at all. His figure appeared in front of Ye Luo again as soon as he moved.

It punched Ye Luo mechanically and without fancy!
There are no gorgeous skills, just speed, and the strength of the realm of terror!

too fast!
With Ye Luo's strength, he couldn't see its movements clearly at all!

Reluctantly, Ye Luo only had time to place the Huangquan stick and the tip of the Zhuxian ancient sword in front of him, and the power of sacrifice and the power of darkness in his body were running crazily.


All of a sudden, Ye Luo felt a force that would destroy the world, and it even sent him flying. The power in his body was simply too small compared to this punch!

Ye Luo's body hit the stone wall fiercely!

The underground space vibrated, and Ye Luo was smashed directly into the stone wall, and the corner of Ye Luo's mouth vomited blood!

Is this the battle power of the Great Emperor? ,

Perhaps, this is only a small part of the emperor's combat power, because it is the body of the controlled emperor!


In the mist, there was a gloomy laughter, and then the laughter continued quietly, saying: "No matter what you are hiding today, go and die with me!"

This is the voice of the ghouls!

His voice appeared, but his body was still hidden somewhere in the mist.

At this time, the terrifying corpse emperor moved again!

And at this moment, Ye Luo's eyes shrank fiercely.

Ye Luo's body actually moved!
This time, Ye Luo not only didn't dodge, but directly slammed into the body of the corpse emperor, like an egg colliding with a stone!

Even at the level of a saint, or even at the peak of a saint, but in front of the emperor's corpse, he is still like a tiny ant!

However, during this terrifying collision, Ye Luo's hand reached into the bead and took out a large bag of powdery stuff!



Ye Luo's whole body was thrown into the air again. He was in the air, and the blood in his mouth had been spit out. There were even terrible cracks in Ye Luo's deep mountain!

Blood splattered!

And in this collision, Ye Luo took out the sack of powdery things from the beads, and in the terrifying collision, it directly turned into even more shattered things, which exploded in the entire space!
In the sack is ashes!
It's Buddha's ashes!

That is, the ashes left by burning incense and burning paper before the temple!

This kind of ash exploded directly, filling the entire space together with the terrifying mist!
And the three bright red three-inch red lines in Ye Luo's heart also flew out of Ye Luo's heart at this moment, and disappeared into the void.

(End of this chapter)

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