Chapter 1093 Tutian (seeking ticket)
In front of the mountain, the bronze man drank the soul-returning soup in Granny Meng's hand in one gulp, and the aura on his body began to emit endless and terrifying changes.

Po Meng looked away from the bronze figure and looked at the dark mountain.

Above the ten thousand zhang void, Shangguan Yunbing has already soared into the sky!

The terrifying Great Emperor Lei Jie, densely covering the void, seemed to tear the sky and the earth apart. Then, the figure of Shangguan Yunbing became clearer and clearer. She drew out the blue long sword behind her, and directly slashed at the sky-defying thunder with terror. robbery.

The donkey and the pig, at the moment Lei Jie appeared, brought Chu Xiaohuan, Yang Ying, Zhou Xiaoyu, and the little fairy bridge beast away from here, along the abyss, towards the bridge of the abyss, and walked over.

"Huh! Uncle Qing?" Suddenly, Zhou Xiaoyu, who came to the front, glanced forward, and looked at the bronze man impressively.

"Who is that woman next to Uncle Qing? She's so beautiful!" Yang Ying didn't speak again.

"Wow, woof, woof! Granny Meng, return to the soul soup!" The big black dog suddenly stood up.

"What, Meng Po?" Chu Xiaohuan was stunned.

"Cough, Uncle Donkey, that's a young girl, not an old lady, don't talk nonsense." Zhou Xiaoyu reminded the donkey.

"Someone said that Po Meng is an old woman?" There was some shock in the eyes of the donkey, and then he said: "Po Meng was a beautiful girl with stunning talents in the ancient times. Her beauty , standing shoulder to shoulder with Shangguan Yunbing now!"

"Meng Po is a girl?" Zhou Xiaoyu was stunned.

"It's really about to start." The donkey's face was a little nervous, and he quickly took out the oldest and most complete teleportation array from his neck, and said in a low voice: "Remember, if there is any accident later, I will Tell you to leave, you must leave, this time, people will really die, many people will die."

"Uncle Donkey, what is going to happen?" Zhou Xiaoyu looked at the donkey.


On the west side of the dark mountain range, the four emperors carrying the coffin have appeared at a strange position on the west side at some point. On the coffin, the Ice Crystal Blue Butterfly who has been following here seems to have received some orders at this moment .

In the night sky, endless ice crystal blue butterflies flew out soundlessly in all directions.

There is a faint blue light appearing on the butterfly body, and the red snow is still floating, which is very beautiful.

In the distance of the dark mountains.

On the bullock cart, the master drank another sip of wine, seemed to see the figure of a butterfly in the dark night, said: "What a beautiful butterfly."

"Where is the butterfly?" The medicine jar poked the nerd.

"Butterfly? Where are butterflies?" The nerd looked around, a little stunned.

"Eldest brother, have you seen the butterfly?" Seeing that the nerd didn't respond, the medicine jar poked the scholar who was leading the cow again.

"I see, Ice Crystal Blue Butterfly." The scholar's clothes were a little torn, but they were washed very clean, and his tone was gentle. On the Big Bamboo Peak, the most unassuming person was the elder brother.

"Ice Crystal Blue Butterfly, this name is very familiar, no, this is not..." The medicine jar seemed to think of something, and the voice stopped abruptly.

Butterflies flew out in all directions in the darkness.

A butterfly landed on the top of a small mountain. On the top of the mountain, there was an old man. The old man was sitting quietly in the snow, as if he had fallen asleep.

The butterfly landed in his palm.

The old man suddenly opened his eyes.

On him, there was a terrifying, ancient and heaven-defying emperor's aura fluctuating.

The other butterflies continued to fly, and the other one fell under an old tree. Under the old tree, a beggar-like man was sleeping soundly, as if he was going to sleep until he was old.

He didn't open his eyes until the butterfly flew in front of his eyes!

In his eyes, he was as pure as a baby.

In front of the bridge in the abyss, there were four butterflies flying. A monk, a shoe, and a grimace all looked at the four butterflies. Lao Tzu said, "It has already begun."

The bullock cart moved slowly in the endless dark mountains.

The same four butterflies appeared silently, dancing in front of the master, the scholar, the beast god, and the mysterious empress respectively.

"There are really butterflies, and Master's eyes are really good." The nerd admired, and then the nerd spoke again, saying, "This butterfly is so beautiful."

The butterfly flew into the void, and where the butterfly landed, there were people, beasts, aliens, and ghosts. Even the big black dog and the bronze man had butterflies appearing in front of them.

"Woof, woof, woof! Damn, I know that good things have nothing to do with me, and bad things that kill my head, I never miss them!

What the hell, from the beginning of time immemorial, everyone has said that I have pitted the emperor. Didn’t this emperor dig a few of your ancestral graves, pit some of your resources, move your places, and trap your saints and sons? what?

Cough, has this emperor ever killed anyone?
Paralyzed, since ancient times, why has no one remembered the earth-shattering good deeds that the Emperor has done? The donkey grinned and roared.

"What's the matter, Uncle Donkey?" Xiao Xianqiao Beast sneaked out its head, seeing the donkey so crazy, he couldn't help but wondered.

"It's nothing, you don't need to worry about it, I guess it's rabies." The pig looked at the ice crystal blue butterfly and said.


When the butterfly fell, people woke up, and there was a piece of red snow!
The world is cold, waiting for you to come.

A splash of blood changes the world!

The entire restricted area of ​​the endless dark mountains, the entire endless Central Plains, the Eastern Desolation, the Western Regions, the Southern Border, and the Northern Desert, the most ancient and heaven-defying existence, all the races in the world, all woke up at this time.

The most mysterious and ancient emperor of all ages broke through the void without a sound, and under the guidance of the ice crystal blue butterfly, he arrived at extremely strange and mysterious positions.

Above the vast void, the thunder calamity of all things is still floating, and the thunder calamity of Shangguan Yunbing is happening horribly.

However, at this time, if one looks down from above the vast void, one can vaguely see a group of extremely heaven-defying, shocking, and ancient patterns forming silently in the forbidden area of ​​the endless dark mountains .

And every node of this ancient, sky-defying, shocking pattern is at least an existence at the level of a supreme heaven-defying emperor.

Between the heavens and the earth, almost all the existences that have been truly hidden between the heavens and the earth have appeared since ancient times. Even, on the east and west sides, between the sky, the eight oldest forbidden areas, and the mysterious creatures in the various unknown places, They all showed up!

In front of them, there is also an ice crystal blue butterfly guiding them!

Those heaven-defying creatures whose breath is not even weaker than Emperor Zun's level have already stood at specific nodes according to specific rules and orders.

Afterwards, the existence of endless and heaven-defying existences, and the heaven-defying and supreme aura on his body, began to surge wildly.

The master's ox cart finally sped up a little in silence.

In the dark mountain range, a figure who was almost ignored by everyone, like an ant compared to the emperor, climbed up the dark mountain range little by little.

This person didn't use aura, nor did he have the power of darkness, and he didn't even use a trace of blood.

This person is obviously Ye Luo!

The mountains and mountains are icy cold, and the stones on them are like terrifying and sharp icy magic weapons.

Ye Luo climbed up little by little, blood dripping down!
(End of this chapter)

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