Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 1084 Eternal Mystery 2

Chapter 1084 Eternal Mystery 2 (Ticket Request)
The woman in the water prison spoke word by word, and Ye Luo became more and more shocked the more she listened. What the woman in the water prison said was too far away from this era, and there was no record in the history books!

Before the ancient times, was there such an era?

Ye Luo didn't speak, but continued to look at the woman in the water prison. He had a strong intuition in his heart. Perhaps, this woman had some kind of special connection with the restricted area of ​​the Dark Mountains and the most heaven-defying mystery of all time.

"All the races in the world, the ancient and heaven-defying forces that have just formed, have not left yet, and the mysterious creature in Donghuang has already traced the footprints of the group of people who went to Donghuang before, and crossed the endless lost road. Sea, to the vast and endless Zhongzhou!

That kind of creature finally has a brand new name among all races in the world. This name is impressively: Dragon!
Dragon, originated in the Eastern Wasteland!

There is not much brewing, and there are not many signs. The war between dragons and humans in the Eastern Wasteland, and between all races in the world, broke out again. This supremely terrifying war against the sky lasted for more than 1000 years.

In this battle, mountains and rivers were shattered, blood flowed for thousands of miles, hundreds of millions of floating corpses, and thousands of miles of dragon corpses!

It was also during this battle that a special existence was born among the human race. This person was obviously Chi You. At the same time, another existence against the sky appeared. This person was obviously the ancestor of Fortune!

The appearance of the two of them against the sky directly changed the situation of the battle!

Even, it affected the development of the entire later generations.

Chi You used the oldest ax between the heavens and the earth to kill the most powerful frost dragon in the dragon group, and the ancestor of Hongyun directly used the sky-defying seal to seal the Dragon King.

Human beings and all races in the world also produced countless ancient legend-level existences during that period, including the alien beast gods of that era, and several alien ancestor gods who defied the sky.

The Dragon Clan is finally destroyed!
In the meantime, many weird and heaven-defying creatures also appeared in the Northern Territory, but none of them were as powerful as the dragon group, and they were all suppressed one by one, or even exterminated.

However, this war was too terrifying. Almost half of the people in the world were killed or injured. In the end, if it wasn’t for the birth of Chi You and the ancestor of Hongyun among the human beings, these two god-defying monster-level divine beings, perhaps, the victory would not be enough. It must be human beings and all races in the world.

Even if he wins, it is still a remnant victory. In the end, the ancestor of Hongyun even disappeared forever. Some people once said that the ancestor of Hongyun exhausted his Daoyun in order to seal the most ancient dragon king who didn't even have time to make a move.

He, the seal, and the Dragon King, together with the eternal self-exile into the endless void.

After the fortune disappeared, Chiyou became a demon, and his evil nature was rampant. Human beings and all races in the world had almost no chance to breathe. Another catastrophe appeared. This catastrophe was a catastrophe that was lost to human beings. At the price, the Panhuang and the Three Emperors were born, together with a heaven-defying existence called Emperor Yanhuang, and finally sealed Chi You.

And in this continuous catastrophe, a large number of monks didn't even want to stay in this place anymore, and used the ultra-long-distance teleportation array to directly teleport to the endless outside.

However, in the endless void, most of them are barren stars, which are really suitable for cultivation, and there are very few huge and ancient planets. After endless exploration, there is a sky-defying existence, and finally found that this endless, huge, ancient, sky-defying star is almost The dao rhyme and aura of the entire Ziwei star field have been extracted, and other stars cannot prove dao and become emperor at all.

But in the end, there are very few people who will come, and there are many existences against the sky, crossing towards the Ziwei Starfield and the more distant void. They firmly believe that there may be more suitable stars in the more distant and mysterious void, and even , Star Field.

Their generation is also known as the pioneers.

Eastern Desolation, Western Desert, Northern Territory, Southern Border, and Zhongzhou are five endless places where no one has ever been able to explore the boundaries. Time is still passing by. After continuous wars, all races in the world are severely injured. A long period of peace finally ushered in.

During this period, the major forces were further improved.

The ancient forces are also taking shape little by little.

It was not until 1 years later that human beings and all races in the world finally regained their vitality. At the same time, a hundred schools of thought contended, and the war between forces finally started again.

In this war, heaven, hell, and the world stand out!

The endless territories of the five territories are being discovered by more and more people, the eight forbidden areas, the nineteen unknowable places, the endless wild swamps, the one hundred thousand mountains, the nine endless black areas, and the three unexplorable abysses, etc. , are becoming clearer and clearer with the passage of time.

In the endless war between human beings and all races in the world, the three major forces have formed a tripartite force, and the age of ages has finally truly taken shape, the order is established, and the way of heaven is formed.

Heaven and earth, hell, and the world take shape!
The topmost existence of the three major forces negotiates, restrains, and constrains each other. Although there are local conflicts, there is no real big war anymore.

This period lasted for more than 70 years.

Until, among heaven, hell, and the world, the most heaven-defying existence made another decision. They wanted to jointly deduce and explore whether there were more heaven-defying existences outside the Ziwei Starfield.

At this time, someone raised the question whether there are immortals in the world.

Are there immortals in the world?

At the end of Eternal Era, it was all the rage.

The top part of the three generations of forces, jointly deduced, in the end, a very large part of the existence that defies the sky, actually used the teleportation array beyond the distance in the later years of life, along the first batch of pioneers more than 70 years ago, Across the endless void, crossed towards more mysterious stars, and, since then, there has been no news.

It wasn't until another 10 years later that a man named Master suddenly proposed that whether there are immortals in the world is the most ancient, terrifying and sinister deception between heaven and earth!

However, at that time, it was too late!

People have left!

But in heaven, hell, and the world, terrible problems appeared almost at the same time.

The top heaven-defying existence in the world, in that period, wanted to forge an existence that surpassed all emperor soldiers, and even surpassed the existence of divine weapons.

For this thing, everything in the world is exhausted, and they do not hesitate to integrate it with their self-respect, and use the artifacts of all things as their skeleton to cast a heaven-defying fairy artifact.

This thing, that bead on your neck!
At the same time, a terrifying war broke out between Hell and the Land of the Nine Corpses, and Hell conquered the Land of the Nine Corpses. In this war, he was plotted against and seriously injured!
But at the same time that King Qin Guang was seriously injured, the Emperor Houtu of the Heavenly Court happened to appear behind Yan Luo in the first palace! "

(End of this chapter)

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