Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 1070 Core Restricted Zone

Chapter 1070 Core Restricted Zone (Ticket Request)
After Ye Luo finished speaking, she walked towards the Four Emperors carrying the coffin by herself.

Tao Meng was slightly stunned, thought for a while, and suddenly quickened her pace, and followed.

Seeing that Ye Luo and Tao Meng had already followed, the third elder took the Shangguan family and chased after him. He quickly walked to Tao Meng's side, his eyes full of doubts, and he asked, "Tao Meng!" Daughter, why do you trust my uncle so much?"

"Is there a problem? He is Shangguan Yunbing's husband after all." Tao Meng asked.

The third elder was at a loss.

Is there a problem?

There seems to be no problem, but the problem seems to be very big.

My uncle is a useless and stupefied existence. In the entire practice world, no one knows, no one knows, but Tao Meng's stunning talent, as well as the terrifying cultivation base that is against the sky, and mysterious insights, Who doesn't know?

At this time, Tao Meng listened to Ye Luo so much, the third elder felt that there was a sense of disobedience.

However, the Third Elder saw that Tao Meng didn't want to say more, and he didn't ask any more questions, so he could only lead people to follow quickly. Shangguan Xing'er ran to her uncle again, her eyes full of curiosity.

"Uncle, why does Sister Tao Meng listen to you?" Shangguan Xing'er was puzzled.

"Did you listen to me? Well, maybe your uncle and I look better." Ye Luo's gaze has always been firmly on the front, the coffin carried by the Four Emperors.

People from other major forces were all exchanging opinions quickly upon seeing this situation. Some ancient and mysterious half-step emperors made the quickest decision. They also brought their own forces and followed the four emperors to carry the coffin.

This night was unusually long.

It was so long that everyone felt abnormal.

Because, after the moon rises and sets, the one that rises again is not the sun, but the one that rises again is still the moon. After the night, there is no dawn, and it is still night!
what happened?

The red snow has never stopped, and a thick layer has already fallen on the ground.

"My lord, after dark, no, shouldn't it be dawn?" Shangguan Xing'er looked at the rising full moon, couldn't help being shocked, and swallowed hard.

Ye Luo was also shocked!

no dawn?

Ye Luo suddenly remembered that in the memory of the ancestor gods of other races, a similar situation seemed to have occurred. This kind of situation is called Yongye!

That is to say, after the night, it is still the night, and in the night, there will be horrible and unknown changes!
However, in the memory of the ancestor gods, there are very few records of Yongye, only the four words of terrifying and unknown mutations. As for why the continuous nights appear, there is no record above.

Everyone was shocked and discussed.

The four emperors carried the coffin and continued to move forward.

Shocked, puzzled, and uneasy, everyone walked for about four more moonrises. During this journey, there were no strange changes or innocent deaths.

"Uncle, look quickly, those two big locust trees!"

Suddenly, Shangguan Xing'er pulled the corner of Ye Luo's clothes and pointed forward.

In the moonlight ahead, among the red snow, there are two bare trees whose leaves have fallen, but the trees are so huge that they seem to block out the sky and the sun, and they have grown for an unknown number of thousands of years old.

Under the tree, there is a thick layer of leaves.

"My lord, behind this tree is the legendary core area of ​​the forbidden zone of the Dark Mountains. According to the records on the ancient tree, there is a great emperor who disappeared strangely after walking behind these two trees." Shangguan Xing'er approached again. He grabbed some Ye Luo and pinched Ye Luo's sleeve.

"These two locust trees have existed since ancient times. In the ancient times, there was a terrifying emperor who once called these two locust trees the trees of life and death. They die when they pass, and they live when they pass." Tao Meng also He spoke suddenly.

At this time, all the terrifying and lonely old forces also stopped.

The Four Emperors carried the coffin and walked under two locust trees that covered the sky and the sun. The Ghost River wound around the east side of the two ancient locust trees and continued to spread deep.



Under the locust tree, the thick red snow suddenly moved, and this movement spread from one place to the area covered by two ancient locust trees.

Immediately afterwards, in the red snow, there were leaves like dead leaves, silently flickering, and flew towards the air. Slowly, the red snow on the dead leaves fell, revealing a touch of light, which made people feel Sad blue ancient light.

Not dead leaves, but blue butterflies!
There are butterflies, hidden under the red snow and fallen leaves!

Not one, but a dense group, almost in the blink of an eye, endless blue, crystal clear, lifelike, blue butterflies with a sad breath, flying all over the sky.

They are flying in the air!
Then, little by little, they flew towards the coffin carried by the Four Emperors!

Northwest side of the core area.

The donkey and the pig stood side by side, their eyes widened and their mouths widened. Gudong, the pig swallowed hard, while the little fairy bridge beast stood on top of the pig's head, its eyes were a little dazed.

"Sister Xiaohuan, is it really Emperor Qinglian who once suppressed all races in the world?" Yang Ying rubbed her eyes.

Chu Xiaohuan nodded.

"What is he doing?" Yang Ying asked.

"He is using the afterglow of his last life to pass on the inheritance." Chu Xiaohuan said.

"Is she the legend, among the alien races, the icy cold goddess who suppressed the younger generation of the alien race, and was Shangguan Yunbing who stood shoulder to shoulder with the eldest prince of the Zhongzhou Dynasty?" I was shocked by the supremely cold temperament.

"Wow, woof! Hey, hey! Emperor Qinglian, we met in Huanggu, you are going to die soon, why do you have to pour the inheritance into the body of a strange little girl, give it to me, I It will definitely help you become famous all over the world and suppress nine heavens and ten places..." The donkey's eyes glowed green.

In front, Shangguan Yunbing sat cross-legged.

And Emperor Qinglian, who had undergone a terrifying and supreme mutation, had already performed a certain supreme and terrifying supreme secret technique, and with his finger, pointed at Shangguan Yunbing's eyebrows.

In his body, the supreme and terrifying laws of the emperor's way surged towards the body of Shangguan Yunbing, who was already in the half-step realm.


In an ancient time, the great emperor who suppressed the heaven and the earth passed on to a girl of a different race against the sky.

"Sister Xiaohuan, didn't you say that if Uncle Ye was still alive, you would definitely find him the most beautiful woman in the world as his wife? It would be great if Uncle Ye could marry this Shangguan Yunbing." Yang Ying I don't know what happened, but I said this sentence suddenly.

"Woof, woof, woof! Don't think too much about it. Do you know what it means to have such a young girl who is a half-step emperor who defies the sky, plus the inheritance of the supreme emperor Qinglian among the emperors?

This means, since the beginning of time, the first one!
It is estimated that the most monstrous eldest prince of the Zhongzhou Dynasty, as well as several of the most mysterious forbidden sons of the restricted area, can be compared with it.

That guy wants to marry her?

If he can marry, I will eat shit every day! "

The donkey looked ahead, and the greedy green light in his eyes was even stronger.

(End of this chapter)

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