Chapter 153
Ye Luo and Wu Banxian subconsciously followed the fat man's fingers and looked over there.

I saw that in the middle of the carriage, a middle-aged man dressed as a farmer was discussing with a middle-aged man dressed in a suit and leather shoes, with gold-rimmed glasses, gray hair, and dressed as a senior intellectual.

"Am I really a jade slip from the Tang Dynasty?" The honest farmer looked at the senior intellectual middle-aged man with ecstasy on his face, and said aloud excitedly as if he couldn't help it.

The middle-aged senior intellectual nodded and sighed: "The quality of the jade is transparent. There are Tang Dynasty characters engraved on the jade slip, and the inscription of the text is Li Shimin. If I read it well, this jade slip should be from the Tang Dynasty." , a jade slip carved by Tang Taizong Li Shimin himself!"

"What? A jade slip carved by Li Shimin himself? My mother, how much is this worth?" The farmer was ecstatic.

The middle-aged senior intellectual looked serious, and said: "Priceless treasure! To measure its value with money is simply defilement!"

"Really?" After listening to the farmer, he suddenly gritted his teeth, handed the jade slip in his hand to the senior intellectual, and said, "Professor, let me tell you the truth, this jade slip was written when I was working in the mountains." , I picked it up by accident. If you don’t tell me, I thought it was just a broken stone. Although I am a farmer, I know how to repay my kindness. In this way, I will sell this jade slip to you for 10 yuan. You, what do you think?"

"One hundred thousand?" The middle-aged senior intellectual was stunned for a moment, then shook his head firmly and said: "This is a priceless treasure. As long as you get off the train and find an auction house to buy it, it must be at least a million, or even thousands of dollars." Wan, how can I take advantage of you?"

"Ah! To tell you the truth, I am going to the city by train this time because I have an urgent matter! My child is seriously ill and needs money for treatment. I must pay the money today. Otherwise, the hospital will stop the treatment. If I can Selling this piece of jade directly, with 10 yuan, is equivalent to saving my son's life!" The farmer looked distressed.

Then the farmer said again: "So, you can accept this piece of jade. Anyway, I picked it up. Except for you who can know the goods, no one else knows it at all. If I can sell it for 10 yuan, I am already very content."

After the senior intellectual stopped, he sighed and said softly: "You are a person who is easy to be contented. Being contented is already very good. However, all the money I have earned over the years has been donated to poor mountainous areas. I only have a few thousand yuan left on me, which is not enough at all.”

"Then what should we do?" The farmer held the jade slips with a dazed expression.

The senior intellectual narrowed his eyes for a moment, and then said with a serious face: "Well, let's sell this jade slip to someone who is destined. Today, we can sit in the same train compartment, which means that we are all people who are destined. Let me help you ask if anyone has bought this jade slip."

Later, the senior intellectual said loudly in the train compartment: "Everyone here, I think everyone has heard what this farmer friend said. If you are interested, come and take a look. Alas, what a pity, a priceless treasure." !"

When the two people were talking, many people in the train compartment had already heard it. At this time, when they heard this sentence again, there were several people in the car, and they immediately moved over.

A jade slip from the Tang Dynasty, how much is this worth!

If you buy it for 10 yuan, wouldn't it be a profit?

That high-ranking intellectual is a professor at a certain university, so what he said could be wrong?

After listening to the fat man, he didn't talk to Ye Luo and Wu Banxian again. Excitement flashed across his face, and he immediately moved over.

Fatty has always been more interested in antiques, jade and other things. Now I heard that it was a jade slip from the Tang Dynasty, or it was carved by Tang Taizong Li Shimin himself. How can he bear it!

If you bought it, it would be a big mistake.

There were a lot of onlookers, some were watching, some said they wanted to buy it, and some even wanted to transfer money. However, the farmer said: "I, I don't have a mobile phone or a bank card. I just need cash. Whoever gives me [-] yuan, I will sell it." to whom!"

The fat man had exhausted all his efforts to force his way in, then grabbed the jade pendant, touched it carefully a few times, observed it for a while, and said directly: "Your jade pendant, I bought it!"

When the onlookers saw it, some people were immediately unhappy, and a man in a suit and leather shoes said, "Why do you buy it?"

The fat man rubbed his belly, and said lightly, "My lord is rich!"

The suit and leather shoes glanced at the fat man and said, "I'll offer 11!"

The fat man glanced at the man, and said disdainfully, "Arguing with me after adding 15? I'll offer [-]!"

The man in the suit and leather shoes then shouted, "16!"

The fat man stretched out two fingers and said, "20!"

Hearing this, the man in suit and leather shoes touched his wallet again, and snorted coldly: "I didn't bring so much money today, if I did, don't even try to take this thing away!"

The fat man was even more disdainful, and said: "Don't talk if you don't have money, what, what's your bank account number, I'll transfer the money to you."

The farmer shook his head and said, "I, I don't have a mobile phone or a bank card, I just need cash."

"Only cash?" The fat man froze for a moment, touched his bag, took it out and looked at it, the cash was only 13, and there was still a shortfall of [-].

The fat man frowned, thought for a while, and said to the farmer, "Wait for me a moment, and I'll get you money. Don't sell this jade to others."

While talking, the fat man ran directly to Ye Luo and Wu Banxian.

"Quick, take out both of your money, haha, I'm going to miss out today!" The fat man was excited.

Neither Ye Luo nor Wu Banxian moved.

Wu Banxian has set up a street stall for decades, sold fakes all his life, travels all over the world, and has a wide range of knowledge. He can almost spot some tricks at a glance, and just casually said: "Fake."

"What a fake, numb, don't talk nonsense if you don't understand, get the money quickly." The fat man was in a hurry.

"How much money is there?" Ye Luoze narrowed his eyes and asked.

The fat man said directly, "Seventy thousand!"

Ye Luo nodded, then stretched out his hand, and said, "Give me all the cash on your body, and I'll get the jade back for you."

"You have [-] on you?" The fat man was a little surprised.

Ye Luo smiled mysteriously and said, "Don't worry about it, just give me the money, and I'll get the jade back for you."

"Really?" The fat man wondered.

"Of course!" Ye Luo said.

The fat man hesitated for a moment, thought about it, and gave Ye Luo all the 13 cash in his hand, and Ye Luo smiled, and walked towards the farmer holding the jade.

(End of this chapter)

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