Chapter 132

When the taxi driver heard it, he immediately said angrily: "Paralyzed, I don't like this kind of stealing other people's wives the most. Don't worry, I will help you keep up with this car. But, brother, you have to bear with me." Hold on, don't be impulsive, this car is a luxury car, it doesn't look easy to mess with."

Ye Luo nodded, showing sadness on his face, and said ruthlessly, "I will hold back."

The taxi driver started the car, stepped on the accelerator skillfully and followed, and said in a low voice: "If you really can't help it, I have a steel pipe in the trunk, I can borrow it for you, and wait until I find a place where no one is around. Before you start, remember, when dealing with this kind of person, you must cover your face, and let him see your true face."

Ye Luo thought so deeply, and sighed deeply.

"Brother, don't be too sad, everything can pass, let me tell you, my wife also cheated on a rich man, paralyzed, I just used the steel pipe in the trunk to take the man's two legs at night. My legs were broken!" The taxi driver also sighed deeply.

Ye Luo was taken aback, touched his nose, and said in a strange tone: "Then..."

"I'm paralyzed, I was too impulsive at the time, and I forgot to cover my face when I hit the rich man. Then the rich man called the police. I spent two years in prison, and I only came out the year before last!" Taxi The driver was emotional, and then said: "However, I don't regret it, now that rich man is still sitting in a wheelchair!"

"Well, drive slowly, don't get excited, there is a red light ahead." Ye Luo said with some worry.

Since it was in the urban area, there was a lot of traffic, the Rolls Royce in front was not fast, and the taxi followed behind without any pressure.

However, the taxi driver seemed to be in a sad place, his emotions were a little turbulent, and his speed was a little erratic.

Half an hour later, the sun has set and the sky will be late.

"Brother, we're out of the city ahead, and there's a big road out of the city. If that luxury car speeds up, our taxi won't be able to keep up." The taxi driver is an old driver after all. He became rational and said something very calmly.

Going out of town?

Ye Luo also noticed that it was a bit of a surprise. It would be really hard to follow if he went out of the urban area. Most importantly, it was getting dark soon.

Ye Luo frowned, and asked the taxi driver, "Is there any traffic police on the road ahead?"

The taxi driver immediately replied: "Of course, there are traffic police at the exit of the main road in the urban area every day to check for overcrowding, drunk driving, driving without a license, etc. However, these traffic police usually don't check luxury cars."

"What if it's drug trafficking?" Ye Luo said suddenly.

The taxi driver froze for a moment and asked, "What do you mean?"

"What I mean is, if we call the police now and say that there is a Les Royce with a lot of drugs hidden in it at the exit of the city, will the traffic police investigate it?" Ye Luo said.

The taxi driver was stunned again, and said in doubt: "Then it will definitely be checked, but if there are no drugs in the car, it still needs to be released. It's just a matter of delaying a few minutes, and it still has to go out of the city. It's useless. Could it be that there are really drugs in that car?"

Ye Luo narrowed his eyes and replied: "Probably not, but I have already thought of a way to make the car not go far."

"What way?" the taxi driver wondered.

"You do me a favor first, help me report the car in front to the police, and when the traffic police checks, I will get out of the car and you will know it when you look at it." Ye Luo said in a low voice.

Hearing this, the taxi driver immediately regained his energy. Although he was curious, he did not ask any further questions, and directly dialed the police number. Afterwards, the taxi driver followed Ye Luo's words, speeded up the car, and chased after the Rolls-Royce behind the car.

At the exit of the urban area, after receiving a call from a police command office, several traffic policemen immediately felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

When the Rolls-Royce luxury car just appeared in their field of vision, they immediately used the blockade and the emergency stop sign, and the traffic police at the entire exit surrounded the Rolls-Royce very cautiously.

Due to the road closure ahead, all the cars behind were naturally blocked.

Ye Luo took this opportunity to get out of the taxi, picked up a handful of plastic bags on the side of the road, clenched them into a ball, and approached the Rolls-Royce in front of him like an ordinary passerby.

The traffic police took professional equipment and quickly inspected the inside of the Rolls-Royce. The face of the volcanic organization in the car was as heavy as iron. However, this is Huaxia after all. He just made a phone call and did not make any abnormalities. move.

The traffic police checked quickly, and found no drugs. Afterwards, they received another call, and their expressions immediately became respectful, and they were ready to let the car go. The traffic police who were originally surrounded by the car also dispersed immediately.

And Ye Luo took advantage of this opportunity and walked to the position of Les Laisi's exhaust pipe.

Afterwards, Ye Luo slipped his foot, fell down as if by accident, rolled his body, and just reached the side of the exhaust pipe. At this moment, Ye Luo's hand took the whole group of plastic bags picked up earlier, Stuffed into the exhaust pipe.

Since the exhaust pipe was under the car, and Ye Luo's actions were hidden, no one noticed Ye Luo's small movements.

After doing this, Ye Luo quickly got up and walked to the side of the road. Finally, after the traffic police lifted the blockade, Ye Luo saw another opportunity and got into a taxi.

Seeing Ye Luo coming back, the taxi driver asked suspiciously, "What did you do just now? The car we were following earlier started up again, and it's about to leave the city."

Ye Luo whispered, "This car can drive another five kilometers at most."

The taxi driver was even more puzzled and asked, "How is that possible? This is a Rolls-Royce. As long as you have fuel, let alone five kilometers, five hundred kilometers is a trivial matter."

"Hey, don't worry, after five kilometers, this car will definitely turn off." Ye Luo said with certainty.

The taxi driver didn't believe it, and then said: "I'll follow first, I told you in advance, if the car speeds up on the main road, our car will really not be able to keep up."

Ye Luo shook his head and said, "I will definitely be able to keep up."

After leaving the urban area and on the main road, the traffic flow dropped sharply, the Rolls-Royce really started to speed up, and the taxis following behind immediately began to feel a little strenuous.

In the next few minutes, Les Les was still accelerating, but the aging taxi couldn't keep up at all, and in the blink of an eye, it stretched a long distance.

The taxi driver stepped on the accelerator and said, "I can't catch up. I'm afraid your daughter-in-law will be ruined again today!"

Ye Luo counted the time, narrowed his eyes, and said in relief, "If you keep driving, the car will turn off."

(End of this chapter)

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