Chapter 140

Ye Luo just had this thought in his mind, and then shook his head. There is a deep hole inside the dry well. As a person who has wandered on the edge of life and death countless times, Ye Luo can feel the extremely dangerous atmosphere in that well.

He was not afraid, but today Chu Xiaohuan was about to face off against the killer, so it was obviously not a good time to go in.

The well is dead, and where else is there something that can make the beads vibrate?

Ye Luo frowned, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, suddenly thinking of an excellent place.

Ye Luo changed her clothes to cover up her injuries, and went straight out, hailed a taxi, and went straight to Babao Street, Meng's Antique Store.

When it comes to strange and extraordinary things, in today's society, ordinary people can get the most out of large antique shops. Although there are many fakes in antique shops nowadays, Ye Luo doesn't care. He only buys things that can vibrate beads. OK.

Twenty minutes later, in the Meng's Antique Store on Babao Street.

Ye Luojin entered the door very low-key. It was already dark, but the Meng's Antique Store was brightly lit and crowded with customers. As one of the three largest antique stores in Babao Street, the business is best when it is just dark when.

Last time, the thousand-year-old blood phoenix jade was bought here. This time, Ye Luo came in and was quite familiar with it.

After Ye Luo came in, he went straight to the ancient jade area. Since the Millennium Blood Phoenix Jade can make the beads vibrate, can other jades make the beads vibrate?

The jade wares in Mengji Antique Store are a separate area, with three shelves in full, and Ye Luo quickly approached each piece of jade from the beginning.

The first one, there was no response, Ye Luo was a little disappointed.

Immediately afterwards, the second piece, the third piece, until there were more than 20 pieces of jade, there was no response, Ye Luo frowned slightly uneasy, until Ye Luo approached a crystal clear Jade Buddha weighing half a catty At that moment, the beads on Ye Luo's neck finally had a slight reaction.

A look of joy finally appeared in Ye Luo's eyes, but Ye Luo frowned slightly when he saw the price of the half-kilo Jade Buddha, which was crystal clear and had a special aura.

780 million!
Ye Luo couldn't help thinking in his heart, it seems that the things that can make this bead look good are very expensive, whether it is the three-leaf spirit grass, the thousand-year-old phoenix blood jade, or the mysterious piece of wood, which one is ordinary?

However, at this time, Ye Luo didn't care so much. The money from selling Bu Yuan Dan had already been directly transferred to the bank card by the people at the Jiuding Auction. Why are you short of money?

Ye Luo didn't leave immediately with the Jade Buddha, but searched for a while on the first row of shelves, and found two pieces of jade that made the beads vibrate. These two pieces of jade were respectively a high-quality jade bowl And a top jade wrench, the prices are 640 million and 820 million respectively!
The total price of the three pieces of jade is 14 million!
But Ye Luo didn't care. After selecting these three items, she didn't continue to choose any more. She directly yelled at a waitress, "Hey! Come here."

The waitress had noticed Ye Luo a long time ago, but Ye Luo was selling all the goods and wearing big slippers. No matter how you looked at it, he looked like a poor young man who couldn't afford anything here.

This kind of person, that waitress has seen a lot.

This summer, I just want to take a look at the air conditioner here, see the antiques, and even worse, even if I don’t buy them, I still ask the waiters to ask things.

This kind of poor young man is the one they despise and disdain the most.

The waitress heard Ye Luo calling her, but she turned around, pretending that she didn't hear it at all, but walked towards another man in a suit and tie, who looked like a successful person.

However, the person who noticed Ye Luo was not only the waitress, but also a young and beautiful female manager.

Since Ye Luo's first step in, the female manager's eyes have been on Ye Luo all the time.

Because, the last time Ye Luo was in this store and picked up a thousand-year-old blood phoenix jade with infinite value, the female manager was in the store and saw with her own eyes how Ye Luo got that thousand-year-old blood phoenix jade.

The female manager saw that Ye Luo's current net worth should have already exceeded ten million, or even more, with that piece of jade alone!
At this time, seeing that the waitress ignored Ye Luo, she immediately walked over.

"Sir, I'm sorry, the waiter in the store is a newcomer, and the hospitality is not good, I apologize to you, and the waiter just now will not appear in the store tomorrow, she has been fired, do you have any service? "The female manager appeared in front of Ye Luo with a very professional faint smile.

Ye Luo was slightly stunned. Looking at the female manager, she immediately thought of the time when she picked up the leak last time. The youthful and beautiful female manager was also there. What, wrap up this jade Buddha, jade bowl, and jade wrench finger, I want it."

When the female manager saw what Ye Luo wanted, she was startled. She could tell at a glance that these jade wares were almost the best jade wares on this shelf, and the price of the three pieces was more than 2000 million!
And Ye Luo came in in less than 10 minutes, and bought so much in one go!

It seems that the thousand-year-old blood phoenix jade that Ye Luo missed last time was definitely sold for a sky-high price. Surprise flashed in the female manager's heart, but the smile on her face became more respectful and sweet.

"Okay, sir, please go to the VIP rest area to rest for a while, and we will pack it for you." The female manager immediately recruited two of the most beautiful waiters, and respectfully accompanied Ye Luo to the rest area.

As long as these three jade articles worth more than 2000 million yuan are sold, the female manager will complete this month's performance ahead of schedule, and not only that, she will also get an absolutely huge bonus.

As for the waiter who looked down on people with dog eyes, she happened to see this scene, and her little face turned pale with fright. Finally, she mustered up her courage, walked up to Ye Luo, and whispered: "Yes, I'm sorry, I just didn't should……"

Ye Luo interrupted her, just smiled and said, "You just graduated from university?"

The waitress nodded, her tone was full of regret, she lowered her head even more, and she even cried a little, and said: "Well, I, I entrusted a lot of connections in order to find this job, and the treatment here is better than that of other people." I, I was wrong, can you forgive me once? If you don't forgive me, I'm afraid I will be fired. "

Ye Luo nodded, but sighed slightly in her heart.

When checking out, Ye Luo said to the female manager: "That waitress, keep it, life is not easy."

Afterwards, Ye Luo turned and left, feeling vaguely in his heart that the bead might hide a bigger secret, and the three top-grade jade products he bought might be able to reveal a corner of its secret.

The female manager looked at Ye Luo's leaving back, and there was a strange look in her eyes. In today's society, it is rare for a man like this to be both rich and tolerant.

"I forgot to leave a phone number." The youthful and beautiful manager, with countless suitors, suddenly realized something, and a look of regret appeared in her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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