Chapter 111


The policewoman Su Mu and the expert wearing glasses saw that Ye Luo was holding a long silver needle that had already stabbed the child between the eyebrows, and they yelled in horror almost at the same time.

However, Ye Luo ignored the shouts of the two of them, and stabbed the boy's forehead firmly with the silver needle in his hand.

"You, you killed someone!" Su Mu, the policewoman, felt cold.

"How can you do it!" The eyes of the expert wearing glasses were bloodshot.

The bald dean stared fixedly at Ye Luo's hand, ignoring Su Mu and the expert wearing glasses at all. His body trembled and he muttered to himself, "Is it really the four-image acupuncture?"

Lin Lao, an authoritative expert in the imperial capital, has also heard about the four-element formation. After hearing the bald dean mention the four-element formation twice in a row, he couldn't help but exclaimed: "Impossible, the four-element formation is from the Ming Dynasty. After that, it never appeared again, and it has been lost for hundreds of years, how could this young man use it?"

The expert wearing glasses was in a hurry, strode over, and shouted: "What is the Sixiang acupuncture method? This person is not from our hospital, nor is he a doctor. He was sent by the No. 1 civilian hospital to make trouble. He is just a cleaner. work!"

The bald dean froze, stared at the expert wearing glasses, and said angrily, "What did you say?"

"He's a cleaner, he's here to make trouble, stop him quickly, that kid is going to die!" the expert wearing glasses hurriedly said.

Elder Lin, an authoritative expert in the imperial capital, couldn't help being stunned for a moment. He had heard about the grievances between the No.1 People's Hospital and the Third People's Hospital in Nanjiang City. At this time, he heard the expert wearing glasses say, A look of difficulty flashed across his face.

Cleaner, here to make trouble?

Elder Lin almost laughed out loud, this is simply killing him!
At the same time, Elder Lin was also a little ashamed, secretly thinking that it was just a cleaner who came to make trouble, but he was worried that this person had cured the child just now.

When Elder Lin looked at Ye Luo again, there was already a trace of pity in his eyes. In the face of such a major accident, he dared to pretend to be a doctor and treat him casually. Once the child died, Ye Luo would bear extremely terrible criminal responsibility!

Even, will face life imprisonment!
Don't even think about getting out of prison for the rest of your life!
After hearing this, the bald dean felt a chill in his heart. When he turned his head to look at Ye Luo again, his eyes were already filled with shocking anger, and he shouted, "Stop!"

Ye Luo still didn't stop, everything that happened around him didn't seem to enter his ears.At this moment, all his attention was focused on the four silver needles in his hand.

The four silver needles are vibrating at a frequency that is difficult to distinguish with the naked eye!

In the eyes of everyone, Ye Luo picked up the child and slapped the child's back and heart fiercely!

The bald man wanted to stop him, but was a step too late.

The expert wearing glasses was still a few steps away from Su Ying, and there was no way to stop him. At this moment, policewoman Su Mu even subconsciously pulled out a gun and pointed at Ye Luo!

The authority of the imperial capital, Mr. Lin, looked at all this indifferently, with a hint of sarcasm and expectation in his eyes.

When he was in the imperial capital, no doctor dared to show any disrespect to him, and he had never met him since he came to Nanjiang. Since he came here, it seemed that everyone dared to challenge his authority.

Time seemed to freeze at this moment.



Ye Luo's palm fell, and the child in his arms shook. Under Ye Luo's control, he spit out a mouthful of black blood towards the medical trash can beside the bed.

"You, killed, killed!" Seeing this, Mr. Lin said word by word.

"You..." The bald dean pointed at Ye Luo, his fingers trembling, his face flushed angrily, but he didn't say a word.

The gun in Su Mu's hand was pointed at Ye Luo, and she almost wanted to shoot, but the moment she wanted to shoot, she was surprised to find that the marksmanship she was so proud of could not be aimed at Ye Luo at all.

Although Ye Luo was sitting still, Su Mu always had the illusion that the muzzle of her gun could never find the exact position of Ye Luo, and that no matter how she aimed, she might hurt the pistol in Ye Luo's arms. child.

Su Mu did not intend to shoot and kill Ye Luo, but just wanted to injure Ye Luo's hand so that Ye Luo could not continue to "kill".

However, the result was somewhat beyond her expectation.

The expert wearing glasses watched the child vomit blood, his eyes went dark, and he almost fell down.


The car was silent, the child spat out another mouthful of black blood, then slowly opened his eyes, looking around blankly.

"Are you awake?" Ye Luo put the child down, still ignoring the people around him.

"Huh? Wake up, uncle, where is this?" The child was at a loss, looked around, and asked.

Ye Luo smiled and said, "It's in the car. You are sick and need quiet treatment. You should lie down first."

"Sick? Am I going to die? I, I seem to vomit blood!" After all, the child was eleven or twelve years old, and after waking up, he felt a little scared.

"No, it's just a common cold, and it will be cured after taking the medicine." Ye Luo smiled again.

"Really?" the child asked.

"Uncle is a doctor, how could he lie?" Ye Luo pointed to the doctor's attire on his body.

"Will it be an injection? It hurts!" the child asked.

"A man, why are you afraid of injections? Tell uncle, are you a man?" Ye Luo said seriously.

"Yes!" Although the child was weak, he answered loudly!

"Are you afraid of injections?" Ye Luo asked again seriously.

"Don't be afraid!" the boy said firmly.

"That's right, you're afraid of injections, what kind of man is he? Lie down and recuperate well. When you recover from your illness, there are three thousand female students in the school who are still waiting for you to comfort them. As a man, you can't do anything. Say you are afraid, otherwise, the female classmates will look down on you!" Ye Luo encouraged again.

The boy's eyes are piercing and his body is weak, but his spirit has been improved like never before.

Ye Luo asked the boy to lie down, pointed to the surroundings, and said, "Uncle is going to treat other people, you should lie down and rest first, and rest like a man!"

The boy nodded vigorously, a layer of red light glowed on his sallow face.

Ye Luo walked towards the second comatose child, and by the way, pushed the authoritative expert of the imperial capital, Mr. Lin, who had a disbelieving expression on his face, and said, "Jing Rang, don't get in the way."

Walking in front of the second child, Ye Luo pulled out four more silver needles and dropped them again.

In the bus, there was a dead silence.

Su Mu's gun was hanging down weakly, his eyes were full of doubts, isn't Ye Luo a cleaner, when will he be cured?Could it be that the disease on this car is easy to cure and can be cured casually?

The expert wearing glasses also rubbed his eyes, took another step forward, walked up to the bald dean, and asked, "Father, do you want to stop him?"

(End of this chapter)

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