Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 1074 Killing the Half-Step Emperor 2

Chapter 1074 Killing the Half-Step Emperor 2
Everyone, including the elders of the major ancient terrorist forces, was shocked.

But Ye Luo was unusually calm at this time, attacking, facing this kind of superior existence, passive defense is to wait for death, crazy attack, only a chance of survival.

Ye Luo is cold!

The figure rushed out frantically, and above the tip of the sword, there was an overwhelming murderous intent.

However, at this moment, in the eyes of the corpse soul, there is a cold indifference. Is such a young and talented existence?In the history of eternity, he has seen many young people of this level.

However, on the way of proving the Tao, more people become bones.

He was indifferent and didn't even move. The moment Ye Luo rushed over, an ancient imprint was condensed on his hands, a dark swastika glyph, which appeared faintly.

This ancient symbol suddenly collided with Xiao Ye crazily.


The two collided, and Ye Luo's body flew upside down. He was already vomiting blood in the air. The terrifying collision directly shattered a large area of ​​void.

The aftermath of the impact slanted to a mountain top, and that mountain top was directly leveled!
"Swastika, he just suffered some injuries, and he didn't die?" After the terrifying collision, someone saw that Ye Luo just spat out a mouthful of blood, and they couldn't help being shocked again.

"He caught the corpse soul's second move?"

But before the shocking person could fully wake up, Ye Luo's figure rushed towards the corpse again, and this time, Ye Luo's ancient sword of killing immortals and Huangquan stick in Ye Luo's hands were full of murderous intent!
The expression in the corpse soul's eyes became more and more indifferent.

He looked at Xiao Ye as if he was looking at an ant.

Not to mention that in this era, in the distant era of Huanggu, there were more than ten half-step emperors who died on him, and there were countless ants in the realm of saints.

It's just that it's a small miracle that this ant can catch him with two moves and survive.

He once again condensed a terrifying mark, which was still a swastika character, but this time, he directly used the truly terrifying killing essence of this ancient rune.

The swastika is out!
The surrounding void immediately began to collapse, and people from the major ancient forces standing far away felt a murderous intent when they saw this ancient rune against the sky.

"A real swastika?"

A half-step emperor was shocked, and subconsciously took a step back.


Ye Luo, who rushed over in terror, once again collided with the swastika in terror. A light mixed with darkness and light suddenly lit up, and the aftermath of the terrifying collision swept across thousands of miles!
Some monks with relatively weak strength even suffered bleeding from their mouths and noses after being shocked!

"do you died?"

This is already the third terrifying attack by the corpse soul. This time, the killing intent should have been truly activated. Even if he escaped by chance the first two times, can he come out alive this time?
Many ancient and powerful existences couldn't help but tense up when they saw this scene!

But at this moment, a figure covered in blood, like a ghost, suddenly rushed out of the explosion. The tip of the ancient and mysterious Zhuxian ancient sword in his hand seemed to be completely awake!
The monstrous killing intent directly slashed at the corpse soul!

Ye Luo is not dead yet!
At this moment, he still has the courage and energy to launch the most terrifying attack!

"Okay, very good, you can live from my hands until now, even if you die, you are proud enough, killing technique: cross fission!" Under the black robe, the corpse finally spoke again.

His voice was full of endless killing intent.

His hands condensed again, and the terrifying corpse air flowed on his body, and a terrifying void fission appeared like a cross that made the world tremble.

This cross, like a ghost, fell in front of Ye Luo in the next instant.

The cross seems to be able to cut through the void!

Even some saints at the peak level trembled when they saw this scene, emperor-level killing technique, cross fission!This rune is a combination of emperor-level space secrets and murder secrets!

Kill instantly!

Ye Luo didn't seem to react at all, the cross cut directly on him, and his body, directly in the eyes of everyone, collapsed!


People are directly reduced to pieces?
However, at this moment, the complexions of many ancient and powerful half-step emperors couldn't help but change. Even the corpse souls suddenly moved, and he suddenly took out an ancient jet-black shuttle-like Heaven-Defying Emperor Soldier.

"Emperor Soldier, Killing Shuttle!"

Seeing the shuttle, the one-and-a-half-step emperor trembled violently, and said five words!

"The dark avatar secret technique of the alien race!"

Another ancient half-step emperor spoke.

"He can actually make the corpse soul take out the emperor's weapon. Even if he dies, he is enough to leave a name in history. His body should be a little abnormal. Otherwise, his body should have been collapse!"

An extremely ancient half-step emperor also spoke.

The cold anger in the corpse soul's eyes finally erupted. An ant in front of him dared to use the secret technique of dark clone. The thorn falls!

Doppelgänger, concealment, for him, it's simply a sight to see through!

Shuttle out, murderous intent erupts!
Nine heavens and ten earths tremble, and the sun and moon dim.

Emperor soldier, the most frightening characteristic of the killing shuttle is that it is fast, so fast that it is difficult for people to reflect. Therefore, at the moment when the dark clone shattered, the shuttle had already stabbed Ye Luo's body hidden in the darkness!
"Death to me!"

The icy voice of the corpse soul erupted, the imperial soldiers erupted, and Ye Luo's body was struck by terror, with endless imperial power and terrifying killing intent, tearing apart the void for thousands of miles!

Ye Luo's body shattered into pieces!

But at this moment, the expression of the corpse soul changed again.

He turned around suddenly.

However, at this very moment, the tip of a terrifying ancient Zhu Xian ancient sword filled with endless killing intent had already pierced his back!
The moment the alien's dark avatar was shattered, Ye Luo activated the shadow avatar again!

Double avatar, and combined with void secrets!

However, even so, the soul of the corpse unexpectedly turned back at such a critical moment, and the shuttle in his hand turned back quietly at a speed that even half-step emperors could not believe, blocking Ye Luo's sudden appearance from the void and stabbing at him This sword in the back!


The shuttle blocked the sky-defying blow from the tip of Zhu Xian's ancient sword with a speed that defied the sky. However, a sound like tearing black iron suddenly came out from the abdomen of the corpse soul.

Huangquan staff!
Double shadow clone, combined with the secret technique of the void, and then with all his strength to strike with the ancient sword of Zhu Xian, Ye Luo also used the Huangquan stick!

(End of this chapter)

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