Chapter 113


Taking credit again?

Ye Luo was a little dumbfounded.

Ye Luo had some impressions of that handsome male doctor, but Ye Luo didn't pay much attention to the rumors in the hospital before. He didn't know that the handsome male doctor was Gao Yingjie, the illegitimate son of the principal!

It's just that people who dare to threaten Ye Luo are very rare these years.

This handsome male doctor Gao Yingjie really did a great feat of menace.

Ye Luo touched his nose again, and said to the phone: "He also saved the killer and has contact with the killer, um, it's really powerful."

Yang Yu was a little worried, and said: "Anyway, it's not a big deal, so let's stop talking nonsense, if Gao Yingjie is angered, I'm afraid he would dare to hire a killer.

By the way, in order to create a great image of himself, Gao Yingjie planned to give that oil tycoon Stephen further treatment, and he wanted that oil tycoon to be discharged from the hospital in a few days.

Once Gao Yingjie can get Stephen out of the hospital in a few days, out of gratitude, Stephen will definitely give him heavyweight support, and even make him famous internationally.

Bravely rush into the sea of ​​fire to save people, and heal Stephen's disease, which no one in the world can cure, and he will become famous overnight! "

Ye Luo had a strange expression on his face, and asked, "What does he want to do so that the oil giant can be discharged from the hospital in a few days?"

"Gao Yingjie is making a pot of tonics that can quickly replenish the body's vitality. It seems that wild ginseng, deer antler, black-bone chicken, and cordyceps have been used for 30 years. They are cooked according to ancient recipes, which can greatly replenish vitality and make people after surgery , recover quickly." Yang Yu said.

Ye Luo's face became even weirder, and he said, "He is..."

"Hey! I have something to do, so I'm going to hang up first. Remember, don't talk nonsense, otherwise, Gao Yingjie may really take revenge on us." Yang Yu hung up the phone before Ye Luo could finish speaking.

Ye Luo looked at the phone, the corner of his mouth twitched, and he shook his head in embarrassment.

To die!
Why do people nowadays love to die so much?

There were two turtle worms on the oil giant, one in the brain and the other in the heart. Although the male worm in the brain was taken out yesterday, the female worm in the heart was still in a dormant state.

At the beginning, the vice president and leaders of the hospital thought that the disease was cured, and they all took the credit for it, but in fact, it was not a credit, but a deep pit.

Unexpectedly, before this hole showed its prestige, the handsome male doctor started to jump into it anxiously!

The female worm lurking in the heart would have had an attack in three days, but Ye Luo never expected that the handsome male doctor Gao Yingjie would cook such a warming soup right now.

Turtle worms are originally parasitic in the body of tortoises, living in the deep sea, and are extremely cold species. Once encountering a strong positive tonic for warming and nourishing, they will erupt in an instant like magma dripping on ice!
That is to say, as long as the handsome male doctor drinks such a powerful tonic for the oil giant, the female worm lurking in the heart will attack in a very short time!

As for how powerful the oil tycoon is in the world, and even involved with some dark organizations, in terms of overall power, he is not weaker than the Tang family, and even in some respects, he is much more cruel than the Tang family.

Ye Luo couldn't help mourning for Gao Yingjie.

After grabbing credit yesterday, Gao Yingjie took the initiative to undertake Stephen's follow-up treatment.

If Stephen, who was originally healthy, suddenly fell into a critical illness after drinking a bowl of Gao Yingjie's brewed medicine, his consequences would be unimaginable in the face of the terrifying strength of the Tang family.

Ye Luo shook his head, first he threatened to keep his mouth shut, and then he gave Stephen such crazy medicine, the dean's illegitimate son, I'm afraid it would be against the sky.

However, in Ye Luo's heart, a deceitful plan has already arisen.

Ye Luo has no sympathy for such a deadly person!

Time passed bit by bit, half an hour later, the road was finally cleared, and Ye Luo drove towards the hospital.

However, Ye Luo didn't drive directly into the hospital, but first went to a large Chinese medicine shop not far from the hospital.

A big hole is about to show its power. According to Ye Luo's plan, he needs to buy a few things in this pharmacy, and then go to the hospital to get a big hole!
Ye Luo walked into the Tianyao store, found a clerk, and ordered 24 kinds of Chinese herbal medicines in one go, including a few very rare medicines. Fortunately, the store is well stocked, and most of the medicines will be ready soon. up.

However, among these 24 kinds of medicinal materials, there is a very rare medicine called Seven Star Grass.

In the entire store, there are only three plants left.

Ye Luo only needed one plant, but when the clerk was packing Ye Luo, a young man in his twenties came to the shop with a strong sense of arrogance.

Almost as soon as the young man entered the store, he shouted to the clerk: "Pack up all the seven-star grass, wild ginseng, deer antler and century-old Polygonum multiflorum in your store, and I will take them away immediately."

The boss of the pharmacy was also knowledgeable. He knew that the young man was a wealthy customer at almost one glance, so he immediately sent a beautiful female clerk to entertain the young man.

The young man touched the female clerk, and said again: "Pack up my things quickly, my young master is in a hurry to use them, if you delay, your pharmacy will be smashed!"

The people in the store didn't dare to delay, and directly started to prepare the goods for the young man.

Ye Luo glanced at the young man, frowned, but didn't say anything.

A clerk in front of Ye Luo also speeded up packing Ye Luo.

"Wait a minute! My lord, didn't I say that all the seven-star grass, wild ginseng, velvet antler and century-old Polygonum multiflorum are packaged, don't you hear clearly?" The young man's eyes turned cold, and he looked at Ye Luo who was packing the package. the clerk.

Seeing this, the owner of the store hurried over and said, "The gentleman has already bought those medicinal materials just now. We have three plants of Seven Star Grass in our store. He only needs one plant, and the remaining two plants have been given to you." It's packed."


The young man stretched out his hand and slapped the boss on the face. The slap was so hard that the boss fell to the ground and lost a tooth.

"Do you want me to repeat? I want everything, are you deaf?" The young man's voice was cold.

In the pharmacy, there was an instant silence.

In the store, just beat the boss?Who is this person, so arrogant?
The customers and staff in the store all looked at the arrogant young man, and for a while, the whole store was a little quiet.

The boss covered half of his swollen face, and was extremely angry. He also has a big backer in Nanjiang City. Although he is often humbled when doing business on weekdays, it doesn't mean that he just allows others to bully him!
(End of this chapter)

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